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Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by sr388, Sep 1, 2015.


What features/systems do you prefer to arrive sooner for next updates on GKC?

  1. AI behaviors options, able to drive vehicles and fire turret weapons

  2. Armor/cloth system: stats, damage resistances, etc… & character aspect customization (fallout)

  3. Cover System and Climb system based on Breath of the wild and Assassins Creed

  4. Online multiplayer (using mirror as first solution and include others later)

  5. VR integration including 1st/3rd person and locked views

  6. Full body awareness (FBA) to see player’s legs, body and arms in first person

  7. More types of controls, similar to Diablo, MOBA & RTS and similar genres

  8. More tools/creator wizards on the asset workflow (tell about them)

  9. Integrations with other assets (tell about them)

  10. More RPG/Scifi elements/mechanics (tell about them)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    You have already a system for that kind of elements, the event trigger system component. You only need to attach it to a collider with the trigger option active (make sure to apply the ignore raycast layer to that kind of triggers) and you can configure on it what type of object triggers it (using tags, layers or directly assigning the object that triggers the event).

    Then, you can configure if the trigger is activated every time the object enters (or exit or both) from it or just once. And then, in the list of events, you can call any function through the events that you configured on it, so you can activate your traps if you already have some placed in your level.

    The event trigger system is used in a lot of systems on GKC, like cutscene system, mission system, trigger new states, etc...

    Tell me if you use this component and if you have any issue or doubt using it.

    Mark_01 and hopeful like this.
  2. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    The crouch sliding has an option to check for inclinations and a min angle to configure. If the player is going down a slope, a hill or similar with a minimum inclination, the sliding will continue until a lower inclination is found, so the sliding is stopped (and it can be stopped at any moment while going down too).

    Took the idea from apex legends. Have been making more improvements in the wall running system and adding a strength value to the player for the grab object system, so he can only lift objects with a lower or equal weight to his strength. This can be also used as a stat for the level system.

    Mark_01, blacksun666 and hopeful like this.
  3. Mr_squiggle


    May 11, 2019
    Ahhh I see. My apologies. I'm going through the tutorials. I'm very new at this. In my mind I thought it required a new element. I will look into this. But this is clearly what I'm looking for thankyou.
    sr388 likes this.
  4. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    No problem man. There is not a video tutorial covering the event trigger system yet, but it will be made soon. In the meantime, don't hesitate to ask any doubt or issue you could have with it. This component is also used to trigger tutorial panels on the player, and there is a prefab for this tutorial trigger, so you can take a look at how it is configured. It is very easy and quick to add and configure new events.

  5. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here the weight option in grab objects, so you can configure how much strength the player has to carry or grab objects
    with options to show the current weight of an object detected to grab, with regular and too heavy colors for the text.

    I have been also improving the wall running system, with a better control, more options like allow to move up and down too with A and D, according to if the player is walking on his right or left side and use a forward camera direction impulse instead of a custom impulse value on jump.

    Also, here a new tutorial video for the foot step system:

    I have also added the shield energy as pickup, to refill the shield (which now is a separated component from the health) and will create a shield object, which can be equipped, similar to borderlands (though it can be already managed as a stat of the player too).

    hopeful, xDeveloper and Mark_01 like this.
  6. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I added the climb ladder system in first person, it was pretty straight forward to add and it works really great.

    It takes into account the direction of the camera with respect the input, so the player will move up and down according to where the player looks, with different options like allow horizontal movement to exit from the ladder, jump from the ladder or not, center the player in the middle of the ladder when he moves up and down, etc...

    Here you can see a video about it:

    Even inclined ladders can be configured along with a foot step sound used just for the ladder.

    MorpheusXI, neoshaman and Mark_01 like this.
  7. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have been working on some polish and add the final elements and checks for the wall running and the ladder system. I have added an option to use local movement on ladders, so according to the direction, the vertical and horizontal input are interchanged. Like for example, if you are climbing the ladder having the ladder at your left, using the A and D keys will make the player to move up and down, instead of left and right. Same in the other direction with the keys reversed (A will make the player to go down and D up), and the same is applied to W and S.

