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Random Dungeon Generator

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Digital-Forest, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hey eyehawk,

    The big rooms are just "normal" randomly generated area's. We added features like the elevators. Those can also be integrated in any templates you might want to design, but we also use them for our normal path that connects the dungeon. Btw, we are looking into the loading screen to see if we can have a standalone version of it as well.

    And Nuverian,
    Currently you can use templates and assign an exit point next to the entry point of a template, effectively making the path loop back on itself. But if you have a very twisty corridor setup the path can and usually will loop back on itself making for a very complicated dungeon. If you add a lot of crossings in the setup wishlist it also makes for a very complicated dungeon usually. Add to this the fact you can have multiple zones connect to the same base zone you can also have a dungeon where you can create "dead-ends" consisting of complete zones. For example have zone 2 and zone 3 connect to zone 1, but then have zone 4 connect to zone 2, whatever you decide. the dungeon will try to connect the zones then using end-points generated during the zone buildups. Sometimes it wont fit and it will then switch to a backup location to prevent unnecessary lockups of the generation process.

    That's it for now, as you can see we have the base style pretty much finished. I'm reworking a bit of early scripts we used, as we had some issues with the generator freezing sometimes during the path generation part. This should be done about tomorrow and then we can start on finishing up and starting the documentation. Not 100% sure we finish it this week, but we should be very close.

    more to come
  2. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    We are finishing up some things. added a few new features that were bugging us. so we are running a little late, but we have 7 issues left and they are all some small things like cleanup and adding some more bullets to the progress bar. And still, the documentation :)
  3. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Ok, we are starting our documentation ... will try and upload our feature list here as soon as we agree on all the things we think should be in it. It got a bit bigger then we originally expected when we started this version 2 of our dungeon generator. hope we don't find new things to change in our scripts and that we have clear sailing till the finish.
  4. Archania


    Aug 27, 2010
    Looking forward to it.
  5. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Feature list random dungeon generator 2.0:

    Full 3D environment

    Clear path from Starting-point to End-point
    • Zones
    Option to generate multiple zones woven together and depending on locked or unlocked settings connected by doors. Locked zones will drop a key in any previous zones to grant access.

    Each zone can have its own style.

    Each zone can have different values for amount of objects and inlays used.

    You can choose which zone is connected to what other zone.

    Use “randomize” to generate a random setup for a zone.

    Load and save your favorite setup to reuse in different combinations.
    • Style system
    Easy to add a new style to the generator, copy the folder layout into the resource folder and the generator will recognize it as a new style.

    Add models as you go. The generator will always generate a closed dungeon using generic planes for walls, ceilings and floors. Even if the style folders are all empty! Adding models to the resource folder to slowly buildup your own style.
    • Building blocks
    You can make a wish list of building blocks a zone is buildup from. Including: straight corridors, corners, crossings, rooms, staircases, templates and end-room templates.

    Multiple choices to have better control over the building blocks. For example: length of corridors, width, length and height of rooms but also the main corridor direction at crossings.

    You can use and select any templates (staircases, rooms and endrooms) you have in the folder or have the generator choose any one random when generating.
    • Inlay system
    We use an Inlay system to flesh out the dungeon, calculating things like bridges, support pillars. But also by using direction of the parts we are able to add pathways and wall segments for walls connected to floors or ceilings.

    Inlays currently available: Open bridges, closed bridges (when crossing a locked zone), Pillars, Corridor directional parts (straight, corners, dead-ends, T-crossings, X-crossings), Midpoints for rooms both floor and ceilings, Wall inlays for rooms to round them off, floor-path tiles for rooms, door models, windows, railings.

    Easy setup: Inlays will be built if there is a corresponding model in the resource folder. No setup/scripts required. Just make sure the model is centered on the middle of the part its build on and the generator will do the rest
    • Objects
    Two types of objects: Small objects that fit within a single part, Advanced objects fitting in multiple parts.

    Small objects can be placed anywhere using object placers. Randomizing options by selecting multiple objects for each object placer.

    Advanced objects can be placed using a special build-tool in which you can select the requirements for the object. These objects can be anything from support beams to piles of boxes or constructions like prison cells.
    • Build tools
    To help with setting up the different building blocks we have generated some build tools.

