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Player logo on banner or flag.

Discussion in 'General Graphics' started by Fendtastic, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Fendtastic


    Aug 10, 2018
    Hi together,

    i have following question. Searched a few hours, but didn't find a solution.

    I have a 1vs1 pvp game. Each player can choose a logo or anything in the menu.

    Now when you get on the main scene, i want to show the logo on a flag or a banner on the castle of each player.

    The flag is a animated 3d Object. It has a texture for itsself. Can anyone help me, whats the right workflow to show the specific player logo on the banner or flag of each player. Should also follow the animation for sure.

    Thougt about duplicate the object with same animation and put a transparent material on it. Only with the player logo. But then then the logo is over the texture. Don't find the right answer ^^.

    Thanks for helping. Hope someone has a hint for me.