    Also, another option has been added in the inventory and the weapons similar to games like resident evil, where the weapons haven't any remaining projectiles except the one of the inventory, so when the player recharges, it actually uses the ammo from the inventory instead of remaining ammo in the weapon it self, so both options will be available, according to the type of game you are working.

    In this gif, it is a regular pistol using the ammo directly from the inventory, the weapon system checks for its same type of ammo in the inventory, linking that ammo to the weapon directly. So every time you reload, it takes the needed amount (full magazine or free space in the magazine) from the reaming ammo on the inventory. Same can be done with any weapon and its respective ammo, now that any ammo can be stored and used on the inventory along with any consumable.

    Also, here an example of using the wall running to catch a ladder on a wall.

    hopeful and neoshaman like this.
  8. MorpheusXI


    Jan 18, 2018
    Hi Sr388

    Good to see vendor system created. Is it possible to consider at some future time to create a capability for in-game-world display of game assets for purchase and inspection like GTA gun shop.


    sr388 likes this.
  9. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Didn't think about that option to show objects to purchase in the real world, but yeah, it could be added as well. I will put it on the todo list and take that video as an example haha. It will be added in the next update ;)

    MorpheusXI likes this.
  10. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011

    I have been working a bit on terrain/level stuff for my project, and given I talk about memory management I thought I could share some of my finding. I'm not implementing yet so I have no technical solution, it's design stuff. I share in case it might help you.

    While looking at what I would need for managing LOD state of terrain I came up with these progressive states:

    1. view states
    2. update states
    3. memory states
    4. saving states (the game state that can be saved to a file)

    Generally they are defined by ranges (out of view, of update, etc ...), that is generally:

    1. out of view object can still be updated, they are just completely cull from rendering (before other visual culling like frustrum or occlusion). They not considered for any visual update at all. They are beyond the visual LOD too.
    2. Out of update, object are still in memory, but we have totally stopped updating them, they are basically in a frozen state. Before that state, they can have update LOD that span all visible LOD, but also non visible state too.
    3. out of memory, object are dropped from memory completely, BUT some object have important gameplay state that need to be save. There must be a way to quickly decouple states from their objects.
    4. out of saves, when they fulfill their purposes some object can be drop completely from the game state, for example one use keys.

    Basically in a simple way to initialized an object is to go in reverse order, firt you get the save state if it exist or relevant, then you load and set up the object properly (which can be progressive to LOD ranges). Then you start to update the object, and finally you draw the visual.

    Difficulty happen due to how these interact with each other and other object, so let's took the worse case scenario, a simulation game with global agent (ideally you should bypass that with, per game, design decisions).

    In that case you can have roaming object that are beyond the memory range but still updated in a LOD system. You can have object that are heavy to load but the player is getting close to their spawning position well within the view range. You have even more threshold effects but most notably parenting issues of two sorts, direct parenting, which is probably the easiest (go from parent to child, as long child are in a range parent don't unload/froze or similar policy) and indirect parenting (object on platform that need to move in tandem) that is the hardest.

    Then you have the worse, interaction, a room is unloaded (not yet or deleted) and you have enemy that need to path through it, should the room and the navdata have the same range? what about physics when character go through? what about doors' states? What if agent need object in that room? We probably need a more dynamic LOD method that isn't just based on ranges or initialization steps, but also on LOD of other objects, ie goes through unloaded room, adapt LOD state to the state of the room, which mean a less progressive management.

    A specific case to test:
    You drop a sword on a moving platform, the platform belong to a room that is unloaded from memory and a physic objects has fallen and blocked the path to the moving platform, but the sword state and physic object (position) is saved. The platform is a dynamic object (as a behavior) but that state isn't saved, it can be procedurally generated with the time using periodic hash. Now a npc run toward the unloaded room to get back the sword to you ...

