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Question Quest2 Camera Stacking Rendering Issues

Discussion in 'XR Interaction Toolkit and Input' started by puterichNew, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. puterichNew


    Aug 9, 2013
    I have an XR Rig with a stacked camera (when I remove the camera stack, the problem goes away, but I then can't render the large distances I need).

    The Base Camera is for rendering far away objects:
    nearClip: 10000
    FarClip: 1e12

    the overlay camera is the close camera
    nearclip: 0.1
    farclip: 1000

    Unity 2021.1.3f1
    Oculus Rendering Mode: Multi Pass and Multiview

    URP 11
    Oculus XR Plugin
    XR Interaction Toolkit
    XR Plugin Management

    In this thread it is mentioned that Multiview could fix the issue, but I had no success with this either.
    [BUG] URP Camera Stacking Post Processing - Unity Forum

    When I play it in the editor it runs fine, but when I build to the quest2 I get some very strange behavior:
    It's like an invisible mesh from the previous frame is overlaid over the mesh in the current frame.
    Parts of the mesh just vanish. It's hard to tell from the video but when I snapturn, it fixes it for a moment. Also when I move towards the Object it seems to be better.
    Link to video for eu people with privacy awareness
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021