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Realistic FPS Prefab [RELEASED]

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Deleted User, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. GameMunchers


    Jul 3, 2017
    No the scene does not work correctly but its weird because it works when I put the player inventory scripts assigned to the character, but when the scene is reloaded it doesn't work anymore???

    Dialouge System -
    S - Inventory 1.23
    RFPS - 1.22
    Unity 5.4.1
  2. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

    I am testing with these versions:
    • Dialogue System for Unity 1.7.6
    • S-Inventory 1.23
    • RFPS 1.4
    • Unity 5.6.3
    If you PM me your Asset Store invoice number for the Dialogue System, I can configure your access to the Pixel Crushers customer download site where you can download the latest version 1.x (which is version 1.8.6).

    You can also send a copy of your project to tony (at) I'll be happy to take a look.
  3. Dumad123


    Aug 22, 2013
    Has anyone tried RFPS 1.45 with 2018.3?
  4. llJIMBOBll


    Aug 23, 2014
    Yeah I'm using it with 2018.3, the only thing I can think might cause issues will be post processing, your have to remove it and add the post process v2 stack from package manager.
  5. Weblox


    Apr 11, 2016
    Gratz, nice achievement! I have this on my todo list also, maybe you can share your setup?
  6. NickNovell


    Apr 27, 2017
    Hello and Happy New Year. Everything seems to work nice. I have some questions tho so if you be kind to answer:
    1. Can you explain a bit more about Mover-Gismo / It can move function?
    2. In one of the ropes, when the player arrives at the end, you don't have to press the :f: key to leave the rope. The player falls automatically. How this can be done? I can't understand this.
    3. When you jump from the zip line, you have a health damage. I see your comments about this. But the strange thing is that this is happening ONLY if you go down and not when you are going up. When you are going up, no matter how high you are from the ground, you are getting zero damage. Any solution to this?

    Sorry for my bad Englsih, I hope you understand my questions. Thank you in advance.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  7. halo_of_the_sun


    Sep 17, 2017
    Been some time since I asked this but would it be able to grey out the 'continue' outside of the MainMenu file?
    It's currently text with this code:
    Code (CSharp):
    1.     public void LoadGame ()
    2.     {
    3.         PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.LoadFromSlot(1);
    4.     }

    Attached Files:

  8. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    Hey, Nick, nice to know you got it going, so: MoverGizmo is the actual object that actually moves player around, when he gets parented to it, by the script, but the function ItCanMove is actually setup a as a (yes-no) simple bool, and is only conditioning player state (moving or not moving), and used to control other functions via that bool.

    2 On collision by the any EndSpherre sub object - player should fall off by automatic, if you don't keep EndSpherre too close to the end pole box collider :). Anyways, in any situation when Player does not fall off by automatic, at any EndSpherre object (they are marked in red light as you see) - all you need to do is to press "E", or any button in your Unity's input manager that you can create there and assign under the name "Use" in it.
    3 You have health damage if you jump from a zip line from too high (as per normal RFPS fall damage settings) and this is left from realistic reasons, and I (myself) will not change that, but you can play with that fall damage RFPS function in the FPSPlayer script, where the fall damage is regulated, and add few lines there, in relation to that problem, referencing the ZiplineRfpsScr script, perhaps in the update function, as "if (GetComponent<ZiplineRfpsScr>().CanMove) fall damage not apply, or equals zero, etc :). Or similar ideas to that, to condition fall damage coming from zipline fall. Also - more digging into the script will help you to come up with your own solution by script, which I would like to see people doing around. If I change anything more - it would not be any more [basic] (community) version, which is the main idea here. Glad to see you are already having fun with the asset, try to dig more in the script functions to understand more :).
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
    NickNovell likes this.
  9. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Hi @vincent_lade - Are you using the Save System for RFPS or the Dialogue System for Unity? If you're using the Dialogue System for Unity, are you using the free Menu Framework addon or some other menu code? Are you talking about RFPS's MainMenu script? In any case, you'll want to modify the script to check the value of:
    Code (csharp):
    1. PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.HasSavedGameInSlot(1)
    For example, the Save System's instructions are to modify RFPS's MainMenu.cs with this code for the "Load Game" button:
    Code (csharp):
    1. GUI.enabled = PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.HasSavedGameInSlot(1);
    2. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonH + buttonWidthAmt + buttonSpacing, buttonV + ((buttonHeightAmt + buttonSpacing) * 5), buttonWidthAmt, buttonHeightAmt), "Load Game", mainButtonSyle))
    3. {
    4.     PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.LoadFromSlot(1);
    5.     this.enabled = false;
    6. }
    7. GUI.enabled = true;
  10. halo_of_the_sun