    I realized that must mean we also need a way for object to support and switch to multiple representation of the same thing, for example shifting from the navmesh representation to a global simpler pathing method (or many lod level pathing), and potentially allowing room to update another pathing level when it has random blocking element. Similarly, agent must have ways to handle multiple lifecycle state of objects, like picking the unloaded sword from an unloading room. And unloading objects should probably have different checked based on who is asking his state, for example unloading room probably should be marked unloaded (not reachable physically and logically) for agent, but "unloading" for management system as unloaded mean different thing in that context (out of the memory).
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
    sr388 likes this.
  11. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi @neoshaman.

    Sorry for the time to reply, seems that the forum is not sending me notifications lately (again xd).

    Thanks for sharing this, like always, these technical elements are always very useful :)

    It happens the same for me, I haven't tried this kind of stuff to manage info through load/unload of level parts and big open worlds approximation (my experience on this is mostly keep a track of elements on the level to enable/disable).

    For the approach that you explain above, do you use the same level to load and unload stuff, right? And how you manage that load/unload? Elements are literally removed (destroyed) from the level to be instantiated with its previous state or they are disabled changed of LOD with minor functions working according to their state?

    Yeah, this type of states are more or less what I have in mind for this kind of system.

    Yeah, there is a lot of stuff that needs to be design and planned very well to consider all possible situations and in most (if not all) they have very specific elements according to the type of game (including how much stuff they need to cover and special elements related to how the game works, for mechanics, level management, if is open world or not, maybe metroidvania, etc...).

    Related to the moving platform with an object, maybe some states for objects, like the platform is a moving object and anything inside of it keeps a reference of this moving object, so when they are loaded into the level again, the object checks if they were on a moving object and maybe, even a position/rotation above it. Of course, is just an example and the best is to make everything as general as possible.

    Lot of stuff that I want to think from these cases haha.

    neoshaman likes this.
  12. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I want to inform you about the state of the update 3.02. I have been working on the improvements for the inventory system to manage all the consumables on it, almost all is already complete including the vendor system.

    After this, I will move to the improvements for the mission system, to add new missions in a mission panel, similar to borderlands and save/load the missions which are complete and those which aren't that will be quick to do and will complete the experience system, including the skill menu.

    After that, I will maybe start with the crafting system, but not sure how much elements will be ready for the update on this system. What would you prefer, take about 2-3 days to make the main structure of the crafting system for this update or avoid that extra time and bring the new update asap?

  13. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    IMO ... publish the update before the crafting. Maybe the crafting will be very easy, but it is a new system, and it just seems prudent to get the other stuff out first.
    sr388 and Brian-Ryer like this.
  14. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    Sorry, ON top of that I haven't dealt specifically with unity's scene management, I haven't made project that were beyond prototype in unity yet. I have a lot of worries about how scene is handled.

    However I have favorite that link specifically for dealing with unity, it doesn't cover everything we need, but it's walking through a given implementation.

    What you really need is to think through the architecture you have, imho you need to break down object in elements and see what's best for each type. IMHO one important thing is further decoupling of object and their state, so we can inject state to object at initialization and save it on change.

    You would need a global game manager that would take care of the game state global to all level. Obviously some stuff don't survive level's scope, but some do, player's state being the most obvious. A system to decide what scope is the object might help. For example let say you have a game, with linear progress, and big level which have multiple streaming part, enemy (items, npc, etc) might need to survive the level scope but not the global game scope, so once the level unload their state are lost because they aren't needed, while in an open world or a metroidvania, where we backtrack their state might need to be conserved, however smaller enemy might just respawn from a room.

    Also state mean here 'savestate', which mean we need a system to mark which data to conserve as important, for example in some game the position wouldn't matter as enemy are confine to a zone and return to base when the player get too far, but if it's alive or not matter more, so when there is backtracking it would still spawn, and sine it's confined to a zone and the zone to a level, maybe it's best if that's a state of the room/level, so it might be great to have a system that declare object as child of another to store all the child state if the lifecycle of child are tied to the parent (here the child is likely to follow the spawning state of the parent. However if it's a free object, it should be tied to the global state. So maybe it's best if we have state object that listen to the state of other object and we can nest them, so it's not tied to a specific object but represent a structure in itself.
    sr388 likes this.
  15. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    I think you are right. I think that maybe the best would be to complete the current elements and upload the content to the store, and make a new update and short update with the crafting elements. That would reduce the wait time without adding extra time to the addition of the crafting system.

