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Problem with my custom shader

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by RubyCrystal86, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. RubyCrystal86


    Mar 5, 2010
    I'm a student and we have to port a shader from render monkey into unity's shader lab and I would someone to look over it if that's not too much trouble. It's not working and when I moved the GLSLPROGRAM of the program to the top it suddenly said my laptop couldn't play it although it plays the shader on render monkey.

    Shader "Sub_Surface_Shader"
    Properties {
    _Color ("Base Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
    _SpecColor("Spec Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)


    #pragma vertex vert
    #pragma fragment frag
    #pragma multi_compile_builtin
    #pragma fragmentoption ARB_fog_exp2
    #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
    #ifdef VERTEX

    // Set light-position

    uniform vec3 LightPosition;

    // Varying variables to be sent to Fragment Shader

    varying vec3 worldNormal, eyeVec, lightVec, vertPos, lightPos;

    void subScatterVS(in vec4 ecVert)


    lightVec = LightPosition -;

    eyeVec =;

    vertPos =;

    lightPos = LightPosition;


    void main()
    worldNormal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;

    vec4 ecPos = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;

    // Call function to set varyings for subscatter FS

    //Transform vertex by modelview and projection matrices

    gl_Position = ecPos;

    //Forward current texture coordinates after applying texture matrix

    gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;

    // Variables for lighting properties
    #ifdef FRAGMENT
    #include "AutoLight.glslinc"
    #include "UnityCG.glslinc"
    uniform float MaterialThickness;

    uniform vec3 ExtinctionCoefficient; // Will show as X Y and Z ports in QC, but actually represent RGB values.

    uniform vec4 LightColor;

    uniform vec4 BaseColor;

    uniform vec4 SpecColor;

    uniform float SpecPower;

    uniform float RimScalar;

    // Varying variables to be sent to Fragment Shader

    varying vec3 worldNormal, eyeVec, lightVec, vertPos, lightPos;

    float halfLambert(in vec3 vect1, in vec3 vect2)
    float product = dot(vect1,vect2);
    return product * 0.5 + 0.5;

    float blinnPhongSpecular(in vec3 normalVec, in vec3 lightVec, in float specPower)


    vec3 halfAngle = normalize(normalVec + lightVec);

    return pow(clamp(0.0,1.0,dot(normalVec,halfAngle)),specPower);


    // Main fake sub-surface scatter lighting function

    vec4 subScatterFS()


    float attenuation = 10.0 * (1.0 / distance(lightPos,vertPos));

    vec3 eVec = normalize(eyeVec);

    vec3 lVec = normalize(lightVec);

    vec3 wNorm = normalize(worldNormal);

    vec4 dotLN = vec4(halfLambert(lVec,wNorm) * attenuation);

    //dotLN *= texture2D(Texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);

    dotLN *= BaseColor;

    vec3 indirectLightComponent = vec3(MaterialThickness * max(0.0,dot(-wNorm,lVec)));

    indirectLightComponent += MaterialThickness * halfLambert(-eVec,lVec);

    indirectLightComponent *= attenuation;

    indirectLightComponent.r *= ExtinctionCoefficient.r;

    indirectLightComponent.g *= ExtinctionCoefficient.g;

    indirectLightComponent.b *= ExtinctionCoefficient.b;

    vec3 rim = vec3(1.0 - max(0.0,dot(wNorm,eVec)));

    rim *= rim;

    rim *= max(0.0,dot(wNorm,lVec)) * SpecColor.rgb;

    vec4 finalCol = dotLN + vec4(indirectLightComponent,1.0);

    finalCol.rgb += (rim * RimScalar * attenuation * finalCol.a);

    finalCol.rgb += vec3(blinnPhongSpecular(wNorm,lVec,SpecPower) * attenuation * SpecColor * finalCol.a * 0.05);

    finalCol.rgb *= LightColor.rgb;
    return finalCol;
    void main()
    gl_FragColor = subScatterFS();
  2. CrystalVisions


    Sep 11, 2007