    Build tool for templates: With this tool you can setup templates to be used by the generator. Easy setup of amount of parts used by the template, where the entry and exits are, what connections it has with the surrounding dungeon (force walls, floors where needed or leave them open if you want the template to fit in the rest of the generator) and of course what 3d model to use in the template.

    Build tool for Advanced objects: With this tool you can setup advanced objects so they fit where you want them too. You can assign how many parts it fits in, and if those parts have required walls/floors/ceilings where the objects can be attached etc.

    Build tool for Doors: Used to determine how the door opens, how many moving parts there are, but also to add sound effects and delays.

    Build tool for elevators: Used to setup the trigger locations to call the elevator and to add the model and moving parts. Also to add sound effects to the elevator setup

    Build tool for teleporters: Used to setup a teleporter, how much distance it travels, charge up time and sound effects.

    All build tools come with a preview button to see the end result of the setup before using it in the generator.
  6. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hey people ! Unity accepted our new version and its live !
    Good luck with using this new version for even better 3D Levels for your games. If you are having issues or questions or anything, let us know. If you enjoy it, don't forget to let the community know by voting and replaying on the asset store page please.

    We are hard at work making some tutorial video's to share with you all to help you learn how to use the new generator. Although we do believe it should be a lot easier to get a grip on then the old version and we did our best to document the things you need to know in our documentation.

    Also looking forward to seeing screenshots of your own styles if you have them integrated in the generator, very interested to see what things other people come up with using our tool.

    Enjoy !
  7. Archania


    Aug 27, 2010
    Awesome! Can't wait to get playing with it! Thanks very much for the very nice update!
  8. Aiursrage2k


    Nov 1, 2009
    Wow sounds great
  9. Digital-Forest


    Dec 27, 2012
    We're busy adding video tutorials, find them here: tutorials
    There will be more tutorials in the near future!
  10. Eyehawk


    Dec 24, 2012
    YES!!!! I have been eagerly awaiting this - nice work team :)
  11. Digital-Forest


    Dec 27, 2012
    For the people who have to new version: The mouse disappears when you press play in that version, that's due to a line in the dungeonbuilder script.
    If you want your mouse back on play, open that script en remove the void Update{ } part.
    you will see the mousehide code in there.
    I will send a new version to the store, so this will not be a problem in future.
  12. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hey people, anyone using a mac having issues with the generator? We have an user with a crash using Mac, want to see if more people experience this. Tnks for letting us know.

    Vili juric, if you read this, could you send me or vincent an email: I can be reached at
  13. Digital-Forest


    Dec 27, 2012
    Hi guys,
    There is now a video tutorial on how to create a 'Template Placer' in the Dungeon Generator so that you can create your own rooms staircases and much more as a part of the dungeon!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  14. Digital-Forest


    Dec 27, 2012
    We encountered a crash when trying to generate a dungeon on the Mac. This has to do with a different way of dealing with memory cleaning. If you're using a Mac and want to be able to generate a dungeon you sould do the following:
    look up the 2 scripts called 'DestroyObject_bigChance' and 'DestroyObject_smallChance' and open them. replace all the 'DestroyImmediate' with 'Destroy' (2 times per script)
    Do not change anything if you're working on a PC, this change of code will not work for the PC!

    This should solve the problem for Mac users.

    We will try and fix this as soon as possible an send a new version to the store for download.
  15. CreatorOfThings


    Jul 31, 2012
    Is there any chance the price will be discounted at some point or it will go on sale?

    Thanks :)
  16. TMPxyz


    Jul 20, 2012
    This looks much better, also more complex, than the daedalus RDG.
    But I still have some questions before I take it.

    I kind of want to use this to make a non-dungeon scene, like grassland or forest land.

    1. I want to use rivers, cliff, trees to replace walls. Is that possible?
    2. As it's grassland, I need to ensure there's no ceiling, no pillar, no door ( zone and 'room' are needed, some high place and elevator are needed too), can I prevent specified parts be generated?
  17. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hi TMPxyz,

    You can tweak the models a bit to "fake" being in the open. For example you can have your room roofs in the open world style just be placeholders, making it possible to look up. Setting up very big rooms and a lot of them will then make it possible to look up into the sky, If you then use a nice texture for your walls that look like the edge of a forest or something like this you could make it look relatively open. But in all honesty, i would not recommend it for really open scenes. More for intermittent small zone parts where you "sniff" the open a little before going back into the actual dungeon. I did play around with the idea myself a bit, and the generator really is suited more for closed in spaces. I might need some open scenes for the game I'm developing myself, so stay tuned for a mayor update towards this functionality, but if you really want it fast you will probably have to come up with a smart way to use our generator.

