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Feedback Profiler window wishlist

Discussion in 'Profiler Previews' started by sabojako, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. sabojako


    Jul 7, 2017
    Writing this from version 2021.1.9f1. I tend to use the Profiler window by doing small captures like below and there are a few UX improvements I'd like to ask.

    • Could you add a feature where the user can add a commentary note on a frame? The note could also be saved in the exported .data for future reference. This would help tremendously in identifying what's what after 3-4 small captures. Some external profilers have this and it's quite handy. :)
    • Would it be possible to allow the user to delete specific frames? The reason I'd like that is that sometime a single frame has a huge spike and this changes the Y scale of the whole graph (like in the GPU graph here), which prevents me from quickly seeing differences by just looking at the highlighted part in the graph, because the highlight is too small for the graph scale. Alternatively, could you expose a forced scale value for the graph? Another alternative, would it be possible for the selected marker to be "isolated" in the graph, so that the rest of the markers don't pollute the graph display?
    • This nice feature where the selected marker is visually highlighted in the CPU Usage graph, could you make it work in other modules, like the GPU Usage? :)
    • When Graphics Jobs are enabled, GPU Usage is not displaying anything. I think I read somewhere that support was on the roadmap, but asking again here if it's coming?
    • When using URP, the GPU Usage module seems to split the markers only in Shadows/Depth and Others categories. Is there a way to make the markers be categorized properly? I have a copy of the URP package so I could make edits if it is just a question of naming ProfilerScopes properly (but something tells me its not).
    • Could you allow multiple "custom" IPs in the target selection? Currently seems limited to only 1 IP. A new <Enter IP> just replaces the existing one.
    • The Target list is sometimes clunky. It seems to require that the build plaftorm is active to automatically detect a target of the same build platform. But not always (?). Say I have the Nintendo Switch plugin installed for that version of the Editor, and say my main project is currently set to build platform = PC, then the Switch target is not directly visible in the Profiler targets selection. What I can do is open a dummy project where the build platform is set to Switch, which makes the Switch target appear in the Target list in the dummy project, but also in the main project (?). It's quite an annoying workaround. Can't the Target detection be more direct than that since I already have the proper plugin installed? Can you make this behave better?
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022
    JesOb and alexeyzakharov like this.
  2. alexeyzakharov


    Jul 2, 2014
    thanks for the feedback @sabojako ! I've added your feedback to our feature suggestions (btw you can also sumbit new idea in profiling section of )

    Unfortunately we don't support graphics jobs in GPU Profiler. We understand that GPU profiling is important part of performance exploration and planning to explore to what extent we can give you the data on GPU operations.
    You might have seen the posts on ProfilerRecorder API supporting gpu timings recording for exposed URP/HDRP markers and FrameTimingManager for GPU frame time metrics - that was our latest focus on GPU profiling area.
  3. sabojako


    Jul 7, 2017
    Thanks for getting back!

    Are you saying that ProfilerRecorder supports Graphics Jobs to track GPU timings in URP/HDRP?
  4. antonk-unity


    Unity Technologies

    Oct 4, 2016
    Hi. If the question "Does ProfilerRecorder API work when Graphics Jobs are enabled?" then yes, it does.
    It doesn't have the limitations Unity GPU Profiler Module has and should work on most platforms.
    sabojako likes this.