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Need to change from old input system Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") .. to new input system

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by Arkaj, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Arkaj


    Aug 9, 2020
    I need to change from
    Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") to the new input sysem
    the script:
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    public class RearWheelDrive : MonoBehaviour {

    private WheelCollider[] wheels;

    public float maxAngle = 30;
    public float maxTorque = 300;
    public GameObject wheelShape;

    // here we find all the WheelColliders down in the hierarchy
    public void Start()
    wheels = GetComponentsInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; ++i)
    var wheel = wheels ;

    // create wheel shapes only when needed
    if (wheelShape != null)
    var ws = GameObject.Instantiate (wheelShape);
    ws.transform.parent = wheel.transform;

    if(wheel.transform.localPosition.x < 0f)
    ws.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ws.transform.localScale.x*-1f,ws.transform.localScale.y,ws.transform.localScale.z);

    // this is a really simple approach to updating wheels
    // here we simulate a rear wheel drive car and assume that the car is perfectly symmetric at local zero
    // this helps us to figure our which wheels are front ones and which are rear
    public void Update()
    float DirX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * maxAngle ;
    float DirY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * maxTorque ;

    foreach (WheelCollider wheel in wheels)
    // a simple car where front wheels steer while rear ones drive
    if (wheel.transform.localPosition.z > 0)
    wheel.steerAngle = DirX;

    if (wheel.transform.localPosition.z < 0)
    wheel.motorTorque = DirY;

    // update visual wheels if any
    if (wheelShape)
    Quaternion q;
    Vector3 p;
    wheel.GetWorldPose (out p, out q);

    // assume that the only child of the wheelcollider is the wheel shape
    Transform shapeTransform = wheel.transform.GetChild (0);
    shapeTransform.position = p;
    shapeTransform.rotation = q;

  2. Arkaj


    Aug 9, 2020
    does any one have a solution
  3. Yoreki


    Apr 10, 2019
  4. Arkaj


    Aug 9, 2020
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

    public class RearWheelDrive : MonoBehaviour {

    private WheelCollider[] wheels;

    public float maxAngle = 30;
    public float maxTorque = 300;
    public GameObject wheelShape;

    // here we find all the WheelColliders down in the hierarchy
    public void Start()
    { var ws = GameObject.Instantiate (wheelShape);
    wheels = GetComponentsInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; ++i)
    var wheel = wheels ;

    // create wheel shapes only when needed
    if (wheelShape != null)
    var ws = GameObject.Instantiate (wheelShape);
    ws.transform.parent = wheel.transform;

    if(wheel.transform.localPosition.x < 0f)
    ws.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ws.transform.localScale.x*-1f,ws.transform.localScale.y,ws.transform.localScale.z);
    public void OnMove(InputValue input)
    Vector2 inputVec = input.Get<Vector2>();
    wheels = GetComponentsInChildren<WheelCollider>();

    for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; ++i)
    var wheel = wheels ;

    // create wheel shapes only when needed
    if (wheelShape != null)
    var ws = GameObject.Instantiate (wheelShape);
    ws.transform.parent = wheel.transform;

    if(wheel.transform.localPosition.x < 0f)
    ws.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ws.transform.localScale.x*-1f,ws.transform.localScale.y,ws.transform.localScale.z);


    // this is a really simple approach to updating wheels
    // here we simulate a rear wheel drive car and assume that the car is perfectly symmetric at local zero
    // this helps us to figure our which wheels are front ones and which are rear
    public void Update()
    float DirX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * maxAngle ;
    float DirY = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") * maxTorque ;

    foreach (WheelCollider wheel in wheels)
    // a simple car where front wheels steer while rear ones drive
    if (wheel.transform.localPosition.z > 0)
    wheel.steerAngle = DirX;

    if (wheel.transform.localPosition.z < 0)
    wheel.motorTorque = DirY;

    // update visual wheels if any
    if (wheelShape)
    Quaternion q;
    Vector3 p;
    wheel.GetWorldPose (out p, out q);

    // assume that the only child of the wheelcollider is the wheel shape
    Transform shapeTransform = wheel.transform.GetChild (0);
    shapeTransform.position = p;
    shapeTransform.rotation = q;

  5. Arkaj


    Aug 9, 2020
    i changed it but i got an error : A local or parameter named 'ws' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter
  6. Yoreki


    Apr 10, 2019
    You know what would be great? Having line numbers to talk about.
    Both in the error message, as well as in the posted code example. If only there was a way... :(