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New to Custom Packages, couple of questions

Discussion in 'Package Manager' started by CrowbarSka, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. CrowbarSka


    Dec 15, 2009
    Hello! I just started digging into the awesome world of Custom Packages. Love it so far, but I have some questions.
    1. I'm using packages stored locally on disk. Is it possible to prevent auto-updating and instead have an "Update" button like the official packages?

      i.e. some kind of simple versioning system, where a package is imported into a local project folder, thereby preventing it from automatically updating if the source package is changed, unless I explicitly tell it to

      I can foresee issues where I update a package for one project, but an older project uses an older version and is silently broken without me realising until I open it again. It would be nice if I could keep that older project using an older version of the package.

    2. What's the best way to handle abstract classes which rely on variable data that's unique to a project?

      For example, I have a class which handles opening web browser links to my websites. So the player can click a button in-game and be taken to a website. I can use the same variables names (e.g. "leaderboard", and "Steam page", but of course I want those URLs to be different for each game.

      What's the best way to do that? Maybe finding a reference to a scriptable object which holds the data?

    3. Can I create custom packages which have dependencies and references to Asset Store packages and their code?
    Thanks! :)
  2. Favo-Yang


    Apr 4, 2011
    1. No locking feature for the local package, but you have two choices: set up a local registry (e.g. verdaccio), or set up a local git server. Both can handle version control.

    2. A few choices:
    • ask the consumer to create a configuration file on a convention path (JSON or scriptable object).
    • ask the consumer to create a runtime instance (game object) to hold the data.
    • ask the consumer to extend your class to implement a few data provider methods.

    3. Custom dependencies:
    • Official package dependencies? Yes, no problem.
    • Asset store dependencies? not supported yet.
    • Custom package dependencies on another registry (e.g. OpenUPM)? As long as your manifest.json can locate the dependent packages using scopedRegistry.
    • Custom Git dependencies? not supported yet, but seems in their backlog.
  3. CrowbarSka


    Dec 15, 2009
    Thanks for the thorough reply!

    What does the "yet" mean there...? Is it planned?
  4. Favo-Yang


    Apr 4, 2011
    Sorry I don’t know. Could be a fuzzy memory, but I remember somewhere tells it will take a long time to convert existing store assets to UPM format.
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