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Oculus Touch Index Trigger Button Issues

Discussion in 'Input System' started by jkoldev, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. jkoldev


    May 28, 2015

    I have been testing out the new input system (0.9.6) with Oculus Touch Controllers and I am currently run into a couple of issues. I would like to get a performed and canceled callback when the Index Trigger button is pressed and released respectively. However, this has been challenging due to the following issues:

    1. <XRController>{LeftHand}/triggerPressed currently resolves to /OculusTouchControllerLeft/indextouched. And so I trigger performed and canceled callbacks when touching and not touching the Index Trigger button.

    2. If I try to use <XRController>{LeftHand}/trigger instead, I run into another issue where the phase of the Input Action goes from Waiting to Started when I press the Index Trigger the first time and then stays on Started phase and never switches to any other phase. I do get performed callbacks whenever the analog value changes, but never a canceled callback. Is this expected behavior?

    I have a workaround, but was curious if these were known issues or if there was a better way to approach this.

    Thank you!
    fjalir likes this.
  2. Dakor


    Sep 2, 2013
    This exact behavior is still the case in the most current version... Oculus Trigger is completely useless with the Input System....

    1.0.0 preview.5
  3. mkhudadeh


    Aug 8, 2020
    I recently ran into a similar problem and found the fix was to replace Built-in XR with XR Plugin Management and Oculus's XR Plugin. This doesn't fix the fact that <XRController>{LeftHand}/trigger will never be set back to zero, but it does fix <XRController>{LeftHand}/triggerPressed resolving to /OculusTouchControllerLeft/indextouched.

    <XRController>{LeftHand}/triggerPressed works properly for me now.