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Probuilder work-arounds

Discussion in 'World Building' started by EvilGremlin, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. EvilGremlin


    Aug 12, 2016
    I have 2k+ hours plus with Probuilder. I have encountered every kind of bug, from bugs that make it impossible to even open a Probuilder project to bugs that are just annoying. Since Probuilder has been taken over by Unity, I wanted to start this thread to help others by sharing how I've learned to work around the bugs, glitches, errors, oddities or general inconveniences.

    Please post any fixes for bugs which you have encountered here.

    Note that these fixes may or may not work depending on the version of Unity and Probuilder you are using.

    All errors: Try rebuilding all probuilder objects in scene from the drop down menu first. If that isn't an option or doesn't work, check out some of the fixes below.

    Out of range exceptions (UV): This error happens intermittently when working with the UV editor. There are two potential fixes. 1.) CTRL+Z until your UV is reset to how it was before you got the bug. Save a prefab. Delete the original, drag the prefab in. 2.) Do not save the scene. Duplicate the scene and open the duplicated scene and try again. If neither works at first, try again.

    Out of range exceptions (vertex): I don't know a fix. Undo may or may not work when this happens. Hopefully you've saved your scene recently. Reload it.

    Vanishing meshes: CTRL+D until you have a mesh that you can see. Save it as a prefab. CTRL+D the saved mesh. Keep the duplicated mesh, delete the others. It may take a few attempts before this method works. You can also try disabling static mesh and going into preferences and disabling experimental features.

    UV inversion: Probuilder's UV tool will randomly invert the direction of a UV when using the auto stitch functionality. If you don't mind restarting the UV's switch to auto and use the planar unwrap function. If you don't want to restart convert to manual, split the UV and use the flip function. You will then have to manually place the UV where it should be.

    Disappearing UI (also Progrids): Update Probuilder or uninstall and reinstall.

    Reverse click selection: Sometimes (often) Probuilder's smart select will click on anything that is behind your current working mesh. The only way to fix this is to remove all other models.

    Lag, lag, lag: Probuilder can become very laggy when there are a lot of Probuilder objects (vertices really) in a scene. The best fix is to save other models you are not working with as prefabs or disable them in the scene.

    (I keep an empty game object that I child finished meshes to when I don't need them. Then I disable it in the scene.)

    Hang after any change to mesh: Go to preferences and disable meshes are assets. Break prefab instance on the object if it has one.

    Errors on install 2018: Load Probuilder into Unity 2017. Upgrade the package to 2018. Note that this will not always work. I recommend using 2017 for working with Probuilder until it is updated (updates are slower now that Unity has integrated it so be patient).

    Vertex selection issues: Go to preferences and enable precise drag selection. Click a vertex for smart selection and drag select for precise selection. This is the most reasonable workflow.

    Faces/verts/edges in UV editor manual mode can no longer be moved: Restart Unity. Sometimes the manual UV editing mode quits working. Once this issue occurs (even if you do fix it) it will recur until you relaunch Unity.

    Non-Probuilder meshes can't be moved: Go to preferences and disable only PBO objects are selectable.

    Booleen tool crashes Unity: Don't use it. It creates overly complex meshes when it works. When it doesn't work (which is often) it crashes Unity.

    (If you need boolen tools, Mesh Editor has one that doesn't crash Unity or create weird meshes. Strip Probuilder scripts and use it instead.)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
  2. heyitsferraro


    Jan 20, 2018
    Got a really big mesh with a ton of faces I want to simplify, but when I try selecting all the faces with probuilder the scene crashes. Any fix?
  3. subhomukh1407


    Aug 2, 2018
    I have the same issue in Unity 2022.3.13f1. after creating an object using pro builder after 10 to 15 seconds Unity crashing any help? there is no error messege. using HDRP- vulkan