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Problems with iOS integration

Discussion in 'Unity Ads & User Acquisition' started by yogamen, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. yogamen


    Jan 22, 2016
    Hi to all

    i got in NEW dashboard my "GAME ID" and then i entered to the AD Placements and took "INTEGRATION ID"
    and then i put it in to my code:
    -(void) startUnityAds {

    NSString *gameID = @"1031332";

    [[UnityAdssharedInstance] startWithGameId:gameID andViewController:[CCDirectorsharedDirector]];

    [[UnityAdssharedInstance] setDelegate:self];
    [[UnityAdssharedInstance] setZone:mad:"rewardedVideo"];
    [selfperformSelector:mad:selector(ok) withObject:nilafterDelay:0.5];


    -(void) ok {

    // Use the canShow method to check for zone readiness,
    // then use the canShowAds method to check for ad readiness.
    if ([[UnityAdssharedInstance] canShow])
    // If both are ready, show the ad.
    [[UnityAdssharedInstance] show];

    but it dont works: (logs)
    2016-02-11 05:25:12.028 ZombieBasketball[7912:4829523] Initializing Unity Ads version 1506 with gameId 1031332

    2016-02-11 05:25:12.090 ZombieBasketball[7912:4829680] Requesting Unity Ads ad plan from

    2016-02-11 05:25:12.590 ZombieBasketball[7912:4829523] Unity Ads not ready to show ads: current zone invalid

    2016-02-11 05:25:12.797 ZombieBasketball[7912:4829680] Unity Ads initialized with 3 campaigns and 3 zones

    2016-02-11 05:25:13.235 ZombieBasketball[7912:4829694] Create ad units from existing data. adunits=0 path=/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A6E788AE-43EF-4B3A-922D-3BD3C5473DF6/Library/Caches/CBPrefetchCacheFolder/ad_units
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016