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Feedback Quality of Life workflow changes that could help on common tasks.

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Igor_Vasiak, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. Igor_Vasiak


    Dec 13, 2016
    A disclaimer: I don't use Blender that often, and many of these are based on what Blender does, so I might get some shortcuts wrong. :p
    Also, I might edit this post from time to time to add new entries to the list. It's fun!

    Here's an overview of what I'll talk about:
    • Multiple field editing
    • Copying and pasting field data around
    • Vertical window tabs
    • Scrolling through those
    • Pie menus
    • Resizing multiple windows at once by the corner
    • Autosave
    • Backspace resetting fields
    • Rename selected object
    Multiple Field Editing

    In Blender, we can hold control, press the left mouse button and move the mouse over multiple fields (usually in-line, but I guess it can be done in any direction?) to select those same fields, if of the same value type as the first one. That allows for multiple-field-editing easier than a piece of cake.

    That's also possible in both VS and VSCode via different commands. On VSCode you hold Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Up/Down to create new Carets on the lines above and below.

    Where would it be used? Well... just imagine a long list of values that would have the same value for some reason. Or, even, setting position, rotation, and scale all at once with the same values. People's TAB keys would thank them if this becomes a thing.

    Copying and Pasting Field Data Around

    Imagine you want to copy some color and paste it somewhere else. Well, you can just select it and press Ctrl + C to copy, then select another one and press Ctrl + V to paste. What if it were just hovering over the color fields, instead of clicking? Now, imagine that with every field of every type. Pretty useful, right?

    There's another way that this could work (although, I reckon both would be nice). Drag and drop. If you want to copy a color to another field that's already visible, just drag and drop it. It's even faster than the dropper tool. This could also work with textures, etc. Essentially, any kind of field.

    Vertical Window Tabs

    So, you know when you have like, a thousand tabs in the same window and you for some reason have to shrink the window horizontally, furthermore reducing tab space, and hiding most, but you also need to constantly access that one tab that's just waaaaaay too much to the other side? That takes a long, long time (trust me, I'm very guilty of it). What if we had vertical tabs? That wouldn't happen as often. Especially if the vertical tabs had the unique property of not displaying names, only icons. If the tab doesn't have one? Just show the first letter of the name, or perhaps the full name if short enough. The names could be displayed as a tooltip instead of a title.

    Still, switching tabs can be a pain if you're sleepy and forget what each tab does, which brings me to my next suggestion.

    Scrolling Through Tabs

    That's a feature I love about Blender since I found it, and it's just so useful.

    How does it work you ask? Well, put simply, you just slap your cursor over those tabs' headers and scroll your scroll. It's like magic, I know!

    Pie Menus

    I know how you do have a lot of shortcuts, and an even bigger ton of functionalities, but even with shortcut manager it's kinda hard to manage everything. So, my solution? Editable Pie Menus that change based on the current context (I.e. windows o~O)!

    That's just brilliant from Blender's part, and if well executed it would just solve so many problems. Do you know how people ask for making the prefab/object icon on the Hierarchy tab an active state toggle? Just Menu-pie it! What else could be Menu-pied?

    • New Empty Child Game Object
    • New Empty Sibling Game Object
    • New Empty Game Object
    • New Folder
    • New C# file
    • New Material
    • Focus Camera on View (Ctrl + Shift + F)
    • And many more
    Resizing Multiple Windows at Once By The Corners

    You can do that in VSCode, I don't see why we couldn't do it in Unity. It would be nice to do that, and it would save a click every time.


    I live in a place where blackouts are rather common. Autosaving is a must, IMO. Also, OSs are prone to sudden failures, Unity can crash more often than not when using third-party tools, and people can (but shouldn't) forget to hit Ctrl + S every few times the one makes a change. Every Adobe tool has it, just as most professional tools also do. Even internet browsers have some form of Autosave with "last section recovery".

    Backspace Resetting Fields

    If you wanna reset Transform, what do you do? Right-click and reset. What if you could just hover over the component header and hit backspace? That could work with fields as well. Reset position only? Hover over its label and hit backspace. Wanna just reset one value? Hover over say, y field and hit backspace.

    Rename Selected Object

    We can already rename objects via the Hierarchy with F2 and the Inspector tab. Now, imagine you didn't have to stop your scene editing to rename an object and had in-scene renaming. It'd work like this: select your object on the scene and hit F2. A box would pop up asking for a new name. You enter the name, hit Enter, and the object is renamed. Sounds good, doesn't it?

    That's my feature list and I'd (just like many, many users) love to see it implemented on Unity (please by 2020.1?). I know those aren't game-changers, but I also know that features like these can help a person to make games faster and feel less frustrated.

    Of course, I'd like to see many other features, such as switchable workflow displays just like Unreal, but those have already been laid out in this and other sections.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
    sand_lantern likes this.
  2. nyscersul


    Oct 17, 2018
    Looks useful :)