    Sep 17, 2017
    Thanks for getting back to me! I'm using the Save System for RFPS, is there a way to replace:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonH + buttonWidthAmt + buttonSpacing, buttonV + ((buttonHeightAmt + buttonSpacing) * 5), buttonWidthAmt, buttonHeightAmt), "Load Game", mainButtonSyle)
    With the GUI Button "Continue" I've put on the Canvas?
  11. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    If that's a Unity UI button, then this script will probably do it. Add it to your continue button.

    Code (csharp):
    1. using UnityEngine;
    3. public class ContinueButton : MonoBehaviour {
    4.     void OnEnable() {
    5.         GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Button>().interactable = PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.HasSavedGameInSlot(1);
    6.     }
    7. }
    Weblox likes this.
  12. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Hi Weblox,

    Yes. I am sure that there are others that may like to have particle effects added to RFPS weapons and I should do something to help the community here given that I have had a lot of help here myself from other kind people.

    Nice it would be if it was included by default but not much chance of that me thinks :)

    My solution is a workaround but does work, though its not 100% perfect. There is more work that could be done to improve it I am sure, perhaps by someone with more brains than I :)

    You will need to give me a little while to get something put together. I have had to stop for a while while doing other real world things but will have a look as soon as and try and help. Should be something from me here in the next few days so look out for that.


    As promised below is a description of how to set this up.
    Bear in mind that this is for NPC weapon effects only. I have not yet done this with Player weapons or other AI system weapons where necessary as yet so its not relevant to that as far as I am aware and such would undoubtedly differ somewhat.

    Overview. I have attached an in editor screen shot showing the settings I have used there.
    Note : That I am using the NPC Attack Properties settings only for this and of course I have edited that script to expose the necessary public fields that I needed to achieve what was required. Not being a experienced programmer I did not see an easy way of achieving this via another means. Whatever it works for me.

    In the attached screen shot you can see that I have exposed two new fields. Create Object and Parent Object. These two fields instantiate the prefabs at runtime. with the correct position and rotation and play the effect when the NPC weapon is fired. In fact its actually done when the weapon is fired - each time the Muzzle Flash is created.

    The first Create Object field holds a Particle Prefab required to be displayed. It could be any appropriate particle prefab you have suitable for the weapon being used. It can be used for any RFPS NPC weapon as far as I am aware. You will need to adjust most of the settings for both the weapon. e.g. fire rate and the Particle Prefab settings to get the best optimal match and sync. You will have to play about with this for best results.

    The second Parent Object in this case I have set to the actual NPC weapon Muzzle Flash as the parent for the Position and rotation and to insure that the particle effects only plays when the weapon is fired and the Muzzle Flash appears.

    Note : The Particle system does not impart damage here - so the weapon bullet projectile still exists and is fired as normal. Improvements that could possibly be added - might be to remove completely the bullet tracers, though I have adjusted settings so that they are not apparent in this case - and adjustment in RFPS scripts to possibly sync better the fire rate somehow to match a variety of differing particle effects, but attempting these things may cause more difficulty than the worth of it for me at least. One must remember than timing may differ for every game player and perfection is probably not possible. This is an Indie game not a Bungie Game :)

    Now lastly in the settings you will have to use a sound appropriate to the weapon and also adjust that so that it has a specific length, no longer than the time in secs than the fire rate and the particle effect exists in game before the next shot is fired and so too the next display of particles. You cannot loop the particles - that wont work and sync well. This is difficult to do and get right with something like a flamethrower where the flames exist for quite some time and when they stop unless the player is standing still and the NPC is not rotating then the first instance of the Fire will have not completely burned out before the next appears unless you can make enough adjustment which might be possible with enough tweaking. In any case its much like the real world case.

    Note : Now as this is attached to the NPC attack then all RFPS NPC characters that can do so will have the additional Particle function added to them. Thus you will need to fill the new fields with something for all such characters or you will get non critical warnings in the console saying the fields are empty. In my case if I don't want or need a particle effect I would just add a default RFPS Barrel Smoke one for the Particle and again the Muzzle Flash as the Parent which is the same as the defaults.

