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NDK Not Found

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by ZiaDavid76, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. ZiaDavid76


    Nov 13, 2017
    Trying to build 64-bit for Android using Unity 2019.2.5f1. I installed Android Build Support including the NDK using the Unity Hub. It put android ndk r16 in the folder. It wasn't working, and based on another thread I tried removing it and putting android-ndk-r19c. It still says Android NDK not found in a popup dialog when I try to build the project.

    I have tried this with Android Studio installed, both with and without NDK, and also completely removing Android Studio. I also tried removing Unity and reinstalling. All the obvious possibilities seem fine like the correct path to the file.

    This is on a Mac. Any solutions anyone can suggest?
  2. everestt_00


    Oct 6, 2019
    Aynı durumla bende karşılaştım. Win10 da. Çözümü araştırdım unity nin NDK klasörünün içine r16 dosyaları ekleyin düzelir sonucunu buldum.
    Not: henüz denemedim