    Aham, I see. I will take a look at the link you posted.

    And about that world management, yeah, it is more or less how I supposed that the info would be managed, having a list of states to every object and saving loading those states when the level is loaded (the streaming part is something I need to check more info and learn more about it).

    Kind of similar to what I have been making for the stat/level/experience system, to make easy to configure all the stats of the player, their "set initial value function" which will be the value that has been previously saved, allowing the load/save part for this.

    Of course, this is a little scale than the whole world management, but it is a starting point.

    Will star to work on this game world management soon, for the improvements on the save system.

    neoshaman likes this.
  16. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have been making more progress in the inventory improvements (including elements related to the weight management) and vendor system.

    Also, I have added a ground dash in first person. This action allows him to move quickly in any direction during a certain amount of time. Other options include a dash speed, cool down, allow to use it on the ground or not, configure a camera state, for example, to lower the camera and move it back to its original position, to give more the feeling of quick movement.

    There are two ways to activate it: pressing two times the movement input (WASD) at any moment and with a maximum space of times between presses, taking the current input as the dash direction.

    The other way is directly using a key action to activate the dash (if no input is pressed, the dash is made forward). I took the idea of the dash from the recent gameplay of dying light 2 and it was pretty quick to add, since the functions to override player input was already present in the asset, so I wanted to try this action quickly and see how it looks.

    Brian-Ryer and hopeful like this.
  17. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    More progress in the update, the elements for the inventory are already complete (just minor checks and test for it), including the option to configure if the weight limit avoids from picking any more objects or not.

    In this video, the player can only pick a few ammo projectiles until reaching the current 500 kg of weight limit configured, so the system only picks the amount which won't reach that weight limit, leaving the rest of ammo on the pickup in the level (it takes 4 from the 9 available and leaves 5 in the ground). When the player tries to pick the rest of projectiles, a message shows that no more objects can't be picked (since just one 1 unit already reaches the weight limit).

    hopeful, xDeveloper and blacksun666 like this.
  18. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have added an option in the using devices system to show icons (classic circle icons) on screen for those devices and interactable elements in the level found by the player, so when he enters inside the trigger of any of these objects, an icon will be placed on the position of that object, similar to games like resident evil remake 2, like that, the player knows easily which element can be used, like doors, password panels, switches, pickups, etc...

    Along with this, an option allows to configure a min distance to allow to use any of these interactable objects, disabling that icon on the screen and enabling the main interaction icon (the one which shows the name of the object and the action to perform with it).

    Also, I noticed an issue in the parable system to calculate trajectories for the weapons, in vehicles and character weapons, causing that sometimes, the trajectory wasn't calculated properly. That is fixed, so the projectiles are launched exactly to the surface found by the weapon properly.

    Brian-Ryer and hopeful like this.
  19. joshua_42


    Jun 23, 2016
    Hello sr.
    One thing I would love to see implemented is the ability to have your characters hands interact with switches (and dials, levers, buttons etc). For example, in a cockpit we could have
    - transforms for each wrists position and rotation relative to every interactable
    - which animation to play (on the hand/fingers and the interactable)
    - press the bound key once to hover the correct hand over the switch, the press again to press/switch (for actions that require timing e.g. switching something on as soon as it's powered up)
    sr388 likes this.
  20. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Do you mean for VR or for regular mode when the player interact with some object?

    It would be interesting to include that kind of interaction. Will put it on the todo list. Do you know games which uses this kind of element?

  21. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    More progress from the weekend. An option allows to configure if the consumable pickups can be used or not according to the way they are made, like for example, if the player's health is full, health pickups won't be used, with custom message to show this in the inventory, this is made easily with the new system to add new behaviors to the pickups, so you can create new scripts which decides what happens when you combine or use objects from the inventory. It includes also options for messages on screen when a consumable object can't be used.

    And about the update 3.02, I should be able to have ready a beta during this week and mostly complete this same week as well.