    Now this may all seem like a lot of work, but easy when you get the hang of it and the benefit is worth it in my case at least as any RFPS NPC weapon can have any effect added. This is not particularly anything special for me as I am adding to my game many other game dynamics and systems too at this stage to take it to another level and I put a lot of time and effort into it having no other choice.

    Code to add to RFPS NPC Attack Script (Please ensure you make a backup of your default script before attempting this)

    At the top of the script just under : private Transform muzzleFlashTransform;

    Add (declare)

    public GameObject createObject;
    public GameObject parentObject;

    Then in : void LateUpdate() section of the script under

    muzzleFlash.enabled = true;
    mFlashState = false;

    but before :


    Your script should look like this (Bold Text - add)

    //Instantiate(createObject, transform.position, transform.rotation);
    createObject = Instantiate(createObject, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
    //createObject.transform.position = parentObject.transform.position;
    createObject.transform.localPosition = parentObject.transform.position;
    createObject.transform.localRotation = parentObject.transform.rotation;

    //createObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(parentObjectRotation);

    In the above please note that the // lines are not needed but if they already exist then you can best // disable them but keep them in case something goes wrong - and don't forget to make your backup of the original NPC attack script before starting doing anything.

    I don't think I have forgotten anything and think that's all :)

    I could attach the whole script here but not sure I am allowed to do so under any copyright.

    I hope that helps

    RFPS Weapon Particle Setup.jpg



    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    Franciscotx56, Mark_01, Locky and 3 others like this.
  13. NickNovell


    Apr 27, 2017
    Hello again, thanks for your answers. As I wrote before in my 3rd question, when you are going up with the zip line and press the "f" or "e" key (doesn't matter), you don't have damage on fall. I want my player to use the RFPS damage.

  14. halo_of_the_sun


    Sep 17, 2017
    Thank you! Always appreciate your help Tony

  15. Weblox


    Apr 11, 2016
    Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain all the steps and changes you made. I already have some AI Models waiting to use their flamethrowers in my Project. I like the script modifications you made to the NPC Attack script to show the effect Prefab and Parent Object.

    That might indeed break the Illusion of a real flamethrowing enemy (with according animations and timed effects), but I will still give it a go and see how it works out. Since I already have Emerald AI integrated in my Project, it might be suitable to wait for their update and see how flamethrowing works then.

    However I am still desperate to get Emerald AI to be used with the RFPS Spawners & Wave Spawning system.

    @TonyLi already shared some advice on how to achieve it with a custom script and I already talked to the Devs on the Forum, when they promised to update the RFPS Integration at some point, but they seem incredibly busy right now with the update, which I am also eagerly awaiting, so I will just wait a bit more... (and/or try to learn some scripting !!) :p

    Thanks again for all your time and effort, keep up the good work.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
    NickNovell likes this.
  16. OZAV


    Aug 9, 2013
    RDA-Zipline & Tank.JPG

    so ... when you go down, and press "E" key, what happens than ? That should be your project-specific code solution by yourself, from there, not everyone else will want the same as you want there, about that part. By a simple extra bool - you can create a condition if RFPS health is used or not at any point of the jump from the zip line. (or by enabling / disabling FPSPlayer script, as well, quickly, so where you need it - it will give fall damage, and when you don't - it will not). The MAIN point you should know is: RFPS will apply fall damage (by default) to Player that is falling DOWN the Y scale only, it seems (not for up currently I think) and by the ratios found in the: FPSPlayer script (for health) and FPSRigidBodyWalker script (for the fall damage ratios, defined in that script).
    *** you can also make it (vector 3) distance based, just change to this, under those script lines as I have here:
    // if ( movingGizmo.transform.position == endSpherre.transform.position ) {
    if ( Vector3.Distance (
    movingGizmo.transform.position, endSpherre.transform.position) <=2) {
    if ( playerRfps!=null ) {
    GetComponent<Collider>().isTrigger = false;
    playerRfps.transform.Translate(0.0f,-Time.deltaTime,0.0f );
    playerRfps.transform.parent = null;
    playerRfps.GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
    itCanMove = false;
    slidingMoverTime = 0.0f;
    playerRfps = null;
    Invoke ("controlSystemReset", 1.0f);
    Debug.Log( "Mover transform position = End ..." );
    if (itCanMove) { ... etc ...
    *btw I hate coding anything usable by "F" key, I always prefer "E", and - via Unity's Input Manager script binding is always possible to re-assign it there - to any other key or axe you want later " :)*
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
  17. jons190


