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Feedback Notified to leave reviews on products but says I haven't downloaded the asset.

Discussion in 'Unity Gaming Services General Discussion' started by CenobiteShadoweaver, Nov 20, 2022.

  1. CenobiteShadoweaver


    Nov 1, 2022
    Can't do many reviews because it says I haven't downloaded the product when I have, not only downloaded it but used it in many projects testing yet still says i haven't downloaded the file when it sits fully downloaded in the package manager.

    Can you please allow images to be posted not URLs for images so i can show examples in forums as i don't wish to post via a third party i should be able to just upload a certain size single shot frame, most sites have this feature yet Unity a premium site have this link to a profile of some sort giving that platform more business than it needs. Allow images from Hard Drives to be posted not URL links to your favourite platform.
    Thank You.