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New "AR" Project

Discussion in 'AR/VR (XR) Discussion' started by Weaverr, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. Weaverr


    Jul 20, 2018
    Good afternoon Unity community,

    I've got involved in a project where I need to create a virtual world inside a real world boundaries (without using image processing), which I know exactly the geometry of the room where I'm going to run the test. I'm looking for some kind of advice because I've only used Vuforia, and It seems to render only an image not to really store the position of the phone inside some kind of virtual world. I'm looking for information if its possible to track the position of the phone inside those worlds and display what you'd see in a determined position in real world.

    Sorry If I didn't explain myself clearly since It's my first time trying to do something like this.
    Thanks for your patient and your attention,
  2. GuismoW


    Jun 20, 2013
    I'm interested in AR projects, and plan to start developing with the Hololens soon.

    When you write "w/o using image processing", I don't understand that,
    because everything (AR) is "image processing", even the high-end headsets, even if you use IR camera, RGB-D one, etc.
    Maybe you wanted to say "without image marker" ?

    From image, software builds "markers" (so "markerless" is a non-sense), what you should go with would be the ARKit or ARCore, or use a Hololens-like headset, all depends on the reliability you want to have.

    I haven't developed with ARCore for now, but the principles are the same.
    as you know the real room geometry, you can have your own odometry system, and localize yourself (phone) in the room.
    The more precise & difficult to develop would be to have SLAM system, if you want enough courage to develop one for your project.

    If you want more details, just ask