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Realistic FPS Prefab [RELEASED]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Deleted User, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    It's in the Dialogue System Extras page's Misc section. (direct download) It's for Dialogue System version 1.x, so you'll need to run it through the 1x to 2x Updater if you want to play the demo scene. Documentation is here. (Note that this is the DS 1.x documentation. For current DS documentation, use this link.)
  2. Bioman75


    Oct 31, 2014
    So I cant just update the integration? I have to import version 1.x, S-inventory, the integration, then update?
  3. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    No, just import the package. It should work as-is except the example scene. To make the example scene work, run the 1x to 2x updater menu item.
  4. Takahama


    Feb 18, 2014
    Question: Why "Show HP Under Zero" boolean doesn't work on FPSPlayer.cs?
    I have checked HealthText.cs as well and didn't managed to find out the exact reason behind it.
  5. Bioman75


    Oct 31, 2014
    Hmm, I actually had the wrong version of S-inventory. Do you know of any other inventory systems that work well with Dialogue System and RFPS?
  6. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    No, sorry. It might be easier to get the latest version of S-Inventory from the dev if you can, or modify the integration scripts to work with whatever version of S-Inventory you're using, or even switch to assets that aren't deprecated such as UFPS and UIS.
  7. TheChairMaster64


    Aug 9, 2016
    So does anyone know how to fix the characters jump when they are next to a wall. The jump height seems to get nerfed / lowered when the player is near a wall. Is it because friction or is the ridged body getting stuck?
  8. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Sorry, I don't have an answer, but have you tried using a different physics material as a test? Anyway, good luck!
  9. ProBrStalker


    Aug 20, 2017
    Hello guys, today I finally managed to make Photon Bolt work with RFPS 1.44 and 1.45
    You have some corrections to make.
    -Define the third person body as a Proxy for the other identity
    -Movement of the player is not 100% functional
    Anyway, let's get to the subject:

    Start by importing RFPS and Bolt.

    Then delete the assets/bolt/samples folder.

    Bolt Assets
    In the "Bolt Assets" window, create:
    • States:
      • PlayerState - with these properties: (rename existing PlayerState to something like PlayerState2)
        • FPSPlayerTransform (transform)
    • Objects:
      • Player
    • Events
      • DamageEvent - with these properties:
        • Player (entity)
        • ID (integer)
        • Damage (integer)
        • AttackDir (vector)
        • AttackPos (vector)
      • DestroyEvent - with these properties:
        • ID (integer)
      • EquipEvent - with these properties:
        • Player (entity)
        • WeaponNumber (integer)
      • FireEvent - with these properties:
        • Player (entity)
        • WeaponNumber (integer)
        • Direction (vector)
    Then click the green down arrow button, or select Assets > Bolt Engine > Compile Assembly.

    Then you have to make some changes to RFPS scripts.

    RFPS Script Changes

    In WeaponPickup.cs:77 (line 42 in RFPS 1.22, line 38 in RFPS 1.21), add this line:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. Start(); //[TL]
    PickUpItem() method. WeaponPickup sets up some references in Start(), but they're not valid in a networked game. A quick fix was to call Start() again at the beginning of the PickUpItem() method.

    In PlayerWeapons.cs, add this code:
    Line 8:

    Code (CSharp):
    1.     public class SelectedWeaponEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public int weaponNumber; public SelectedWeaponEventArgs(int i) {weaponNumber=i;} } //[TL]
    2.   public event System.EventHandler<SelectedWeaponEventArgs> SelectedWeapon = delegate{}; //[TL]
    This is right after the class name definition.

    Line 506 (line 378 in RFPS 1.22, line 375 in RFPS 1.21):

    Code (CSharp):
    1. SelectedWeapon(this, new SelectedWeaponEventArgs(index)); //[TL]
    This is in the SelectWeapon() method. It adds an event. Whenever the local player equips a weapon, it invokes this event. Other scripts (we'll get to it in a bit) will hook into this event.

