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Question about Timeline and animations

Discussion in 'Timeline' started by unity_Xff8BLOqZMTaig, May 3, 2020.

  1. unity_Xff8BLOqZMTaig


    Mar 17, 2020
    Hello guys

    I need some help as I'm really new to Timeline.

    So I've been working on a 2D game that requires a cutscene at the end of the level, I can shortly describe the cutscene as the following:
    "When the player collides with the ladder, he will slides down the ladder and then when he collides with the ground (Tiles) he walks to the house" (Very similar to the Mario bros ending cutscene after he collides with the pole).

    So I created a Timeline, added animation clip and started recording player position of the starting point at Y = 6 and then he slides down until Y = 1. (distance of 5 units)

    But what I really need from the cutscene is for the player to start climbing down the ladder starting from the collision point instead of the recorded (fixed) value?

    Any advice how I can achieve that?