  22. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have added an option in the vendor system to store the sold objects as items that can be purchased too, and with the option to configure different sell and buy prices. So you can do the classic way to buy an object at low price and sell it at a higher value in the shop.

    more improvements new stuff 190.gif

    In this example, the player sells some ammo and a couple of weapons, which appear later on the objects that can be purchased on the shop at a higher price (configurable on the object list).

    xDeveloper, Brian-Ryer and hopeful like this.
  23. lolaswift


    Jan 10, 2019
    Morning, I hope you don't mind some noob questions.
    1. My main player is a robot and it has a jetpack as part of its body. How to make my player fly as if it's equipped with an external jetpack like yours.
    2. You've developed so many features which is amazing. Are they modular and independent from each other?
    3. Is there a companion AI system allows a companion player follow or unfollow the main player? Can you switch between player when the game is playing?
    4. Does the kit have a flight controller?
    5. I have my own flight controller for starships. How can I hook it to your kit? Is there a get in/out feature?
    6. Can player climb cliffs? I mean without edge. just stiff wall. Climbing like a spider.
    7. The android demo apps. When the screen shows E(push) or E(enter vehicle), there is no E key on mobile and it doesn't response to touch. Which mobile button I should click?
    8. The mobile demos, it takes quite some time to load the scenes. I use Goolge pixel 1. Sometimes takes 30-60 seconds.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019
    sr388 likes this.
  24. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi @lolaswift. Of course not, always glad to answer any doubt,

    1. By default the jetpack is equipped but not active. To activate the jetpack, press the action set player mode (J by default) and select the jetpack mode. This system is configured in the player states manager component, so you can configure there other modes (is a list of states and events, so is very customizable). You can also configure an action in the input manager to enable/disable the jetpack with just one key (in the input manager tutorial video you can see how configure new actions).

    2. Most elements are modular (and I am working in each update in those which are not 100% modular yet, to make every component as independent as possible).

    3. The AI can be configured with a faction system, to configure its team (friend, enemies, etc...) and configure their relation between each other, including the player. So that AI which is friendly with player can follow him and receive orders such as wait, attack, follow, hide, etc... (more order types will be added). The player can't be switched yet ingame, but this is planned as well, with a companion AI, so you switch between different characters, setting the previous one as AI, similar to resident evil revelations 2. It is also planned that the player can just switch between characters ingame too (similar to agents of mayhem).

    4. Yes, there is an aircraft and a flying vehicles controller. The vehicle system uses the same components for all the vehicles in the asset. The only different between them is the vehicle controller script used in each vehicle, which manages how that vehicle moves (car, motorbike, hoverboard, etc...), and the system is made to being easy to add your own vehicle controller scripts (and this will be improved in the next update, to simplify this process even more).

    5. I would take the code from your vehicle script and would create a new vehicle controller script, adding some functions common on all the vehicles controller scripts of GKC to set its current state (it is being driven, use of fuel, input, etc..). Some code knowledge is necessary for this, but I can help as well.

    6. Not yet, but it is planned to be added soon. Two climb styles will be added, one similar to breath of the wild (free climb) and other similar to assassins creed (climb elements configured in the level).

    7. You can see the touch keys assigned for every action in the input. Inside the canvas, you can see the touch panel, where all touch buttons can be found. By default, the button on the left is the one used to grab objects and the one in the right to interact with objects (for mobile, I will add an option to show the button icon on the interaction panel to show the touch button icon instead of the keyboard key, and same for gamepad).

    8. That is strange, it shouldn't take so much, in all tests I have made (I use a xiaomi mi 8 since a few months ago), they take about 10-15 seconds at most. It also depends on the number of elements in the scene and that probably, some materials are not optimized for mobile. Which scenes are you using?

  25. lolaswift


    Jan 10, 2019
    Many thanks for your quick and informative reply. For my question 8, I tried all scenes of your apk demos(5 apps, version 3.x). Don't worry about that, maybe it's just my phone or just assets in those scene are not optimized for mobile platforms.