    In WeaponBehavior.cs, add this code:
    Line 9 (line 7 in RFPS 1.21-1.22):

    Code (CSharp):
    1.     public class FiredWeaponEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public int weaponNumber; public Vector3 direction; public FiredWeaponEventArgs(int i, Vector3 d) {weaponNumber=i; direction=d;} } //[TL]
    2.     public event System.EventHandler<FiredWeaponEventArgs> FiredWeapon = delegate{}; //[TL]
    3.     public class DamagedTargetEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public GameObject target; public int damage; public Vector3 attackDir; public Vector3 attackPos; public DamagedTargetEventArgs(GameObject t, int d, Vector3 dir, Vector3 pos) {target=t; damage=d; attackDir=dir; attackPos=pos;} } //[TL]
    4.     public event System.EventHandler<DamagedTargetEventArgs> DamagedTarget = delegate{}; //[TL]
    Line 2130 (line 1052 in RFPS 1.22, line 1112 in RFPS 1.21):

    Code (CSharp):
    1.         //[TL]
    2.         if ((hit.collider.GetComponentInParent<BoltEntity>() != null) || (hit.collider.GetComponentInParent<BoltAwareDamageable>() != null))
    3.         {
    4.             DamagedTarget(this, new DamagedTargetEventArgs(hit.collider.gameObject, damage, direction, mainCamTransform.position));
    5.         }
    6.         else
    7.         {
    8.             switch (GetComponent<Collider>().gameObject.layer)
    9.             {
    10.                 case 1://hit object is an object with transparent effects like a window
    11.                 default:
    12.                     break;
    13.             }
    14.         }
    This is in the HitObject() method. At adds multiplayer events (firing a weapon and damaging a target).

    These scripts won't actually compile successfully until you get past the next section.

    More Scripts! (Created By @TonyLi)


    • BoltPlayer.cs: Interfaces between Bolt and RFPS.
    • BoltPlayerCallbacks.cs: Handles player spawning. (NOTE: Currently spawns in random position!)
    • GlobalCallbacks.cs: Handles equip, fire, damage, and destroy events.
    • BoltAwareDamageable.cs: Syncs damage across the network.
    • BoltAwareDestructible.cs: Syncs destruction of local objects across the network.
    • TimedActivate.cs: Simple helper script to activate GameObjects after a delay (to allow the player to spawn first).
    Changes for RFPS 1.44 | 1.45:
    • BoltPlayer.cs:60: Comment out the line with "CameraKick" by adding // to the front.
    • BoltPlayer.cs:80: Comment out the line with "ammoGuiObj".
    Then click Bolt's green down arrow button again.

    Setup Player Prefab
    1. Add !!!FPS Player Main to a scene.
    2. Rename it to Player.
    3. Rename FPS Camera to !!!FPS Camera
    4. Rename FPS Effects to !!!FPS Effects
    5. Rename FPS Player to !!!FPS Player
    6. Rename FPS Weapons to !!!FPS Weapons
    7. Rename Visible Body to !!!Visible Body
    8. Disable the GameObject Visible Body
    9. Add a BoltEntity component.
    10. Create a Resources folder, and drag Player into the Resources folder.
    11. Click the green down arrow button again. This should resolve any red errors in the Player's BoltEntity.
    12. Set the BoltEntity's State to IPlayerState.
    13. Add a BoltPlayer component (from the package linked above).
    14. Remove FPSCamera's WorldRecenter script. (RFPS 1.21-1.22: On !!!FPS Player's WorldRecenter script, untick Remove Prefab Root.)
    15. Add a child GameObject to !!!FPS Player.
      - Name it Proxy. This will be the proxy third-person body for other players.
      - Set Proxy's layer to NPCs.
      - Add a CapsuleCollider and Rigidbody (tick IsKinematic) so the local player can hit it.
      - Assign Proxy to Player's BoltPlayer > Proxy Body field.
    16. Click Apply to update the prefab. Then remove Player from the scene, as well as any other cameras. (If you started with a default new scene, Unity added a generic MainCamera.)
    Setup Objects

    Pickups: You must add a BoltAwareDestructible script to each pickup. Set a unique ID number for each one. When a player picks up a pickup, it sends a DestroyEvent over the network with this ID number. The other clients will find the same pickup and destroy it to keep the world in sync.

    Destructibles: Add a BoltAwareDestructible and a BoltAwareDamageable to destructibles like explosive barrels. This keeps damage (hit points) in sync as well as syncing when the object blows up. Now that I think about it, as confusing as the name is, you probably don't need to add a BoltAwareDestructible. When the destructible takes enough damage on each client (via BoltAwareDamageable) it will destroy itself.