    Sep 13, 2016
    Hey Tony li! I am in the process of linking up all my scenes with the save system. I need my scene "exit" to have a fade out when it hits a scene portal and transitions into the next scene (the RPFS default fade in worlks great for this, but I need a fade out to make it all a little more seamless..

    So , I just discovered the "standard scene transition manger" which looks like it has exactly what I need, but is this a unity thing or a pixel crushers component? I can't seem to find any docs on the google on it and how best to run it. Zoiks!
  18. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Hi @jons190 - It's a Pixel Crushers Save System component. Typically you'll use it to fade a black canvas in and out, although you can also configure it to load an intermediate loading scene. I've attached the SceneFaderCanvas from the Dialogue System, which uses the same base Save System. Add it as a child of your Save System GameObject, and configure it like this:


    Attached Files:

    jons190 likes this.
  19. GameMunchers


    Jul 3, 2017
    no no try version 1.22 for rfps
  20. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Can you send a copy of your project to tony (at)
  21. philc_uk


    Jun 17, 2015
    Hi Azuline Studios,
    What steps would I need to take to turn the thirdperson into a ragdoll - so far I can make the Pilot go into a ragdoll mode, but creating aragdoll through the normal unity way, and disabling it (iskinematic true and colliders disabled) then to enable the ragdoll, reverse that and disable the animator - which mostly works, however there is alot of code that relies of the charater to be where it normally is, so moving the camera about and walking messes everything up, so more disabling when in ragdoll mode is required, but - theres alot of code, and scripts, and pointers to which ones and what would make it work a bit better? Also getting back to normal animator mode would be useful too - Thanks!
  22. halo_of_the_sun


    Sep 17, 2017
    Playing with a bit, what would be a good why to Activate a GameObject on the OnGUI segment? (adding some custom text about Controls when hitting Esc and bringing up the Main Menu)
  23. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    You could add another GUI.Button that toggles the active state of a GameObject, like:
    Code (csharp):
    1. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonH + buttonWidthAmt + buttonSpacing, buttonV + ((buttonHeightAmt + buttonSpacing) * 5), buttonWidthAmt, buttonHeightAmt), "Free Aim Zooming", toggleButtonStyle3)){      
    2.     helpObject.SetActive(!helpObject.activeSelf);
    3. }
    Then define helpObject near the top of your script:
    Code (csharp):
    1. public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour {
    2.     public GameObject helpObject;
    This GameObject can be a Canvas in your scene that contains text, images, etc. Assign it in the inspector. After assigning it, set it inactive.
  24. jons190


    Sep 13, 2016
    He all. Say does anyone know where the blood effects for the NPS are called inteh scripts? I would like to add a different type of blood splatter to my monsters as well as keep the original blood effect (people are complaining that they don't like the blood splatter on my skeleton NPC's so I want to swap that out in some bone dust type blood) but am not sure where that call is in t he scripts. I've gone through the NPC damage script and the AI script but not sure I found what I was looking for.

    Below you can see the issue. It doesn't bother me at all, but I have heard from three people now they don't like the blood coming off the skeleton.
  25. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    It's on FPS Weapons. The component is named Weapon Effects. Try changing your skeleton's Tag to Wood. This way it will play the hitting wood effect instead of the hitting flesh effect.
  26. jons190


    Sep 13, 2016
    Hey Tony….Well, like always you are spot on. This did the trick indeed. Although I could have sworn I tried this already and it did NOT work…
    What I think I did the first time, was just change the top most tag on the NPC and did not change it on all sub components down the Hierarchy stack. But I just changed the tag on all sub components on my skeleton NPC over to “stone” and yup. That did the trick. Now it looks like you are hacking away bone instead of blood. Which seems to make itmMuch more immersive in VR….