    GKC is becoming so powerful and having so many features. That's really great. Please try to make every module dependent and can be plugged in and taken out. Game Creator is a good example
    because not everyone needs everything.
    And besides features, quality of the code is equally important, maybe even more important.
    When you're going to add new weapons, personally, I'd like to see a new weapon which is crossbow ~cuz I want to use it for my daemon hunter :).
    sr388 likes this.
  26. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    @lolaswift, of course, that is always one of the main objectives of the asset. I already started to work in that way a few updates ago and I have made on this update with even more emphasis (and will continue to work in that way). Systems like the stamina, vendor, experience, stats, oxygen, inventory weight, ladder system, etc... all of them are modular and can be removed and added easily.

    And yes, new weapons will be added, it is very easy to add new behaviors with that system for weapons and powers, allowing to add new tools and weapons that maybe don't fire regular projectiles. Melee weapons will use the same system as well in the next update, and so the crossbow ;)

    Btw, I have been making some really great improvements and additions for the final elements of the update.

    You can see here a better example of the option to show an icon on those objects which can be used by the player, similar to resident evil 2 remake

    Improved system to give any inventory object to the player which can be triggered by events, like trigger, kill an enemy, open a door, talk with an NPC through the dialog system, etc..., configuring the name of the object and its amount.

    If the player doesn't have enough free space in the inventory, this inventory object is instantiated and dropped on the level as a pickup from the object that gives this inventory object (like killing an enemy).

    Finally, not sure if anyone noticed this, but in unity 2018 and 2019, there was an issue with the IK on weapons, caused by the new way the animator works on those unity versions, which looked like this and is already fixed.

    There are more new elements, but will show them tomorrow. And something important, in one or two days a beta will be ready so anyone who want to try it will have access to it.

    Wetw0rx likes this.
  27. lolaswift


    Jan 10, 2019
    Awesome!. How can you be so capable and so productive?
    and one more thing, it's amazing you managed to put that many icons and buttons on the mobile UI.
    Please keep up the great work.
    sr388 likes this.
  28. lolaswift


    Jan 10, 2019
    Another noob question and it's bothering me for a while :) If I use my own model for FPS, do I need to provide separate hands :). Or the kit will make use of the hands which are part of the body. I mean the camera will show only the hands part.
    Willbkool_FPCS and sr388 like this.
  29. westryder907


    Dec 28, 2016
    He's magical :D

    Keep up the good work! The GKC has quickly gone from ("I might use this some day") TO ("This is the core of my project") in about 3 months! and is still THE BEST 'asset' purchase I've made till this day (including Opsive+UTPC, Invector, Climbing system, Cover System and a few more). This is a HUGE combination of almost every main useful asset available and should be most people's 1st asset they purchase (If you're going for 3D).
    sr388 likes this.
  30. lolaswift


    Jan 10, 2019
    You're not happy with Opsive either?
    Brian-Ryer likes this.
  31. westryder907


    Dec 28, 2016
    Not unhappy, it's just that GKC has SO much more functionality. Also I've yet to get a proper character controller + weapons and pickups working with Opsive. GKC is really shadowing the competition however so I really don't mind.
    sr388 likes this.
  32. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Thanks. Mostly coffee and that I have the basis of work every day in the asset (no matter what). But the main thing is that I really like to work on this asset and is one of my hobbies as well :)

    And about the touch controls, it has been improved in the new update, allowing to configure different touch control schemes and having different touch buttons panels, allowing to separate different controls like weapons, powers, regular movement controls, etc.. and also, use totally different touch control panels, like drive a car, or a motorbike, use the examine system, puzzles, possession to control other objects/characters, etc... It will be very useful to manage different controls.

    The current system uses separated model arms for each weapon, but for the full body awareness, I want to use the whole model for first person, avoiding the need to use separated model for arms and also, use IK for weapons and other elements.