    NPCs: Add a BoltAwareDamageable.

    Third-Person Body
    At the bottom of BoltPlayer.cs, fill in EquipWeaponOnProxy() and FireWeaponOnProxy(). These should play animations, etc. You'll also want to play idle or movement animations based on whether the player is moving or not (you can compare transform.position in Update).

    *All rights are @TonyLi , I just updated the Scripts to the latest version.
    *All scripts are free to use

    // 09-02-2021 // BoltPlayerCallbacks with specific SpawnPoint system:
    How to use:

    1º - Create an empty GameObject called SpawnPoint.
    2º - then create the amount of spawns needed.
    3º -, drag them into the first GameObject, making them children.
    4º - After doing this.
    add the Script to the first GameObject with all the children.
    5º - attach all spawns to it.
    (* Remember to assign the SpawnPoint Layer to all children)

    Youtube Channel:
    Discord: Dev|ProBrStalker#1030 >Start a conversation on the forum before adding me

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
    Bioman75 and TonyLi like this.
  10. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Thanks, @ProBrStalker! Please consider any scripts that I wrote in the above post to be free use open source. ProBrStalker did all the work to get everything updated and working with the latest RFPS and Bolt.
    ProBrStalker likes this.
  11. alimoghaddam79


    Jul 22, 2015
    I don't know what exactly Bolt is it, but I'm trying to make an multiplayer game with this FPS system by Mirror Network and connected to Steamworks. right now, steamwork works fine with FPS and also mirror works perfect but steal haves some bugs but I'll make it right soon. if it did really work finally at all I'll may share you guys the scripts.
    ProBrStalker likes this.
  12. ProBrStalker


    Aug 20, 2017
    I hope you can do that buddy!
    alimoghaddam79 likes this.
  13. genarts


    Nov 30, 2020
    I don't know why RFPS 1.45 doesn't work on my computer.
    There are a lot of errors in the editor when you import.
    I've already tried several versions of Unity - 2017 and 2018 - but the result is the same. This version of RFPS does not work.
    Tell me what to do. Which versions of Unity are working with RFPS 1.45?
    On the computer itself installed dotNet Framework versions 4.6.1 and 4.8 ...

    Attached Files:

  14. Takahama


    Feb 18, 2014
    It works well with 2020 version.
    Just import it to clean project and make sure you imported everything. Only few settings needs tweaking to make it work on Unity 2020
    1.png 2.png
    genarts likes this.
  15. genarts


    Nov 30, 2020
    Thank you, mate!!!
    I'm going to try to do it today!
  16. genarts


    Nov 30, 2020
    Hi, Takahama!
    There is only one import error left, without fixing which RFPS-1.45 scenes do not work.
    What advice would you like?

    Attached Files:

  17. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
  18. genarts


    Nov 30, 2020
    I still have another bug that I don't know how to fix:

    "ArgumentException: Input Button Left is not setup.
    To change the input settings use: Edit -> Project Settings -> Input "

    How to fix it?
  19. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Do that, and define an input named "Button Left".
    genarts likes this.
  20. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    ... :) ... Well, it's telling you exactly how to fix it. This method is also the best for doing inputs in Unity - bind the input code from any script you may have directly (and always) to Unity's InputManager. Than, after you open it - you have a lot better flexibility what to do with input (buttons and axes) entries from there, and you can further re-assign them to anything inside afterwards, rather than just coding the ineffective ".keycode" method in your scripts that limits your player to keyboard buttons only. NEVER use .keycode method for input solutions in Unity, that's why the InputManager exists for, normally accessible via Edit - Project Settings - Input :). GamePad Axes-XBox Controller.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
    JamesArndt and genarts like this.
  21. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Hi all,

    This is probably a stab in the dark...

    In my main shooter project I have the game player take control of a Helicopter at the start of a level and take it for a ride in the level and land it at which time the Helicopter is replaced by the RFPS Player/Camera. This has been in my Game for some years.

    Now I am using Unity 2020.1.0b and have only just noticed that My Helicopter no longer works. I have no control of it any longer and is effectively dead for no obvious reason.

    I dont suppose anyone else that uses RFPS has a Helicopter working in Unity 2020.1.0b or above? and can confirm its working. A long shot I know but I might as well ask :)

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Keep safe and kindest regards.