    An idea might be to have the scene where you generate your dungeon have a big plane already and build on top of this. But again, it will need you to add some features to our current generator.

    Hope this helps, if you want we can get in touch and i could show you some of the options i mentioned and you can get a better idea how our tool can be used for your ideas. Email me at

    Good luck !
    (and i would say our biggest differences with Deadalus are that we have a full 3D approach to our generation process, using gridbased parts that place walls and objects directly related to the parts around them, making rooms with bridges, stairs, railings and windows possible, but that's just my observation of Deadalus, as i have not used the tool)
  18. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    The current price is already not high in comparison of the amount of work that went into the project. I needed a tool to generate random dungeons myself and the initial setup of the generator just charmed me and Vincent into making a full tool for the Unity store for others to use. Making it friendly enough for others to use and change and add content for really took a bit of time and then with the second version for zone's with locked doors and such we again spend almost as much time as we used for the first version. We enjoyed it though and it actually taught me a lot about programming with Unity, so i don't see it as wasted time, but to really drop the price, I'm sorry, but for us to have some use out of selling it online, this is the price :)

    But, we are planning some additional assets around the tool that add additional styles for the generator to use. You can see more about it in this forum thread, high tech scifi and a Aztek ruins style. When these are released we might discount the generator or package them all together for a nice price ;) But that will still take a while as we are currently hard at work again with our own projects and currently have the scifi version planned towards the end of august.

    Hope this gives some more background info and pricing decisions.

  19. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hi all, it came to our attention that we have a little bug left for our feature to have players drag and drop their own player prefab into the generator. There is an easy fix for this and we are looking into updating the version on the store. Seeing that this can take some time as Unity always does a very detailed review of submitted assets, here is a fix for the main script

    In the "Dungeonbuilder" script, in the small function "CollectCreationTools" (line 293) you can write this IF statement around the player load.

    If (player == null){
    >player load stuff

    Then if you actually changed the player prefab used in the Dungeon generator options it will actually use that player instead of always loading our default one.

    Good luck with using our Tool and have fun (and thanks Brave Zebra's for pointing this bug out)

  20. TMPxyz


    Jul 20, 2012
    Hi, D4Games,

    Basically, I need this generator to quickly create a bunch of pre-defined open battle fields and generate from seeds in runtime. The map size should not be very big, and no need for steaming either.

    I don't need a terrain with variant height, several flat layers should do. In most time I need only one layer.

    I think I could attach some low-poly mountain or forest models on the layer1's walls, might need some special treatment for upper layers though.

    I could put a big plane at bottom to fake water, and take out some walls in the midst of the field to make the water visible.

    As I want to gen the field in runtime, I cannot bake occlusion beforehand, so I kind of worry about the drawcall, might need some custom post-processing of batching I guess.

    Anyway, I will take it. I think you guys are doing a great job.

  21. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Shutting up ...

    But, your question/idea about the walls might be relatively easy to add. We didn't had time to put it in, but what we wanted to add is an option to have the generator look at the parts in the room and be able to place a texture based on the height to floor level. If you then have every room force floors the texturing will stack nicely from floor level to ceiling level. If you are not interested in height variance, this can generate your planes with fitting textures along the edges of the "room". Currently we have maximized the size of rooms, but that's just a number in the editor, also easy to increase for bigger planes. If you need any help with this, let me know.

    And tnks ;)

  22. TMPxyz


    Jul 20, 2012
    Got it.
    I'll play with it for a while, and later if I wanna make some customizations, I'll contact with you guys first.
  23. InsaneGoblin


    Jun 2, 2013
    Rephrasing for non-coders:

    Find and open "DungeonBuilder,cs", go to line 293 and replace a bunch of text:


  24. TMPxyz


    Jul 20, 2012
    Hi, I've several questions here.

    1. Advanced Object attaching position

    I put an advanced object attached to the "East wall", but it seems it attached to not only the east walls.
    Well it's good for me, I don't need to make 4 versions for N/E/S/W.

    ( it seems N/E/S/W walls all have this attached )

    2. the advanced object will override the wall and ceiling prefabs ?
    I have already put empty gameobject in ceiling and wall directories to replace the "Generic Plane".
    but the "part" having advanced object seems ignore the prefabs, and revert to "GenericPlane".
    Is this expected behavior?

