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Ori and the Blind Forest feature question

Discussion in '2D' started by Robex, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Robex


    Dec 9, 2014
    you may see the award-wining Ori and the Blind Forest trailer here:

    eye catching game and new 2d standard.
    there's two question
    how to achieve the interactive 3d water they did in 2d?
    whats the character animation approach?built in or not.
    searched site and asset but noting same found.
    same effect in the Rayman series from Ubisoft.

    *Merry Christmas*

    any help appreciated
  2. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    I'd guess at the main questions:

    By using a 3D mesh. Hint: it's all 3D.

    You can use spine or some such. They probably didn't use built in because built in wasn't around when ori was under heavy dev, but hopefully the developers will step in and answer since they should probably be around here somewhere ;)
    BimoKayoba and Robex like this.
  3. Robex


    Dec 9, 2014
    thansk for answer.
    any hope to find out how to do mesh surface water?
  4. coshea


    Dec 20, 2012
    vfxjex and Robex like this.
  5. Robex


    Dec 9, 2014
    thanks for those link but fact is water's seems 3d .
    another fact is every thing is rewritten . that's talent engineers from all over the world hard work from 2011 till now.

    for now any idea about doing 3d water in 2d ?
    dont tell me to start reading the Nvidia_Gpu_dll_ddl_3.7.2351 manual :D
  6. theANMATOR2b


    Jul 12, 2014
    Start reading the Nvidia_Gpu_dll_ddl_3.7.2351 manual!

    Hey Rob one fundamental point you may be looking past which was mentioned several times above is the game you reference as well as Unity and all 2D games made in Unity are created in the 3D engine.
    So even a 2D sidescroller can have 3D elements/depth/pseudo-perspective/3D water (called 2.5D). There are a lot of examples of traditional 2D game concepts being used around here with the addition of the zed depth.
    Not minimizing the work done on Ori - but setting out to prototype this effect after performing some extensive research should be something that can be accomplished.
    Check out the 2D learning stuff. It's pretty helpful.
    Good luck!
  7. satur9


    Mar 21, 2014
    This game has nice postprocessing. How to achieve that?

    Further, about particle effects. Are they 3D or 2D?

    When you're holding button, there is a charge up effect and blast .
    It reminded me in Unreal shock rifle combo blast or in ME3 flare.
    Can someone make a tutorial how to make theese effects?

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  8. nipoco


    Sep 1, 2011
  9. eToledom


    Apr 7, 2015
  10. vetasoft


    Nov 15, 2013
  11. Astrydax


    Mar 2, 2016
    Ori is A 3d model rendered out in orthographic projection and animated as a 2d/3d hybrid. Just in case anyone else ends up here like i did when doing research. Great video to watch all the way through as he touches on every step in the asset creation pipeline.

    Jump to 5:45 in the video to see where this was mentioned.

  12. zero_equals_zero


    Jun 7, 2014
    I rather question: if this is all 2D sprites (which i still doubt in certain cases, or it's a good parallax effect)

    A)How they did the lighting. As when you use unity's light system, you can't bake the lightmaps on sprites right? Or am i missing something.
    - I am currently experimenting with png's (white) that I color in the editor which give good results, but ofcourse it's no real lighting.

    Also what do you guys think.
    B) Is the character in the game physics based or raycast?
    From what I've learned is that raycast based characters give way more precise movement, but I can't help myself in thinking that ori is purely physics based. Ofcourse a lot of things can be hacked by using a raycast based approach but still...

    What are your thoughts?
  13. Lars-Steenhoff


    Aug 7, 2007
    Does anyone know if the camera for the scenes in Ori are orthographic or perspective?