    Thanks @westryder907. Really happy to hear that, I really appreciate to know you consider that about this asset, even over those other assets which have a great quality as well. It helps me a lot to keep working harder on it :D

    lolaswift and Willbkool_FPCS like this.
  33. Willbkool_FPCS


    Jun 13, 2018
    Exactly how I feel, 1st and 3rd person would look exactly the same if getting rid of the 1st person arms.
    lolaswift and sr388 like this.
  34. lolaswift


    Jan 10, 2019
    Nice to works on something which you have passion about. Good for you!
    Limited space on mobile. Need some smart design of the UI indeed.
    I'd heard about full body awareness before but didn't know what that meant. You just solve my puzzle :). I think it's a great improvement if no need to have separated arms for fps.
    I just started playing with the kit. It's wonderful that so many features packed into a small kit. However, due to my limited Unity knowledge and experience, I'm having some problems making my own model work properly with shooting(upper body issue). Your tutorial youtube video needs to be updated, the documentation as well.
    sr388 and Willbkool_FPCS like this.
  35. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Exactly. Can't wait to start the test on this and see the results.

    Yeah. That is why I added the new option for the multiple touch control schemes. And thanks for your words about the asset, very happy to hear that.

    And about the issue, the configuration of the upper body rotation is explained in both video tutorial and the documentation. It is just check the local axis of the chest bone and configure the up axis vector in the upper body rotation system.

    Don't hesitate to send me a PM on the forum or on the support email (you can find it on the doc), to check any issue you could have using the asset.

    Willbkool_FPCS likes this.
  36. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    Here some more elements of the update.

    Added an option in the vendor system to store the sold objects as objects that can be purchased too, and with the option to configure different sell and buy prices, so you can do the classic way to buy an object at low price and sell it at a higher value in the shop:

    And here the system to give inventory objects to the player when he doesn't have enough free space in the inventory, dropping this object on the level as a pickup:

  37. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I am uploading the beta 3.02 to an online server (it can take about 2 hours to upload, slow speed on my town haha), so anyone who want to try it, send me a PM.

    Also, here a video about the new improvements for the mission system to use missions boards, similar to borderlands games.

    xDeveloper likes this.
  38. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    Seems like half of Xenoblade X can be done now lol
    Is it possible to make "upgradable" store like in this game with minimal hassle?

    Last time I was talking about the theory of the challenge of scene management, the purpose was not to make scene management happen sooner, but to future proof current implementation as much as possible so you don't redo.

    But you asked about how some stuff can be done in unity, I haven't got in depth yet but I thought this might help in general:
    sr388 likes this.
  39. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    "Hello? is this thing on? am I all alone? is anyone there? I need a bigger gun!".

    Yeah, would like to include more content of xenoblade x (shame nintendo brings another remaster of the first one to switch instead of the x, seems like they want to forget about that game or something).

    About upgradeable store, do you mean to add new content according to your level or stuff on it to improve player's skills/abilities?

    In the first case, objects can be configured to check player's level and show the needed level on the stores as well, and these products can be hidden until player's level is equal or higher.

    And thanks about the new info, will check it out as well ;)

  40. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    I mean

    Functionally it's a level system tied to the shop and not the player, some event or action (like spending some currency system) raise the shop exp which then decide the level of the shop. As the level increase, new services or product are available.

    I guess a way to emulate that is to have multiple level system on the player (if you allow that) and then read the shop level of the player to unlock stuff tied to that.

    My man
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2019
    sr388 likes this.
  41. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Oh, I see.

    Yeah, like you said, I think the best way is to use the level of the player or some "hidden" statistic on him to manage the objects shown in the store, the higher it becomes, new objects are shown on it. This statistic would be managed and increased through events, like kill enemies, accomplish missions, reach certain parts of the game.

    Will put this on the todo list ;)

  42. neoshaman


    Feb 11, 2011
    not just new objects, "services", for example new dialogue option or replenishing health, etc ... See shop abstractly as gating mechanics where it consume currency to offer access (items or whatever) that will makes more modular.

    An upgradable shop is a stack of module and two gating system,
    - a level one which is a check type one (if x then y)
    - and a currency one (if x then y and remove x),
    - but at specific location (in the world or in a menu),
    - hold by an object (the visual, can be a building, a character, a vending machine, etc ...) we interact with,
    - and an interface that display the content and feedback.
  43. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Yeah, I didn't think about that but it is something very common in most games with this kind of elements (levels/experience/dialog/vendor systems, etc...).

