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My hub feedback

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by Brathnann, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. Brathnann


    Aug 12, 2014
    First just the version mismatch issue as posted here and I commented on

    Next I don't have a way to select a patched version to download components for it? I assume you have to get your component under the Official Releases tab, but it's not listing 2017.3.0p2 there.

    If you have a lot of Unity versions and you try to use the "..." to choose a version, it gives you a popup of the versions you have. However, you can't scroll in this window. Instead you have to scroll your project window.

    I see the Template section and it the article I thought it was suppose to ship with additional templates, but I only see 2D/3D.

    Also, are we able to create our own Templates?

    Might be nice if we had a filter feature for projects. Work requires all our projects be under a folder "Project" so all the project names are Project and I have to look at the folder name to know which project it is. So a way to filter for certain versions might be nice.

    I'll update if I find something else, but this is a really nice addition to help clear my desktop.
    Narv likes this.
  2. charlesb_rm


    Jan 18, 2017
    The new templates are in beta in 2018.1. You need to select the 2018.1 version when creating the new project and they will magically appear in your dropdown selector.
  3. Brathnann


    Aug 12, 2014
    Ah, got it. I haven't added the 2018 beta yet. Will do that sometime. Thanks.
    charlesb_rm likes this.