    I know the character is orthographic, butI'm wondering about the scenes

    It feels like perspective
  14. GolgothX1


    Jun 9, 2016
    Hi everyone, i'm working on Unreal Engine 4 and i try to reproduce in Blueprint with specific material the water effect in Ori if you have any information to share i'm here :p

    @Lars Steenhoff i think this is not an orthographic view but a perpective, Ori is a 2D Game that's correct, but it's made with a 3D Approach and things like Character Art was made also in 3D Then exported as Sprite without any post process effect or light on it

    @zero_equals_zero , i watch the GDC explain, it seem (not sure) but from what i have understand light is faked. but there is of course other shader effect such as bloom, motion blur etc... About the character i think it's physic based or god there are very strong ! physic based is no more annoying as it was in the past.
  15. zero_equals_zero


    Jun 7, 2014
    In the talk they said it is a perspective camera. But all objects are rendered with orthographic camera outside unity.
    To answer my own question: The depth they have is due to the Z depth of individual objects. so they look as if they are 3D. However I do still think here and there they've used 3D objects.

    @GolgothX1 Thanks, I've done some more research and found out that using sprites as meshes improves my FPS by alot. On the store are some packs that helps you with that. Also regarding lights and effects. I've found a pack called 2D background - vertex lightning. The way it works greatly improved my scenes' FPS. Also I use Sprite Standard Shader which allows great results.
    Yet the most important part i've learned so far is to split up scenes in tiny chuncks and only load when needed with a buffer. Stuff like SECTR is great for this. Regardless of what I tried: 2D sprites (lit) or vertex lights. I only seem to get outstanding performance when I split a level up in "tiny" parts.

    Thanks also regarding the physics thing. I'am still full on experimenting with what the best approach is.
    But I can't seem to think that physics based is better for the stuff i do plan.

    learning — the never ending 'game' on its own. :)
    theANMATOR2b likes this.
  16. konsic


    Oct 19, 2015
    Question about Ori's volumetric lighting.

    Is it made with emission shader and different light in Unity?

    If so, can somebody explain how to do it?
  17. zero_equals_zero


    Jun 7, 2014
    I honestly think most of the lights are done with png's. (talking about the environment lights)
    Try it for yourself, create a 2048x2048 png with your favourite brush in your favorite photo editing software.
    Make sure the brush or content is white, you can later color it inside unity.
    Since it's a png you can toy around with the alpha of the color (even use doTween, or lerp/slerp) between some values.

    The lights on objects (like the doors) are done with either an emission mask or simply a sprite animation.
    I've been testing quite a bit in what could give the most optimal FPS and my feeling is that they've used a lot of pre rendered animations. Again these are just my assumptions.

    But I figure, why spend expensive gpu resources whilst they can be done with animations.
    Also after playing (more than I should be spending time on developing my own game :teehee:)
    I get the feeling they have used quite a lot of pre-rendered particle effects / animations / etc.
    Fe. create shockwave particles in after effects and render it to a sprite animation... etc

    Hope it helps or at least give you some ideas :)
    (but don't take my word for it, just stating some of my ideas how they potentially could have pulled it off)
    theANMATOR2b and konsic like this.
  18. konsic


    Oct 19, 2015
    @zero_equals_zero, thank you.

    Could you tell me about emmision masks. I don't understand it.

    Also, could you tell me what do I need to know how to script the events.
    For example,when Ori collects 2 keys and is in near vicitiny of the door, the door opens.
    Is behind this some variable which detects proximity or so ?

    How to make large levels like in Ori? When I tried just to outline it in Unity, they are not very handy to make because you can't see what you did below or above.

  19. Astrydax


    Mar 2, 2016
    There are many very very easy ways to have the door open. You could have a larger secondary collider for the door or have an invisible box near the door and when the player steps on it, simply check the inventory for the keys then play an animation on the door. This is a common programming solution and if that doesn't come easily to mind you may need need to start learning the rudiments . Programming is much less about the language so much as it is having a mind for creative problem solving.

    I would recommend taking Ben Tristem's Complete Unity Developer Course from udemy. It's 75% off right now. Although if you want to wait, udemy goes through 2-3 price model changes a year with new sales going all the time. I think I got the course via a facebook sale link for $17 a couple years back.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    konsic and theANMATOR2b like this.