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Performance implication of having large number of tilemaps?

Discussion in '2D Experimental Preview' started by castor76, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. castor76


    Dec 5, 2011
    When making 2D games, we would most likely create "object"s that are made up with tiles Thoses can be either moving or static like tree but they are objects in the game that can be spawned during game play etc.

    Now, naturally, we would like to use Unity's tilemap feature to create those but I am a bit worried about the performance impact of having many many tilemaps in the game. At the moment, it looks like it needs at least a parent game object with grid component, and then another layer child game object with tilemap and tilemap renderer component.

    Does these components actively take part in update calls or anything like that? ( other than the ones that are animated )
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