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Package discoverability

Discussion in 'Package Manager' started by mplantady, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. mplantady


    Apr 9, 2014

    We started to use Package Manager for our own packages through a scoped registry, and it works fine!

    But I'm wondering what is the best approach for additional packages like: add-on, third-party bridges or samples. One way would be to create .unityPackage files inside your hierarchy and let the user decide what to install, and one other would be to create a lot of other npm packages with dependencies to the main one.

    The second option seems better, and avoid having those additional files decompressed into your asset folder, but it creates noise into the package manager list.
    I think having a concept of sub-packages or a discoverability filter to hide packages in the list depending on dependency or platform constraints could help. (ie: if a package is not installed in your project you can't see the associated sample package).

    What plans do you have to tackle this ?