    However, I think I am noticing some sort of FPS glitch that comes and goes with this tag technique (I think I saw this last time a few weeks back when I tried to change only the top most tag on my NPC ) sometimes I’ll hit play in the editor and get a jerky 100 FPS…. And then sometimes (about 75% of the time) I hit play in the editor and get a smooth 375 to 400 fps…. Knowing the code they way you do, do you think it’s possible that there is a “tag mis match “going on somewhere in the code that causes the code logic to fight its self somehow, that could cause this? Cheers

  27. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Hi @jons190 - No clue. I don't see anything in the code that would cause this. It only checks the tag on the collider(s) that were hit. Does it only happen the first time you hit something that uses a specific particle effect? Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window / output log?
  28. Michael2D


    Mar 5, 2014
    Hello. Please i need your help here because the Dev is not responding....
    I need help with issues in RFPSP.

    First issue is that the player footsteps are not playing if the player runs down from hill in terrain system. Any help to fix?

    Second issue. I have no idea why. But guns in my kinda bigger project world with many stitched terrains are moving from the made possition... E.g. when Iam standing the gun is slowly moving without my help to right....
    Any solution for this?

    And the last.
    This one is really bad and important.
    So I have my player fully working. I have bought dialogue system so I used player from their scene.
    And now it's peacefully and properly working in my boot camp map. But now I need same player prefab in different map./scene. When I put the player to the different scene and click play button. The legs fell down bit under the ground and only moving them when I click WASD and I also get many errors without any reason... Even tho it worked in the boot camp map. I have some photos of it so please check it out.
    PS. The problem with player is now happening in every map. Except boot camp what am I missing.
    If someone need more info. Photos. Codes. Please tell me.

    Thank you

    Attached Files:

  29. Mario167100


    Jul 25, 2016
    One question.
    I recently got the idea to add vehicles in my game. How would accomplish this while using RFPS?
  30. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    I just saw that Realistic FPS Prefab is now deprecated, so the dev is no longer supporting it.

    Thanks for buying the Dialogue System! Try this:

    1. Back up your project.
    2. Open your boot camp map.
    3. In your boot camp map, save the player prefab (FPS Main) as a new prefab in your project.
    4. Open another scene.
    5. Remove the FPS Main from the scene, and put the new prefab in the scene instead.

    BTW, an easier way to take a screenshot is to press Alt+PrintScreen. This will copy the current window into the clipboard. Then you can paste it into a forum reply.

    Since RFPS is deprecated, you might consider switching to a different controller asset that has vehicle support. However, if you continue with RFPS, this will require a little bit of scripting. Use the MovePlayerAndCamera script to free up the player and camera so a vehicle controller can take control.
  31. Weblox


    Apr 11, 2016
    That is so sad ! I seen it coming, but I always hoped you would take over RFPS Project once Azuline deprecates it... :(
  32. Michael2D


    Mar 5, 2014
    Yeah I know I just took a photo cause I needed to rush to work so then I just send this from phone.

    Anyway... Does it mean... should I switch to UFPS or other Controller? Anyone recommends something with same potential as RFPSP?

    Edit. Is there a way. TonyLi. You would contact developer so then you would continue working on the project but it would be under your company??
    I mean of course if you would want it. Because you are just Helping here so much. And you probably have really big knowledge about RFPSP.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2019
  33. Michael2D


    Mar 5, 2014

    So Iam home now and I did what you said.
    Saved the player to prefab. I uploaded it to my new scene.
    Does not matter what scene it is. Its always doing this. It seems like all Update things are kinda broken... But In the boot camp it works amazing, so I dont know what is wrong..
    I made the print screen as you wanted...
  34. Mario167100


    Jul 25, 2016
    He deprecated it! Oh man!
  35. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    In your other scenes, make sure this GameObject is tagged MainCamera: FPS Main > FPS Camera > Main Camera.

    Then make sure you don't have another camera in the scene that is tagged MainCamera.

    Since you're using the Dialogue System, if you want to send a copy of your project to tony (at) I can take a look.

    Here is Azuline Studios' blog post about deprecating RFPSP: RFPSP News Update. They may un-deprecate it in the future, so I don't think they'll want to hand it off to anyone else. My hands are full with the Dialogue System, Quest Machine, Love/Hate, and other assets anyway. If you're looking for alternatives, I find Opsive's character controller assets to be very well designed and engineered, and they're renowned for their responsive support. The Dialogue System and Quest Machine have integration with Opsive's controllers, and a Save System for Opsive Controllers is in the works. It works the same as the Save System for RFPSP.
    Mark_01 and Weblox like this.
  36. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    BTW, the Save System for Realistic FPS Prefab just updated to version 1.1.1. It's a minor update. You can get it on the Asset Store.
  37. Michael2D


    Mar 5, 2014
    Thank you for reply.

