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MRTK examples moving with the head

Discussion in 'VR' started by thevolcano3, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. thevolcano3


    Jun 17, 2020
    Maybe I should ask this at the MRTK forum but in case if any one knows, I'm trying to deploy the Hand Interaction Example to HoloLens2 using the unity build.
    When I install and load the example, the whole scene is in this small tiny screen and it moves around with my head. So my view is pretty much stuck to this screenshot. How can have the head not move with the screen?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
  2. Kent1LG


    Dec 3, 2019
    Hey Volcano,

    What version of Unity and MRTK are you using?
    This situation reminds me when I used for the first time the MRTK 2.3 and Unity 2019.3 (or .2) together.
    I did activate the XR SDK thinking that was the only way to make it works (spoiler : No, you can use Legacy XR like all the previous versions) and I experimented the same situation as you when all the scene is render in front of you no matter the head rotation.
    If this is the same situation for you, I'm thinking of two possibles solutions :
    - Make your project without XR SDK (I recommend) and use Legacy XR instead.
    - Try to set up your scene with some XR SDK guidelines like the @DanMillerU3D one of the MR Dev days :

    Hope is going to help you !
    Keep me in touch,

    Quentin LG
  3. thevolcano3


    Jun 17, 2020
    Thanks Quentin LG!
    I'm using Unity 2019.4.4 and MRTK 2.4.0.
    I believe I had the settings like @DanMillerU3D, but it still showed like this 2D slate looking image.
    But I just solved this issue and wanted to share my solution for those who might experience the same thing with the new versions.

    Under MixedRealityTookKit, I changed the profile from Hololens2 to XRSDKConfiguration and it started working.
    I'm not sure if this is the right way to solve it but it worked.
  4. Kent1LG


    Dec 3, 2019
    Hey TheVolcano,

    Glad you succeed to make it works.
    That was what I thought, you enabled the Unity XR SDK on your project.
    Don't worry, if you're stuck cause of it you can switch on the XR Legacy when you want.

    Quentin LG