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Possible to attach method to Load Scene In Editor instructions?

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by AntFitch, May 17, 2017.

  1. AntFitch


    Jan 31, 2012
    Tried to post in Answers, but Topics search doesn't seem to be working right now so...

    I'm creating an editor asset.

    When I load a scene in the Unity Editor, I need all GameObjects that contain a script called Visuals to refresh. This must happen without my asset editor being open in the editor. Also, I must assume that the inspector for one of these GameObjects is not open.

    I have a method called RefreshVisuals() that I call from the Inspector and from the custom Editor for the asset. It works great and ensures that if a visual element is changed in the custom editor or inspector, the graphics attached to the GameObject are also changed. But now I need to figure out how to make sure that when a scene loads in the Unity Editor that these GameObjects are immediately refreshed so that they display the correct visuals.

    Is there a way to attach a method to the default load-scene-in-editor routine that Unity uses?
  2. AntFitch


    Jan 31, 2012