    Iam still trying to achieve it but even tho No camera is in the scene and the player is just standing on 1 terrain which is completely empty.
    It still gives me error.

    And I fixed one but now its all about UI but my UI is completely ok... I checked it 5 times.

    Yes I was planning about buying this package cause it seems to be great but now. When the RFPSP support is going to die even here cause the pack is down.. Its gonna be hard.
    Editing small bit of code from rfpsp is ok but deeper ones needs to be sometimes discussed with developer or someone with High knowledge of RFPSP.

    The Opsive is nice but not that nice as RFPSP.

    I have tried the old UFPS and its not what Iam looking for. The Project and settings are easier there but its not changing the fact that RFPSP is well scripped project. Which is even better.
  38. Emerald_Eel_Entertainment


    Mar 30, 2016
    It's a shame it became deprecated. It was a solid FPS prefab. I suppose it was inevitable, given the lack of support. What does this mean for people who bought the asset? And what about people who wanted to buy it?
  39. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    For people who already bought it, it's still downloadable. It just won't have new updates. For other people, fortunately there are other good options on the Asset Store.
  40. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    "I just saw that Realistic FPS Prefab is now deprecated, so the dev is no longer supporting it."

    Ah. Two and a Half years of hard work and life effort to consider what to do with? Killed my project dev dead really.

    Porting to somethings else would be likely to be about another two and a half years for me as I have a lot of other stuff integrated with it and a lot of personalised stuff added which relies on RFPS and the other integrated assets all working together. That would be just to get to where I am again right now before moving forward :) No joke that is it.

    I don't see a best option alternative anywhere or I would have already switched to it as most here will know.

    Like many I am no programming expert so alternatives that require that are not really options (potentially adds more years of work).

    The cost of alternatives would also be prohibitive in consideration of what they offer which I personally see as less suitable and productive than RFPS as a base framework to work with and add to and expand its possibilities to provide what I need.

    At the moment I don't see an alternative to continuing with the current RFPS and hope Unity does not kill it but that's unlikely unless one never updates Unity or any other integrated asset.

    Could have seen it coming is True...

    Seen this happen before and one always finds it difficult to understand why devs of such software behave in such a manner and apart from anything else never even give their users much warning at all so they could then give consideration and prepare themselves for what it means to them which in some cases can be a great (big) deal.

    Just when I had got to a stage where I had everything in place to start at the start of my game and move through it to work on updating everything to a workable and functional game. That itself would have taken me a couple of years. Time for long contemplation and retirement perhaps :)

    Its a bad show when it happens like that but that's life I guess.

    Not sure what now happens with this forum but I guess it will disappear too unfortunately.....

    If so then I wish everyone all the best and you will all find some way ahead.

    I would like to thank everyone for the help and support they have given me and if at will do what I can to ensure that effort they made has not been wasted.....

    Just right now I have no idea if I try and continue on or just bin everything.

    Happy 2019 :)
    Mark_01 likes this.
  41. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    @petercoleman - At some point, every project locks in the versions of Unity and assets so the devs can finish the game without new updates constantly breaking things. Now might just be the time to lock in versions for your project.
    Weblox likes this.
  42. GWStudio


    Sep 27, 2016
  43. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Hi! There isn't a specific integration package for it, but Quest Machine, the Dialogue System for Unity, and Love/Hate are all designed to make it relatively easy to integrate with other assets. Feel free to try the evaluation version. If you have any questions about integration, post here or on the Quest Machine thread.
    GWStudio likes this.
  44. petercoleman


    Feb 21, 2016
    Hi TonyLi,

    I am locked as any other option is not one :)

    I was about to shortly buy some more assets to continue on when I found out about this today. There are still things I need to get to add even as is that could be described as not absolutely essential to make a game but essential to meet with what I want the game to achieve for the end user based on what I would want as a bottom line so they have to be added or I will never progress to any kind of release if I ever get to developing to that stage anyway.

