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Need help combining shaders

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by powerups, Aug 30, 2019.

  1. powerups


    Dec 10, 2012
    Hello I am trying to combine two shaders and I am having problems getting both to render. Both shaders contain dependencies required for two pieces of functionality, but I can't get it to render. I think I need a grab pass in there. Any help would be appreciated.

    Shader "Custom/VideoShaderKey" {
    _MainTex1("MainTex", 2D) = "white" {}
    _BgColor("BgColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
    _KeyColor("KeyColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
    _DChroma("D Chroma", range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5
    _DChromaT("D Chroma Tolerance", range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.05

    _Chroma("Chroma (Main -> Bg)", range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5
    _Luma("Luma (Main -> Bg)", range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5
    _Saturation("Saturation (0 -> Chroma)", range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0
    _Alpha("Alpha (Chroma -> Bg)", range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0
    #include "UnityCG.cginc"
    struct VS_OUT {
    fixed4 position:pOSITION;
    fixed2 texcoord0:TEXCOORD0;

    sampler2D _MainTex1;
    fixed4 _MainTex_ST;

    fixed4 _BgColor;

    fixed4 _KeyColor;
    fixed _DChroma;
    fixed _DChromaT;

    fixed _Chroma;
    fixed _Luma;
    fixed _Saturation;
    fixed _Alpha;

    VS_OUT vert(appdata_base input) {
    VS_OUT o;
    o.position = UnityObjectToClipPos(input.vertex);
    o.texcoord0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(input.texcoord, _MainTex);
    return o;

    fixed3 RGB_To_YCbCr(fixed3 RGB) {
    fixed Y = 0.299 * RGB.r + 0.587 * RGB.g + 0.114 * RGB.b;
    fixed Cb = 0.564 * (RGB.b - Y);
    fixed Cr = 0.713 * (RGB.r - Y);
    return fixed3(Cb, Cr, Y);

    fixed3 YCbCr_To_RGB(fixed3 YCbCr) {
    fixed R = YCbCr.z + 1.402 * YCbCr.y;
    fixed G = YCbCr.z - 0.334 * YCbCr.x - 0.714 * YCbCr.y;
    fixed B = YCbCr.z + 1.772 * YCbCr.x;
    return fixed3(R, G, B);
    fixed2 lerp3_2(fixed2 A, fixed2 B, fixed2 C, fixed v) {
    if (v < 0.5) {
    return lerp(A, B, 2*v);
    else {
    return lerp(B, C, 2*(v-0.5));
    fixed lerp3_1(fixed A, fixed B, fixed C, fixed v) {
    if (v < 0.5) {
    return lerp(A, B, 2 * v);
    else {
    return lerp(B, C, 2 * (v - 0.5));
    fixed4 frag(VS_OUT input) : SV_Target {
    fixed4 c = tex2D(_MainTex1, input.texcoord0);
    if(c.a > 0) {
    fixed4 c_bg = _BgColor;

    fixed3 src_YCbCr = RGB_To_YCbCr(c.rgb);
    fixed3 target_YCbCr = RGB_To_YCbCr(c_bg.rgb);
    fixed3 key_YCbCr = RGB_To_YCbCr(_KeyColor);

    fixed dChroma = distance(src_YCbCr.xy, key_YCbCr.xy);
    if (dChroma < _DChroma) {
    fixed ta = 0;
    c.rgb = c_bg.rgb;
    if (dChroma > _DChroma - _DChromaT) {
    ta = (dChroma - _DChroma + _DChromaT) / _DChromaT;
    fixed2 cta = lerp(src_YCbCr.xy, target_YCbCr.xy, 1 - ta);
    fixed2 ct = lerp3_2(src_YCbCr.xy, cta, target_YCbCr.xy, _Chroma);

    fixed sa = length(cta);
    fixed s = lerp(0, sa, _Saturation);
    ct *= s / sa;

    fixed la = lerp(src_YCbCr.z, target_YCbCr.z, 1 - ta);
    fixed l = lerp3_1(src_YCbCr.z, la, target_YCbCr.z, _Luma);

    c.rgb = YCbCr_To_RGB(float3(ct.x, ct.y, l));
    ta = lerp(ta, c.a, _Alpha);
    if(c.a > ta){
    c.a = ta;
    return c;

    SubShader {
    Tags{ "Queue" = "Background" }
    Pass {

    Lighting Off
    ZWrite Off
    ZTest Off
    Cull Off

    // use "vert" function as the vertex shader
    #pragma vertex vert
    // use "frag" function as the pixel (fragment) shader
    #pragma fragment frag

    // vertex shader inputs
    struct appdata
    float4 vertex : POSITION; // vertex position
    float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; // texture coordinate

    // vertex shader outputs ("vertex to fragment")
    struct v2f
    float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; // texture coordinate
    float4 vertex : SV_POSITION; // clip space position
    int _Rotation = 0;
    float _ScaleX = 1.0;
    float _ScaleY = 1.0;
    int _Mirror = 0;
    int _VerticalMirror = 0;
    int _InvertTextureChannels = 0;

    // vertex shader
    v2f vert(appdata v)
    v2f o;

    // transform position to clip space
    o.vertex = float4(v.vertex.x*_ScaleX, v.vertex.y*_ScaleY, 0.0, 1.0);

    if (_Rotation == 1)
    float tmp = o.vertex.x;
    o.vertex.x = o.vertex.y;
    o.vertex.y = -tmp;
    else if (_Rotation == 2)
    o.vertex.x = -o.vertex.x;
    o.vertex.y = -o.vertex.y;
    else if (_Rotation == 3)
    float tmp = o.vertex.x;
    o.vertex.x = -o.vertex.y;
    o.vertex.y = tmp;

    // pass the texture coordinate
    o.uv = v.uv;
    if (_Mirror == 1)
    o.uv.x = 1.0 - o.uv.x;
    if (_VerticalMirror == 1)
    o.uv.y = 1.0 - o.uv.y; // image is flipped upside down (depending on pixel formats and devices)

    return o;

    fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
    // sample texture and return it
    fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex1, i.uv);
    if (_InvertTextureChannels == 1)
    col = fixed4(col.b, col.g, col.r, col.a);
    return col;

    SubShader {
    Tags{ "Queue" = "Transparent" "RenderType" = "Transparent" "IgnoreProjector" = "True" }
    Lighting Off
    ZWrite Off
    AlphaTest Off
    Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha, One One

    Pass {
    #pragma vertex vert
    #pragma fragment frag
    Fallback Off