  22. ProBrStalker


    Aug 20, 2017
    Just place all the objects belonging to the helicopter inside a game object
    after that create an EventSystem for him
    > | GameObject | <
    Child 1>
    Follow / Helicopter Camera
    > HelicopterSystemHorizontal
    > HelicopterSystemVertical ...
    this is how I do it in my game:
    // Sorry for the English, I'm Brazilian ...
  23. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    Hello, Peter, great to see that RFPS community keeps developing - and we should. You'd do a best to save yourself a frustration and get someone from the thread here to just adjust it via TeamViewer directly in your project. It's just about a difference between your previous and new Unity you are using - a few stupid code-line differences. We have choppers, aircraft, hovercraft, boats and what--not, but it's all in 2017 LTS project versions and we are still not changing from 2017 - since the new complicated prefabs management "administration" geek idea in the new Unity versions is not our favored, and we prefer unity's 2017 open prefab editing system much better - 2017 - it still works at least 70% faster when comes to productivity :). RDA-AllYouCanDrive-Dec-2020.JPG
  24. driftkin


    Jul 30, 2020
    Hello everyone,
    I used to work on RFPS when I was working in a company. I loved this asset and made some really good games with this asset. Now I am working on my own and I want to make some more games using RFPS but I am unable to get this asset from unity asset store and I found out that this asset was removed from the asset store. If anyone of could share this asset's latest version with me, I'd be really grateful. I can pay for this asset. If anyone is interested please let me know here ==>
  25. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016

    Thank you all for your help and advice regarding my problem with Helicopter control in Unity 2020 + Versions.

    Of couse since moving to the 2020 Vesrions thats not the only thing that was messed up and I am still finding numerous things "Broken"

    I actually went and purchased another Helicopter controller but I had control issues with that too and gave up on that............

    The good news is I decided I would have to find a fix myself and have now done so by changing my Helicopter prefab structure and then using a different "Camera" controller script I had already in my project and found that to work .

    I am pleased to see you all here still making your games. Keep at it and have a good Christmas and New Year all :)

    I am now back up and running and I am moving on :)

    OZAV likes this.
  26. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    Hello, you should check, and we know that Unity always keeps on the servers permanently the last version of every ("deprecated"), unsupported asset. You should contact them to provide you one version, as on the day when deprecated, and: we are positive they will. Now, back, to our RFPS jets-and-sharks improvements, for today, best for everyone, over the season holidays and - as Peter have said: keep developing everyone. The RFPS movement lives forever. Have you seen the newest TV commercial (and it would be the t-shirts soon, as well) - "We're RFPS Too" and .. "I'm RFPS Too" ... and fan hater member t-shirts "Unity 2020 Sucks" :). RDA-Jet Plane-Fixes.JPG
  27. genarts


    Nov 30, 2020
    Thank you friends!
    Excuse me, but why not include a ready-made management method in the package?
    And why add an alternative version of MinDrawer?
    Not every user will guess to make these changes...
    OZAV likes this.
  28. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    RFPSP is very old, and it hasn't been officially updated in a long time. When it was released, there was no MinDrawer. If you use RFPSP, you should keep this in mind and be prepared to update the code if you're using a newer version of Unity.
    OZAV and genarts like this.
  29. genarts


    Nov 30, 2020
    TonyLi, thanks... ok
  30. SashaNyashaa


    Jul 31, 2015
    (I use translator)
    Hello everyone!
    Why do the hands disappear at a certain angle? Maybe there is some setting? Please help!!!
  31. Takahama


    Feb 18, 2014
    I do not get the error you have with that file. Nor i do know the solution. But you can just delete some of the Image Effect scripts/assets until it works. Then you can just import Unity's up to date Image Effects and use them.
    OZAV likes this.
  32. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    RFPS is a movement of the best among the best, among Unity, even the noobs here are at the top quality and ask the right questions, so it speaks a lot. Now, here is for what Sasha pointed above and we traced thus far about that very problem, and you will hear this summary advice around, a lot:
    // ==========================================
    Try these methods FIRST, prior doing anything else:
    1 Remove Occlusion Culling and see if it gets any better that way, and check how you do occlusion as well
    2 If there are several cameras rendering the scene - try disable all - except the main camera or weapon camera
    3 Disable any custom shaders, if any, and check how they behave once re-added each, regardless - including what Takahama suggests above, as well ...
    4 If nothing above works - try adding Textures and their Materials to Resources folder. (note ye, developers that this is just a debug, you shouldn't use Resources folder unless: there is no other choice)
    5 You could also use a Log Viewer of a kind,!/content/12047
    and then check if there are any errors on target device when running the build.
    6. Another advice from dungeon making dev's is to increase (in project quality settings) the Pixel Light Count, and do that for each quality setting available there.
    We hope it helps, please update everyone here, on any (good) results as well) from these methods, thanks.
    Some helpful references:!/content/12047
    Team OZAV.
    // =======================================
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    leandrovtd likes this.
  33. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Heres wishing you all the very best for Christmas and the New Year..........

