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Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by Jelmersb, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. Jelmersb


    Jul 12, 2016
    So the editor says there's an update available > I visit the update page > I see Unity hub, read a bit, install > I have it on machine and there's nowhere to update my Unity.. Very confusing stuff.

    I wanted to update Unity :confused:

    Screen Shot 2018-10-28 at 09.00.29.png
  2. Zenity


    Dec 19, 2013
    Yeah this is pretty confusing now. It seems that in terms of the Unity Hub, there isn't such a thing as an "update" anymore. Instead you just install the new version, then it's up to you to remove the old version (or not). So what you do to "update" is to go to Official Releases, install the newest version, and then switch your project to use it.

    This is the most flexible approach, but in cases of engine branches updating frequently it can get a bit annoying. I wish it worked more like the Unreal Hub where it installs major releases separately but minor releases into the same folder.

    In any case the upgrade message in the editor needs to be better integrated with Unity Hub so this becomes less confusing.
  3. Jelmersb


    Jul 12, 2016
    Aha ok.. Seems that Unity Hub solves other problems, but not updateing :D
    Would have been nice if they just added an "update" button to the screen above :D