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Question regarding Blender / Unity object mesh structure

Discussion in 'General Graphics' started by PaperMouseGames, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. PaperMouseGames


    Jul 31, 2018
    Hey there! Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this, but I wasn't really sure where to ask for this advice since it pertains to both Unity and Blender. If this isn't a good place to ask some direction would be great!

    Anyway, I'm making an ore model for my game in Blender and I am a complete beginner to 3D modeling / texturing. I've found it a lot easier to create this model using 2 different objects / meshes in Blender so that I could texture each individually (as opposed to making 1 object and 1 texture and UV unwrapping them just right which is really hard for me right now).

    So here is a picture:


    So the orange part is the ore, but that is its own object with its own texture and its own UV unwrap. I parented it to the rock object but I didn't merge them together.

    So I guess my question is: is this a really bad practice for Unity? I worry that it could really impact performance or something to have these different meshes sitting on one object with multiple textures rather than just using a single mesh with a well made UV unwrap.

    Obviously this is a super simple model, but I worry as they get more complex and have more parts.

    Thanks a bunch in advance!