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Question Queuing animations on runtime

Discussion in 'Animation' started by legendaryious, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. legendaryious


    Oct 28, 2020
    Hey !
    I am planning on an application, where a user can order multiple animation clips in an order they wish.
    It does not have a fix number of how many animation clips those will be. They can also switch out animations as they like.

    Whats the best approach to go for ?

    I was thinking of manipulating the animation controller of the object on runtime, but was really able to figure out a good way to do it.
    Else I was thinking about StateMachineBehaviour or just doing it plain by code playing and queueing the clips.
    I am more of a beginner when it comes to the unity animation system. But I am willing to read into stuff.

    Can you guys give me an idea ?