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Problems animation a model (Noob)

Discussion in 'Animation' started by Fluzing, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Fluzing


    Apr 5, 2013
    Hi All,

    I decided to play with Mecanim for a while to see how it works, but I can't get it to work right. I imported a dwarf model and followed the Mecanim tutorial, but I can't get the model to work.

    I can't seem to be able to get the bones right with one model and the other 2 models don't have enough bones according to Unity. If I create an Animator and controller like in the tutorial, the animation that is included looks all weird ( head nodding, but ignoring the neck bone) and other animations that I downloaded do nothing but instantly move the model to a slightly lower position in the world.

    Is this model bad or am I that bad at this?
  2. Archania


    Aug 27, 2010
    Taking a stab at this. When you created the avatar, you have the necessary bones all targeted correctly, meaning there aren't any red in the assignment?
    Also that model you downloaded might not be rigged right cause it might be a rip from a game like a lot of them on that site. That will also not give you the right bones to create an avatar.
    Just out the avatar you created and see if the bones are all assigned correctly.
    Hope that works out for you.
  3. Fluzing


    Apr 5, 2013
    Thanks. The problem with that is that I can only create the avatar for 1 of the models (the one without the head), because the others have bones missing. But if that site is a hotbed for stolen material I'd better not even bother with the model. Is there any other good site that has free or cheap models?
  4. Archania


    Aug 27, 2010
    You can always use mixamo free ones till you really need a model for your game as place holders. They have several free and also alpha, beta male/female that are all set for bones.
    And also free ones in the unity asset store that I think are all rigged correctly. Totally up to you. But ya gotta watch stuff especially models online a loy of sites and other places that push assortment of models that are pure rips from games. Don't need that if all you can deal with now are place holders till you can either higher a modeler or find a legit site to purchase models. Just me feeling on it. Feel free to do what you want.