    I may be dead myself before then :)

    I need a lot more characters as "Talkers" mainly throughout the games varied differing environments so they need to have various suitable clothing, weapons and so on. Not so easy to get hold of at reasonable cost so I have been kind of held up for a while and took the time to complete most of my needed dynamic systems which are now sorted though not utilised yet :)

    Hopefully I will get on once I can get away from some real life stuff I have had to contend with too recently getting in the way. Last month - little progress - this month hopefully some!

    Anyway Thanks for all of your help.

  45. TheMessyCoder


    Feb 13, 2017
    sorry but this rubs me up the wrong way, should have deprecated it a long time ago.

    Did they deprecated it themselves? well they get a small amount of credit for eventually doing that unlike some devs that keep their unsupported asset on the stores. but to be honest Unity should have taken this off the shelf a long time ago.

    I am not taking anything away from the asset, i loved it. and devs are humans and have their problems and life issues that means sometimes they cannot always be available.

    but thats not a get out of jail free card.
    Mark_01 likes this.
  46. Emerald_Eel_Entertainment


    Mar 30, 2016
    Yeah, I'm interested in hearing about alternatives too.
  47. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    I often recommend Opsive's controllers. RFPSP has lots of features and good gameplay feel, but under the hood the code is a bit scary to look at as a programmer. Opsive is run by a professional software engineer; the code is very well designed and much easier to extend with your own custom features. UFPS version 2 is a complete redesign over the original. It also has smart AI if you use Behavior Designer.

    ootii's Motion Controller is another popular choice with good community support.

    They're both pricier than RFPSP was, but if you factor in all the hours of headaches you'll avoid not having to fight with issues, you can make up the difference working for a few hours flipping burgers or something.

    Unity also has a nice-looking FPS Sample, but it's still being developed, and I don't how much support you can find for it.

    Just my opinions, trying to offer some options for folks who are looking for replacements for RFPSP.
    C_Occlusion and Baraff like this.
  48. Paul-Swanson


    Jan 22, 2014
    Just DONT go with ufps or ufps 2 his code is absolute crap and a nightmare to work with. Once they got bought by opsive it went down hill extremely fast since all he wanted was to release a new product with nil competition. Ufps2 is also far far more expensive than it's worth. Example while he was working on ufps 2, ufps 1 hadhad multi system breaking bugs had been discovered rather than fix and push a path he just expected you to sift thru the forum for the user provided fix. He wouldnt even Sticky the post...if that's his behavior when he hasn't even released the sequel then I can't even imagine it after.
    OZAV likes this.
  49. opsive


    Mar 15, 2010
    (UFPS developer here)

    I'm disappointed that RFPS was deprecated as it was our closest competitor and competition is always a good thing. Anyway I don't want to keep posting in the RPFS thread about UFPS so if you have any questions feel free to use the Ultimate Character Controller thread.

    I'm actually really surprised to hear that - for version 2 we went to great lengths specifically to make it extensible. You have the ability system which allows you to add new functionality without touching any of the scripts within UFPS. Beyond abilities you also have Item Abilities, View Types, and Effects that you can also easily extend. Every method is commented, no runtime garbage allocation, abstract base classes and interfaces so you can implement your own logic, etc.

    The goal of version 2 was to combine the best parts from UFPS and our existing asset, the Third Person Controller, into one asset. We spent 2 years developing this solution so it wasn't a "hurry up and release version 2" type of situation. During that time both UFPS and TPC continued to receive updates.

    I don't remember your specific case but UFPS received a few updates with bug fixes while we were developing version 2. Version 1 even received an update in December after UFPS 2 was released which added support for Unity 2018.3.

    If you're referring to the PUN addon pack then yes, for that I did point people to the threads because I didn't have enough of an understanding of that addon in order to fix things properly. I also offered refunds to people who couldn't get the PUN addon working specifically because of any bugs that I couldn't fix.

    Anyway if you read the reviews for any of our assets you'll see that our products are well supported and overall I've received really good feedback about version 2. If you have any more questions about UFPS 2 feel free to post within the UCC thread.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2019
  50. 99thmonkey


    Aug 10, 2012
    I've only used Opsive's Third Person Controller so far, and I've found it easy to use. Once I get the First Person piece, I can let you know what I think (feel free to PM me @Paul-Swanson ).
    TheMessyCoder and opsive like this.