    Will put that on the todo list as well, to make a progression system according to player stats and actions during the game. Thanks for these very useful suggestions :)

  44. DisWebMD


    Sep 10, 2019
    Good, first I want to congratulate you on this amazing Assets! you do anything with it! My quick question before acquiring it is to know if I can do with car racing games, thanks and sorry for my bad English.
    DrOcto and sr388 like this.
  45. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi @DisWebMD

    I was going to answer your question until I noticed that you are maybe Miguel. If you are him, I sent you an answer on gmail, but your question is interesting so I think is good also to reply here, so maybe other people with similar doubt can see it as well. In other case, sorry for the confusion haha.

    Thanks for your kind words about the asset and your interest, really appreciated.

    And about the racing system, not yet, but it is in fact in my todo list and planned since some time ago.

    I even made an initial system for the track system, to configure waypoints, so vehicles can know the size, shape and path of the track. Along with that, I made also the system to manage the input on vehicles to drive through this track system, so it will be the AI on vehicles.

    That is on alpha-beta state, but I want to return to that system during the current 3.0 updates series, and probably, during I will work on this in the next update (the current update 3.02 is about to be complete and sent to the asset store this week).

    For this racing system, I want to add power ups, gravity zones (I already tried that in the above alpha tests and worked properly as well, since vehicles already have a gravity system, to drive anywhere), automatic firing system (for a little of twisted metal) for the vehicle weapons, so not only player can attack, but the AI as well, zones to slow down or speed up vehicles, etc...

    Basically every element needed in a racing game (let me know your ideas, suggestions about this).

    I should record a video soon, showing this initial racing system.

    DrOcto likes this.
  46. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have created prefabs to activate player states on trigger, like set the player to just walk and disable any run or sprint action, draw or keep weapons, change to first or third person, lock and unlock input actions, look toward a position, etc...

    Here an example of the walk state on enter and regular speed on exit.

    And here other setting first person on enter and third person on exit.

    These prefabs have different options, like activate these states on enter or exit a trigger or change these states on both situations (for example, set only the walk movement on enter and enable again the regular run velocity, including the sprint action enabled again, like many games do in certain moments). This will avoid the need to create and configure the event system, trigger, etc...

  47. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Hi everyone.

    I have added the needed elements in the save system to being able to save/load player's stats (all those values configured like health, oxygen, stamina, energy, money, level, experience amount, etc..), so that is already stored between games, and these values can change during game when player levels up, which is saved too.

    Also, I have almost ready the save/load for the mission system, including all missions complete, found in the level and activated in the missions boards, and the vendor system as well.

    Btw @DisWebMD, I have been also making some quick tests with my previous AI for vehicles, along with the racing/track system. It stills on alpha state, but I wanted to try it with the current vehicle system and make a short video with it.

    neoshaman, DrOcto and Mighty183 like this.
  48. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    @sr388 - No pressure, but about how long till you think the current update will be out and in the store?
    sr388 likes this.
  49. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    No problem at all for asking, I appreciate the interest :). I know there has been some delay with it, so sorry for that.

    It should be ready very soon (maybe for the next week). I mostly need to add the save to the vendor system, make tests on the other elements which can be saved/loaded, add the auto save on the change of level and a few minor checks and tasks for the update.

    I will add also the change of level through trigger, button, event, actions, etc...

    The todo list is almost complete for this update, so very close to it.

    hopeful likes this.
  50. sr388


    Jul 22, 2014
    Btw, @hopeful (and everyone), I forgot to say one thing.

    I have already added the stats and the mission system to the save system, so that info can be already managed between games. The vendor system info will be added to the save system tomorrow. I have also started to work on the skill system and I wanted to ask you what games have a good example of skill system, in the meaning of a good menu to activate and manage skills. My examples so far are deus ex and borderlands, but I am sure there are better examples.

    deus ex mankind divided tips for beginners 2.jpg

    a99c392d6301bcb8a240a2bb6520c8e9 (1).jpg
    DrOcto and xDeveloper like this.