    Have a good one all.

    I will be game making all through the holiday period continuing developing my Future City (one of a number of them) which is a Challenge :)

    Best regards to all

    TonyLi likes this.
  34. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    ... Season greetings and our best wishes, to all RFPS community, where ever in the world you might happen to be, everyone. The asset may be unsupported currently by the dev's, but it's supported by the community and - that is the best thing, as we all should :). RDA-FlameTank-Works-05-2020.JPG
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
    TonyLi and Bioman75 like this.
  35. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
  36. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Happy New Year all.

    OZAV and TonyLi like this.
  37. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    Hello our rfps fellows, Azuline and our rfps deakins Tony & Peter. As the RFPS Academy progresses here, for all the members, here is some new RFPS bug we've found today, and we would like to give this workaround today, for the community.
    As we all know, once you add Audio Source to object, by code or via editor, it comes (by Unity negligence) always with playOnAwake ticked to: on. So you need to go to your "!Water Zone Trigger" object of your rfps water in a scene and open it's script "WaterZone" attached to it. (your water trigger there should have audio source attached with it's assigned underwater sound). You now first un-tick 'PlayOnAwake' bool on it's audio source there, and that's the first step. Now, in that same !WaterTrigger obj rfps script, find the code line, roughly at number 118 line position. Change it to be as this: as you see on our image snap for you, here. So now ye developers will not run into that nightmare on your way when developing, and thinking what's wrong with player or your programming, following this action next to re-write that code section to be exactly as the one from our image snap, for you guys here. We also never recommend adding audio sources dynamically by code as the Azuline have mistaken here, in this case, for the note. All done, you should be ok now. So from here - it would not be adding the Audio source with playOnAwake on, multiple times, if one is attached, each time the scene / map reloads. You should also add maxdistHearwater (public) bool in the header, for more common sense when you work with the rfps water zone. Solution by OZAV, Jan, 2021, enjoy everyone, and - keep developing / sharing useful stuff, as we always do :). UnderWaterSoundsOnAwake-RFPS-BugFix.JPG
    Bioman75 and TonyLi like this.
  38. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Hi OZAV,,

    Thanks for that. I had not noticed that was an issue until you have mentioned it so worth looking at and correcting I guess............

    Following on from that.....

    What on earth is the next section "automatically assign sunlight" all about when its at home then? :)........

    Presumably that is telling the system to automatically add a sunlight object light as it sounds like by the description?

    Well if thats the case I dont want or need that at all...

    Personally I use an Environment System Prefab (Lights, Wind Mist, Rain etc) I created where all my levels have both SunLight and MoonlLght objects that are included in my own Night/Day stytem so I can control the Lights individually in each level, turn them on or off as needed or control the Day Night as needed or just disable it and so on.

    As said recently with the version of Unity 2020 I am using I am still constatntly (daily) coming across issues creeping in from somewhere I am having to stop and fix. Currrently relating to Rockets or Missiles used by Player and enemies and my Tank which should explode into pieces when I kill it with a Rocket Launcher Weapon is not desctructing any longer :)

    I am waiting for Unity 2020 LTS version to come out hopefully in the spring and may attempt to port to that and settle down with some stability for a change (big hope there) as at least some of my UMA characters are now showing signs of error too and would like to update UMA :)

    All a bit of a pain in the butt when so much time spent wasted on current (new) issues that have not been seen until recently and hold up progress.

    Ah! and I need a faster computer and some enemies that drop by falling from a drop ship in the sky by parachute next too that aid those that arrive by terestrial troop carrier :)

    Looking at the known issues stated for current latest versions of Unity 2020 looks to me like they are best avoided at present until some of the main known issues are fixed and that does not seem to be happenning from one release to the next at the moment.

