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Potential Bug with TMP_InputField and attempting to replace text

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by hectorlfl, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. hectorlfl


    Feb 27, 2019
    When I enter text longer than the input field, highlight and replace the text with another character, the character doesn't show unless I disable and enable the GameObject.

    Steps to repo:
    1. Enter a string longer than the TMP_InputField
    2. Navigate to the beginning of the InputField using the mouse
    3. Highlight all the characters from left to right
    4. Enter any character on the keyboard
    5. Observer results
    Observed Results:
    The character entered will appear to the left of the input field. The only way to see the character is to use the mouse to navigate to the left of the input field.

    Expected Results:
    The character entered replacing the string should appear at the beginning of the input field.

    • Unity version 2018.4.1f1
    • TMP UPM package 1.4.1