    3. removed the ceiling and walls with empty prefabs,
    But there're some "lips" remaining. Are there some options removing them?

    4. Is the corridor never suitable for advanced object?
    I have seen that the corridor part never having an advanced object, is this expected behavior?

    Hope to hear from you guys :)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
  25. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hi TMPxyz, I think maybe we can organize a little skype session in which i can help you with the last issues and maybe explain a little how certain parts could be changed to "act" more like you wish them to.

    Using advanced objects are only good for rooms, as corridors can never be that big that an advanced object wouldn't interrupt the clear way from point a to b, hence we only use them in rooms. But what you could do is actually make different walls in the corresponding folders with some different rocks against them and the generator will use these randomly.

    The current advanced object will be turned depending on where the wall is, as will all advanced objects.

    About the lips, these we introduced to reduce the amount of planes the generator generates, but in your case they need to go. to do this you either have to turn off a piece of code or change your models and put "empty" lips in the folder. Either way, to make sure the dungeon stays closed without lips you will have make sure that all walls have them build in, meaning changing the models. Seeing that you are already working on that, this shouldn't be too much work.

    If you like we can setup that Skype call, email me if you are interested and i can help you get a little better idea what models you can change/use to make your open dungeon work a little more interesting.

  26. TMPxyz


    Jul 20, 2012
    Hi, D4Games, thanks for your reply,

    I've been playing with RDG since yesterday.
    For now, I've removed all the advanced objects and uses wall prefabs all over.
    It looks better from far place. the floor needs some special material to reduce tiling effect though.

    I have several new questions here. I know a few of them might not conform your original design, so I just want to hear your pro advice, and if have to, hope to get some instructions to get me started to do some customization.

    Okay, here we go.

    1. Corners.
    Corners doesn't show very pleasing effect as trees are not completely closed up like walls.

    The inner corner made a rift

    The outer corner shows a overlap ( that's why I cannot add hills prefab in walls, it would look bizarre if hills overlap trees )

    I have tried with inlay, but every part having an inlay will automatically create a generic plane, no idea why.

    2. Could I .... make corridor 2-parts wide?

    when in play mode, I felt that the corridor is kind of narrow, especially between high trees.
    So, I want to know if it's possible to make it, like 2-parts wide.
    (This is not very important, but if it can be done with minor change, you could tell me where to change)

    3. multiple-part walls and multiple-part floor

    Yeah, indeed, I don't really need advanced objects, I just want to make some bigger walls, like a hills taking 3 parts long, etc.
    but advanced objects will ignore my wall prefab and create a generic plane for them, also they usually leave a blank part at the corner, so for now I decide to avoid them.

    I know you have a 3x3 midpoint. So I want to use something alike in concept, (although I know the things looking alike usually differ greatly).
    I kind of want to make some wall parts that take up more than one part, for hills or waterfall, etc.
    also, it would be great if I can make some custom size( like 1x2, 2x2 ) floor to make terrain more interesting.

    if it's possible to make the change with moderate changes, maybe you could give me some instructions on where I should start.

    4. Lips
    I used a nolit cutout material to make lips invisible.
    Of course, it would be better to not create them at all. But as I intend to use indoor scene too, so a bool flag might be better.
    it would be great if you could tell me where to modify for the boolean switch.

    Well, Quite a lot of questions here.
    Thanks for your patience. :)

    P.S.: I didn't find your mail-address on the site ( only digital forest), if you want to keep the thread clean, you could mail me to tmpxyz at
    I prefer forum though.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
  27. Drannach


    Apr 6, 2014
    Hello guys, i need to know something before buying it :
    I'm looking to use Sectr to cull things out of line of sight an so on, do you think it can be implemented at all?

  28. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    Mmm ... unless I'm mistaken it's not integrated into this one yet, but it is already in DunGen. The guy who does SECTR seems happy to help integrate VIS (and it seems to be an easy thing to do), so maybe this will show up in RDG before long.
  29. Drannach


    Apr 6, 2014
    Yes i lurked DunGen page for a while, but i feel this asset is better and has more features (i still dont own em but...).
    If i find that sectr is usable with this one, i'll buy it in a second :)
  30. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    I was very happy with the old version of this and successfully used it in our new ios game WizzardIsland. I haven't updated on Mac but did update on PC and trying to generate a dungeon, I'm hung on placing the player. Just hung. Any help is welcome. I don't care if it's the Dungeon Generator default Player that's placed--I can always remove it. But I'm hung. I tried a script here I found a few posts up but that doesn't help me.

