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Need help with Jumping and climbing for player

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by noah3322, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. noah3322


    Jan 2, 2020
    Hi all, I am new to c# and unity. Im trying to have my player run and jump and maintain that speed and the player doesn't seem to jump while I hold the run button. also when the player is touching the rope it doest stay attached. Some help would be nice. here is the code:

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    //Ground logic
    public bool groundTouch;
    public Transform GroundCheck;
    public LayerMask groundLayerMask;

    //Wall logic
    public bool wallTouch;
    public Transform WallCheck;
    public LayerMask wallLayerMask;

    //Rope logic
    public bool ropeTouch;
    public Transform RopeCheck;
    public LayerMask ropeLayerMask;

    //player attributes
    public bool canDoubleJump;

    private Rigidbody2D rb;

    public float speed = 50f;
    public float maxSpeed = 3;

    public float runSpeed = 100f;
    public float maxRunSpeed = 5;

    public float jumpPower = 200f;

    public float climbSpeed = 10f;
    public float swingSpeed = 10f;

    public bool facingRight;

    //Interactive objects
    private Rigidbody2D rope;

    void Start()

    //Initialize rigidbodies
    rb = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
    rope = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Rope").GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();


    void Update()

    float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    //check if player is touching something
    groundTouch = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(GroundCheck.position, 0.1f, groundLayerMask);
    wallTouch = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(WallCheck.position, 0.1f, wallLayerMask);
    ropeTouch = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(RopeCheck.position, 0.1f, ropeLayerMask);

    //turning left and right
    if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0)
    transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);
    facingRight = false;
    if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0)
    transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
    facingRight = true;

    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
    if (groundTouch)
    rb.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpPower);
    canDoubleJump = true;
    if (canDoubleJump)
    canDoubleJump = false;
    rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, 0);
    rb.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpPower);


    if (RopeCheck)

    //player to grab rope when touching it automatically
    //horizontal axis h to swing back and forth
    //vertical axis v to climb up and down
    //jump off
    if (ropeTouch)
    Vector2 localPos = transform.localPosition;
    localPos.x = 0;
    rb.gravityScale = 0;
    rb.AddForce((Vector2.right * swingSpeed) * h);
    rb.AddForce((Vector2.up) * v);

    rb.gravityScale = 1;



    void FixedUpdate()
    float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

    //move player and control air movement
    if (groundTouch)
    rb.AddForce((Vector2.right * speed) * h);

    if(Input.GetKey("h") && Input.GetKey("d"))
    rb.AddForce((Vector2.right * runSpeed));

    else if(Input.GetKey("h") && Input.GetKey("a"))
    rb.AddForce((-Vector2.right * runSpeed));


    //limit speed
    if (rb.velocity.x > maxSpeed)
    rb.velocity = new Vector2(maxSpeed, rb.velocity.y);

    if (rb.velocity.x < -maxSpeed)
    rb.velocity = new Vector2(-maxSpeed, rb.velocity.y);

    //limit runSpeed
    if (rb.velocity.x > maxRunSpeed)
    rb.velocity = new Vector2(maxRunSpeed, rb.velocity.y);

    if (rb.velocity.x < -maxRunSpeed)
    rb.velocity = new Vector2(-maxRunSpeed, rb.velocity.y);



  2. Yoreki


    Apr 10, 2019
    Hi and welcome. For following posts, please use the code tags to post code. It's the <> button, and there is also a sticky explaining how to use them if you need examples.
    As for your problem, i can highly recommend the tutorial series by Sebastian Lague on the topic of character controllers, cameras and so on. He does what you want, in that his character can run, jump (maintain speed while jumping), play the correct animation, being controlled by the camera and so on. The most appropritate episode for your problem would be: