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Recorded animation dosent match with the source movement trail

Discussion in 'Timeline' started by fangye_Studio, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. fangye_Studio


    Nov 19, 2012
    hi, guys, I am trying to export the timeline cinemachine virtual camera transform information into Maya for better editing.
    I installed Unity Recorder, created a recorder track in that timeline asset, and set up the recorder clip property like below, I wanted to record the camera transform in every frame


    I successfully baked out the transform data into a new clip when this timeline played in play mode, but when I tried to apply this anim clip on a test cube, the cube movement trail doesn't match with the virtual camera brain transform at all, only the movement timing looks matched, but the position and rotation seem has some offset.


    I also tried a customized script to use Editor.Animation.GameobjectRecorder API, but still get the same, whatever object I tried to record, the output animation clip data just doesn't match the original one in timeline play.

    I am using Unity 2019.4.29f1 , and Recorder package 2.5.7, hope to get your help, thanks a lot.
  2. Gregoryl


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 22, 2016
    You have to record the transform of the main camera, not the virtual camera.