    I can no longer find the default Dungeon Generator fbx "Player" that I used to see loaded into a scene so you could walk around in the dungeon. I always took that out and substituted my own player but used it to test the dungeon to see if I liked it. But I don't see that here anymore. Is it there somewhere?

    I tried placing the Unity first person controller in the scene and I can walk around but it doesn't work with the green smoke that should warp you. Again I just get hung.

    I don't see a lot of the variety of the old graphics I used to have available. Are they there somewhere? I don't care if I can add new graphics. I'd like to have the ones I paid for. I used to have a lot more than just the Armory Style.

    If I'm missing finding those, please let me know. They are there aren't they? And I'm just not looking in the right place? My sewer graphics for example?

    I'm making a new game that I wanted to use this in. But can't seem to get it to work now. Any help is appreciated.

    All my players loved the dungeons I generated in WizzardIsland but I have to be able to generate similar dungeons for our sequel.

    I did make a prefab of the old version and I might be able to import it but the update should work for me? No? And it should have my old graphic prefabs including the sewer prefabs that are so important to me?
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  31. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    I tried reinstalling and read the pdf and tried to get my player to work and the result is most unsatisfactory. My player still doesn't work well with the green fire. The walls don't look right when my player is up against them. And I don't have all the old graphics I paid for.

    If I email you with my receipt for payment could you send me the old Dungeon Generator before the update?

    I didn't update on my Mac because I needed to have that working well for the sequel to our game. I made a prefab of that older version and could probably use it on PC but it's a pain to have to load it to a thumb drive and transfer it and I don't know if it will work. I make my games for both ios and PC.

    And from reading the thread here I don't see where the update is working well on Mac.

    I can't get the update to work well on PC. Nothing looks as good as the old version before the update. I also don't have all the graphics styles from the original that I bought. I read this post by Digital Forest in this thread and expected to have all the graphic styles I bought in the update---

    "We're planning on selling the Dungeon generator as a stand alone tool and creating separate packs like the sci-fi, Aztec etc.
    Our old dungeon generator has some limitations and was pretty difficult to expand with your own models (compared to the new version.)
    We are currently thinking about adding a basic theme with the dungeon generator to get you started. Everyone who has already purchased the dungeon generator will then have the new version as a (huge) update and can simply purchase the theme's they want separately."

    I cannot find my Dining graphics or Sewer graphics anywhere in the update yet I use them heavily in my game. I used to be able to find the fbx files in my Project but I can't find any fbx files in my Project with the update. Are they there?

    Can you help me?

    Maybe you could have uploaded this to the asset store as Random Dungeon Generator II and given those of us who bought the original an option to get the new version via email like gamingislove did with the ORK RPG Kit when he made the ORK Framework, a/k/a ORK2. All you had to do was send him your receipt.

    Or something better than what I'm experiencing. I don't mean to be harsh but I paid a lot of money for something that isn't working for me now at all. Can you help me fix it?

    You had a fantastic product before. Is it still there? I am not going to pay you for new graphics packs when I can't even get the dungeon generator to work the way it used to and I seem to have lost a lot of graphics I paid for.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  32. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    Keep in mind that forum notifications don't always make it to the devs. This sounds important, so try a PM as well.
  33. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    Thanks. I did. I guess I'm all right as I kept a prefab of the old version on my macbook. But it makes the update totally useless for me and it seems I lost a lot of the graphics I paid for. I also used Dexsoft's Dungeons in my game and those still work fine for me. I can use them in my sequel.
    : ) I just liked the creativity of making a random dungeon and they looked so beautiful and worked so perfectly.

