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Feedback New project folder hub 3.1.2

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by norm2010, May 11, 2022.

  1. norm2010


    Dec 13, 2021
    hub 3.1.2

    I was about to post a question, but I figured this out myself. I thought I would post to help others avoid waisting time (if they manage fto find my post!).

    In the old (pre v3) Hub, you would get a dialog box asking you for the path of your project. But in v3, that path setting is HIDDEN. See below.


    See the scroll bar on the far right? You gotta scroll down and VOILA!


    Very bad UI design, esp since the top of that dialog is taken up with a big green box.

    BTW, to change the default project location, go to preferences (by clicking the cog, top left of project list window).