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OVRCameraRig CenterEyeAnchor XR rig equivalent?

Discussion in 'Animation' started by marcusrana01, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. marcusrana01


    Mar 22, 2020
    Hi, I'm currently using this tutorial to make a VR game, but the issue is I am using the XR Rig instead of the OVRRig. I managed to get equivalents for the left and right anchor, but for some reason I can't get the centereyeanchor to work/find an equivalent.

    Currently I'm creating a new Head IK object with Robot Kyle, with a root at the head, mid at the neck and tip at the ribs, it works fine but when I turn on the VR it does not move with the heads camera.

    Essentially, I'm trying to get the head to work with Inverse Kinematics and XR Rig, but don't know how to do that part. Thank you!