    hopeful, thank you for your kind help. Maybe they lost track of how great their original Random Dungeon Maker was for some reason.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  34. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hi catacomber, indeed, we did not receive notification that there was a new reply on the thread ! grrr forums, it used to send us emails whenever someone posted something new. We are emailing you to help you out ! And we are aware of a stupid line of code still in the generator when it comes to placing the player... we don't reuse the player when we generate a new dungeon, we always instantiate a new one :/ this of course doesn't work well when you use your own player model and loose progress during new generations. The part where we instantiate the player can be found in the "DungeonBuilder" script at line 444 ish, function called: "PlacePlayer". We haven't found time to fix this that it checks if there already is a player and just moves him to the starting spot instead of instantiating a new one.
  35. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Btw, we did manage to fix the mac problem ! that version is currently uploaded to the store. Will try my best to work on the player placement patch on Friday so we can also upload that to the store. Keep in mind that uploading takes a lot of times as Unity always checks updates as well.
  36. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    Thanks for your quick response. I would like to use the old version for now as I need it to work on our new game. And it works perfectly.
  37. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    you should have received an email and Vincent will help you get access to the old version :)
  38. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    I c
    I downloaded the zip file but can't open it.

    I'll be happy to use the new version and buy your new asset packs when they are done. Your graphics are fantastic. Am particularly interested in the Aztec pack. Right now am better off with the old version as I need continuity of graphics for my players.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  39. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    I'm good now. Thanks very much for your help.
    Will also try to learn your new Dungeon Generator and eagerly await your packs.
    Except for a little problem when the player was being teleported to the new dungeon---the bar showing the teleporting showed up---which I think you're fixing, I really haven't had any trouble with your new generator.

    Just needed the old one for graphical continuity between games.
    Thanks again.
  40. Eyehawk


    Dec 24, 2012
    Hi @D4Games,
    I recently upgraded to the newest version of RDG (v7), and imported it to a blank project with Unity 4.3.4.f1.

    After 70% or so progress some errors start popping up like the one below:

    Any hints as to what I can do to fix it?
  41. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    Is that on PC or Mac platform? It looks like maybe PC. I was ok on PC with the latest version of Unity except for a minor problem warping the player to a new dungeon. Maybe pm them as hopeful pointed out they may not get a notification there's a new post.
  42. Eyehawk


    Dec 24, 2012
    Yeah it was on a PC with a clean project. Thanks for the tip @catacomber, I'll PM them.

  43. Strahd47


    Dec 14, 2013
    Hey everyone,
    I've been playing with the generator for a few days now and I love it.
    However there is one thing. Did anyone else trey this on an Android device? As my game will be mostly targeted at mobile platforms (ios and android) I was playing with it with a few test builds on both. Wile the generator works great on mac, pc and ios it crashes 100% of times on android. Every time I would step into the green fire it triggers a new dungeon rebuild but then crashes.
    Anyone else experience this?
  44. Wrata


    Aug 11, 2014
    Hi guys, nice job on RDG...
    been plazin with it for last week, got a big Q, i came across a little problem, how to remove ceilings? Tried to "coment" some "code" but still gettin a lot of errors...
    Thnx for help.
  45. Wrata


    Aug 11, 2014
    Actully i wanted to ask how to remove the option from Dungeon builder, so that when he rebuild new zones, that those zones would be without ceilings. love to make a 3rd person look...

  46. Wrata


    Aug 11, 2014
    hey, just fixed, found the solution...

    Thnx anyway...

    bye for now
  47. Chris Aoki

    Chris Aoki

    Jan 15, 2012
    Just curious what your solution was, I am making a top down shooter and would like to remove the ceilings as well.
  48. Catacomber


    Sep 22, 2009
    From what I've tried, you don't need to remove the ceilings to have a top down 3rd person view. They just don't show up.
  49. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hey people, unity forums really don't seem to notify anymore when new replies are made. Trying to get into a routine to check for news here a bit more often.

    To remove the ceiling, you can either use a see-through material for the ceilings if you want to be able to have a first person look and not see the ceiling. (found in resources/Dungeonstyles/Yourstyle/materials). top down should already have the ceilings not be seen as we use planes, which are one sided.

    We are uploading a new version with a small fix in how we instantiate the player model when generating a new dungeon. the old version would instantiate a new prefab model of the player each time a dungeon was generated. Now we check if a player was already existing and just move the player model to the new start point. This to prevent any progress people might "save" on their player models to be reset.

    Good luck with the topdown shooters and such :)
  50. D4Games


    Jul 31, 2013
    Hi, we sadly did not test it for android devices :/ Could you PM me and maybe let me know if you can find out on what step it crashes? else we could go over the different steps and see where it crashes together to see if we can pinpoint the problem a bit better. you are using our latest version that's available in the store?