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Personal Unit license question

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by gersoneson2014, Sep 30, 2020.


Personal Unit license question

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  1. gersoneson2014


    Sep 30, 2020
    Sorry, I'm Brazilian and I have little knowledge in English.

    Texto em inglês:

    So, I have a question about the license to use Unity. First of all, I would like to introduce myself to better understand my question.
    My name is Gerson, I'm from the IT area of the company Viva Rio (A non-profit NGO). This company makes contracts with city halls, companies and such to do non-profit social actions, whether for health, education, leisure etc. I'll leave a link below to get to know you better.
    In this regard, I commented that I am a technician in programming digital games and they opened interest in making a game aimed at education in the name of the institution. Something I really loved the proposal because it is something for education and because it is an area that I really like, gamer. But I had a question, the license to use Unity.

    Can I create the game in the name of the NGO using the Personal version? Or would you have to pay Pro? Like, this question came out because for me it fits in Personal because it is a non-profit company (NGO), but unfortunately I'm not sure. Can you help me get this question out? Thank you very much for your attention, guys.

    Institution link:

    Texto em português:

    Então, estou com uma dúvida em relação a licença para utilizar a Unity. Antes de tudo, gostaria de me apresentar para ficar melhor o entendimento da minha pergunta.
    Me chamo Gerson, sou da área TI da empresa Viva Rio ( Uma ONG sem fins lucrativos ). Esta empresa faz contratos com prefeituras, empresas e tals para fazer ações sociais sem fins lucrativos, sejam eles para saúde, educação, lazer etc. Vou deixar link abaixo para conhecerem melhor.
    Nisso, eu comentei que sou técnico em programação de jogos digitais e eles abriram interesse em fazer um jogo voltado para educação no nome da instituição. Algo que eu super adorei a proposta por conta de ser algo para educação e por ser uma área que eu gosto demais, gamer. Só que tive uma dúvida, a licença para utilizar a Unity.

    Será que eu posso criar o jogo no nome da ONG utilizando a versão Personal ? Ou teria de pagar a Pro ? Tipo, essa dúvida saiu pois para mim ela se enquadra na Personal por ser uma empresa sem fins lucrativos (ONG), mas infelizmente não tenho essa certeza. Vocês podem me ajudar a tirar essa dúvida ? Muito obrigado pela atenção, galera.

    Link da instituição:
  2. altepTest


    Jul 5, 2012
    If the revenue from the game is less than 100k dollars then you can create it with unity personal,

    once it gets more than that you buy the Pro version

    edit: actually the answer is wrong, see bellow
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  3. gersoneson2014


    Sep 30, 2020
    So, even if the company receives bids, if the game does not return money can I use the Personal version?
  4. Joe-Censored


    Mar 26, 2013
    This is incorrect

    No. The previous comment was bad information unfortunately. The license terms (while in English, sorry) are clear. If you are an individual (not the case here), your Total Finances are calculated only using income in connection to your use of Unity. So if you are a billionaire, making millions on the stock market, and in your spare time you make a game which generates only $500 annually, you still qualify for Unity Personal.

    BUT! If you are a "legal entity", such as any company or organization, then your Total Finances include all revenue streams, even ones unrelated to Unity. But important to you, if you are a non-profit organization (as is the case here), then it is calculated based on the entire entity's budget instead of revenue.

    So if your non-profit NGO has a total annual budget for the entire organization in excess of $200,000, then you must use Pro, and if in excess of $100,000 then Plus.

    Here's the exact language in the license terms:
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020