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Player position in world space to screen position.

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by DTD, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. DTD


    Jun 14, 2017
    im working on making a shader that dissolve objects that are in front of players. my problem is that i dont know how to make the mask in screen space to follow the player position, since the world coordinates are not the same as screen space coordinates. what do i do? (im using Amplify shader)
  2. bgolus


    Dec 7, 2012
    What you need to do is transform the world space position into screen space position.

    You're response to to reading that might be "yeah, I know", but it's also kind of the entire answer. Well, to be fair, I guess there are two steps this this.

    Step 0: Set player's world position vector on the material using mat.SetVector() or using Shader.SetGlobalVector() via script (I assume you're already doing this).
    Step 1: Get the clip space position of that position.
    Step 2: Get the screen space position of that position & apply perspective divide.​

    If you were writing shaders in HLSL it would look like this:

    float4 playerClipPos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(, 1.0));
    float4 playerScreenPos = ComputeScreenPos(playerClipPos);
    playerScreenPos.xy /= playerScreenPos.w;

    And you're done. The UNITY_MATRIX_VP is the view projection matrix. You should be able to access that via the Common Transform Matrices node. The ComputeScreenPos function also exists as a node you can use directly, which appears to have an option to apply the perspective divide (i.e.: divide by w). I don't use Amplify so I couldn't answer the rest of how to translate that code to ASE.

    I'd recommend asking if the official ASE forums rather than here.
  3. DTD


    Jun 14, 2017
    Hey thx for the reply. i have been fiddling around with this but dont know how translate the HLSL code to node based... ill try ask on amplify forum =)