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Post-Processing only on Unity Meshes in Augmented Reality...

Discussion in 'AR' started by alexanderdvanhalen, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. alexanderdvanhalen


    Oct 9, 2018
    Hi all,

    I am trying to figure out how to use the Unity Post-Process stack to only show on my game meshes. There are a couple solutions provided, such as culling masks on your cameras, and I've gotten that to work. However, with ARcore it seems a material is being applied to the camera as a texture, which in my tests does not act similar to a skybox in that I can use 'depth only' on clear flags.

    We want the post processing to only be applied to the game meshes and not the camera feed.

    Has anyone run into this issue or figure out a way around it? Should I be using the OnPreCull callback versus the Update method?

    Thank you,