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Prime3 iOS Etcetera Screenshot Help

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by getbiks, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. getbiks


    May 13, 2012
    Hi, I am using Unity3d 4.0.f7 and i am using latest Prime31 etcetera plugin for iOS.
    I have a Camera button in my scene and whenever the player touch that button its suppose to capture a screenshot.
    Now, i have everything working but the screenshot doesn't appear in the device camera roll when testing in a device or emulator.
    When testing through the editor (under iOS Build selected in Build settings) when i click the camera button the screenshot is saved in the project root folder, which means that the code is working.

    What i am doing is i am calling this particular code whenever the camera button is touched "StartCoroutine( EtceteraBinding.takeScreenShot(myScreenShotName));" where myScreenShotName is a String variable with the proper name of the screenshot. This code is what i see in the EtceteraGUIManager and i am writing it in the exactly same manner. I also have EtceteraEventListener.cs called in my first pluginLoad intro scene. I also have Admob plugin loaded and ads are working fine. (I am calling AdMobEventListener.cs too in the load along with my admob id"

    What i am doing wrong here?? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

    P.S - I know i should update but currently my game is very stable and i dont want to update just for this particular thing as i cannot give time to fix any issue uppdation may cause. May be i will update once this is working fine and i have time to update and fix any error if possible
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2013
  2. Agent_007


    Dec 18, 2011
    takeScreenShot just takes a screenshot, it doesn't add it to camera roll. If you want to do that, the EtceteraBinding has saveImageToPhotoAlbum for that.