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Object pooling and many different types of objects

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by validname1, Jan 13, 2019.

  1. validname1


    Feb 1, 2018
    Hi, I'm kind of stumped as to what the best approach would be for having a ton of different types of objects pooled?

    For example, lets say I have a lot of plants, but those plants are extremely diverse, ie cacti, palm trees, etc. So lets say I have, in total, 500 different types of plants. The game will be hosted on a server with 8 players, where each player at worst case will be near 800 plants.

    For simplicity sake, lets say none of these trees are calling any scripts and are managed by a manager class. On the server, all they have attached to them is a static box collider. While on the client they have an additional spriterenderer attached.

    So now I'm wondering - how should I manage something this large scale on the server? At worst case I would need 500 pools with about 800 game objects each, which leads to roughly 400,000 game objects!