    I am not a happy chappie at the moment my game dev being slowed to a snails pace or going backwards in terms of issues that constantly need fixing before I should continue on at the moment. Ah well.....been there before and still at it....

    Happy 2021 Eh!


    OZAV likes this.
  39. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    ... Exactly ... what is really so much fuss, with all that automatic-adding of components all over the Unity. The community ... can live much better without it ... and also without that "new" geek-idea ... prefab-administration ... sabotage, one would suppose, as we - after an overview of how 'useful' it is - we think it should be voted out from Unity (the sooner the better), can someone please setup voting poll on that one, and let us know the link, for community here - so we can all cast it out, thanks ...
  40. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Well Game engines have always not particularly been geared towards the benefit of actual Indie developers (one man bands in particular) and engine developers dont always have the same priorities as indie developers. Its a commercial product and the developers will have that in mind first and foremost.

    In the case of Unity it is not now simply and specifically a game engine designed for mere mortal indies but aimed also at a much wider project scope and developer audience and from a gaming point of view small teams or individual developers carry little weight though the income they provide is most welcome I am sure.....

    Simple is good but as is the case with us small guys we always want something more and better and new features (we need that help our game making easier and not harder) are always helpful but it would be good along the way at least to have stable updates with backwards compatibility and new releases should not be actually released unless all known bugs are all fixed...........

    Of course that requires that someone to test them and find them before they can be fixed and that means us indies amogst others perhaps as Unity as a company have a limited number of "testers" I guess.....

    Even so Unity clearly know of "Known Issues" in releases so why not get on a fix them when found and not let them drag on without resolve for well "Ages" (many releases in a row)....

    For example the latest release :

    Known Issues in 2020.2.1f1
    • Asset Import Pipeline: Prefabs are reimporting every time a code change is made (1294785)

    Why on earth is that still the top in the list of known issues - its been like that for a long time and who amongst the indie community want to use a version of Unity with any such pain in the butt issue existing?

    Not me anyway. We have enough problems updating our projects to new verrsions of Unity without having to contend with a long list of "Known Isues" as bad as that :)

    Dont they know :) I have Five Hundred and Nine Thousand items (Yes over half a million items) in my project folder and growing...

    "Reloading prefabs - Dont need that". Even to start my Unity and open my project in the morning via the Unity Hub (Another good idea in principle feature as it seems to slow Unity down) takes up to 16 minutes then a few minutes for Unity to wake up properly then Unity placing a dialogue box in the middle of the editor in my face hiding the scene while it informs me of every move it is making all day long - a good idea thank you in principle but at the very least its dialogue box should be replaced and the messages placed at the bottom of the Unity screen out of the way yes but one in any case cant actually use Unity while it updates itself and the messages are being displayed anyway. I understand Unity has to work away in the background and it may be unsafe to proceed while its doing its thing though the result is more dev hours wasted.


    Anyway I have fixed my destructible enemy tank and its missile firing issues after a days work as well as some conosle error on to the next issue.

    Again today even more new console error messages appearing and hopefully as is the case they will dissapear by themselves.

    More than Enough said me thinks :)

    Keep the faith! Its what it is.


    OZAV likes this.
  41. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    ... correct, it is terrible each time that, once game engine takes the lot of direction other than community needs focus, (and we hope it's not the way that Unity will end up), as it was the case with too many other engines (now dead in the water) due to the same mistake, (on the top of loss of focus of the easy of use, and so on), which is now very visibly happening to Unity, since 2017 is the last good version of it). And somehow magically "financial side" they planned - has not worked out for so many (now dead in-the-water) engines. In our advice here: what makes successful game engine is healthy and happy community and no other sides or too much financial sides focus. Unity was always about community only and building the community up, actually - not sabotaging them every few months with a few more (teenage-geek-idea) - time-eating but completely useless features, as Peter has noted here, now for Jan 2021 - and almost everyone else as well, with a few other topics earlier. Time will tell, but: we do voice our opinion here, for what it helps, about this recent strange 'direction' with all that, because: we care, and it's not just a statement, not with the members of this forum at least, to be noted - we all do and - we need to keep doing our part. Unity will need to understand that: trying to be too much alike or 'become other engines' - is - not Unity. This is indeed so very simple to understand, is it ... :).
  42. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016

    all said and done dont get me wrong I am grateful for Unity and for RFPS which allow me to make a game of sorts given much hard work and committment where perhaps other things are lacking in my instance as with many other indies.

    i.e. I am a one man band and lack the resouces say a large team of developers might be able to call upon.

    I would be stuck without Unity, RFPS and some of the other Unity assets i have....

    Its unfortunate that in some aspects those things are perhaps not as hepful as they might ideally be for users like us.

    In the case of RFPS for example for me its a really good piece of kit and for me personally is still the best one out there for a variety of reasons given my own project requirements and resources and a pity it died a death as it were....

    This forum too has suffered somewhat too due to its demise when I am grateful for all the user contributions here and the help others have continued to provide to users in this community...

    Thank you all.

    Moving on. Now contemplating the next project task to do so I am considering as mentioned earlier an enemy parachute drop via drop ship though it seems like a difficult task. Not sure if I will go for it as I may be wasting time and money but wont know unless I try to achieve it. Not critical but nice to have.


  43. SickaGames1


    Jan 15, 2018
    I wish RFPS would live on in some fashion. It is to bad the author didn't open source this :(
  44. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Hi Everyone,

    I have completed my tasks of creating my destructible Tank enemy which was a 5 day marathon and also my dropship parachuting paratrooper enemies which was not too difficult. I will try and get some screen shots you can have a look at.....

    I have another couple of things I am considering adding at some time later perhaps that seem to me will be difficult to achieve at this time and I need to do many other things they may have to wait....

    I already have of course, grenade weapon, rocket launcher, mines and lasers....

    What I am thinking of doing would require a method of the player picking up an object (player weapon perhaps) and placing (dropping) it somewhere rather specific on a terrain, a floor or wall specifically so that it can "Later" impart damage to an enemy that collides with an attached trigger....being able to pick up and move more than once would be good too :)

    I understand some of the variaous difficulties involved.....

    i.e. RFPS player by default cannot pick up an object (Say a box and move/place it elsewhere) and cannot pick up a rfps mine or it will explode immediately :) Ideally I need to be able to pick up an object and see it visually and then place it where required in places as above mentioned ready for triggering by an enemy....

    Not an easy task me thinks....

    If anyone has done similar or is aware of any unity assets or other resources that may help with this I would be grateful for any pointers to them....

    I have looked around the web and the unity forums and asset store but have not seen anthing that would easily fit in with RFPS or anthing much at all that would help.

    Thanks for any help or advice...

    I will have a play around with what I have got when I can spare the time. Not sure I can get this one done at all :)

    Kindest Regards

  45. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    @petercoleman - In some respect, you're describing an inventory system, which is a tall order. The Dialogue System for Unity had an integration between RFPS and the old S-Inventory asset. But S-Inventory is deprecated and no longer available.

    If you restrict it so the player can only hold one item at a time, then you don't need to write an entire inventory system. You can write a script that picks up a single item when the player enters its trigger collider and presses an input. If the player is already carrying an item, you'd drop that item and pick up the new one. Make the item (or a related "in hand" prefab) a child of the player so it moves when the player moves. Your player will also need a script that listens for another input which, when pressed, drops the current item in hand.
  46. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Hi TonyLi,

    Thanks very much for that,

    I had seen similar things to that looking around at google and at You Tube and so on.

    Seems it might be doable if I could get such to work with the RFPS player system. I already have a lot of "inputs" some of which I have already added that dont clash with the default ones - like additional key for getting in and out of a vehicle :)

    Anyway I may look around again and have a go at that when I have spare time and not doing more urgent or important stuff. Its not a critical need for my game - just additional feature. :)


  47. alonehuntert


    Oct 12, 2017
    Hello, when I shoot the zombie's head I want your head to be shattered, how can I do that.
  48. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Heres a few screen shots as promised..

    Tank firing/Tank dead/Parachuting paratroopers.


    Attached Files:

  49. Bioman75


    Oct 31, 2014
    Wow I have no idea how I missed something so huge its great that a solution to get RPFS online is shared with the community. It's nice to have one that's on the latest version. I'm tempted to use this but i've never used Bolt whats the difference between that and PUN 2?
  50. Sanses1983


    Jan 18, 2021
    why I can't buy RFPS asset