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Games NeoMiner3D - Simulator Gravity Slingshots

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by MBrown42, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. MBrown42


    Jan 23, 2018
    First fully functional gravity slingshot tool in the simulator, shows launching on two slingshots, one of which zooms away into the ship for a 3D first person slingshot ride!

    Controls for flight also work once you switch to this ship view, so you can alter your slingshot en-route. Plus some snippets of messing with planet and orbital radii to scale each orbiting body and the whole inner solar system.

    I was committed to maintaining realism and went all the way to using double precision force, position, velocity, and acceleration vector3D's. After doing all of that I realized that for game play it was too big, too close to real, and took waaaaay to long to traverse the big transfer orbit, even at high g's and time scale for speeds.

    So the whole thing shrank considerably for the game, but the engine still uses double precision and one snippet shows how you can scale the orbital semi major axis of each orbiting body from tiny to way the hell out there.

    Constructive feedback appreciated, thanks!
    Matt Brown,

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019