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Monodevelop 4 - no code hinting

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by JakobWagner, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. JakobWagner


    Aug 2, 2010

    After installing the new 4.3 update including monodevelop 4. I don't get any code hinting for unity classes/functions.
    I get code hinting for C# like private or float, but not for any Unity specific like GameObject.

    Also, the solution pad is empty, isn't that where I usually get my list of scripts?

    - Wagner
  2. JakobWagner


    Aug 2, 2010
    OK. Got it working. But this must be a bug.
    I preferences the external script editor was already set to use monodevelop (the only version of monodevelop I have so it must be the correct version). I selected browse anyways, and selected the monodevelop app. Now it works.

    - Wagner
  3. horatiu665


    Nov 22, 2012
    Thanks for this, man. I was really considering punching the screen when I read the other posts about reinstalling Unity 4.3 three times in a row...

    On a more raging note, I think Monodevelop 4 is a major step back, even from the old Monodevelop. Any clue what to replace it with on a Mac until some better version (hopefully) appears? On PC I am already using Visual Studio...

    Anyway, thanks again. Your solution works.
  4. FoxCharge


    Sep 4, 2012
    This almost completely works for me. It fixed code hinting for most functions, but not classes or non-Unity-specific variables.

    I can't really speak for the PC version, but it seems like MonoDevelop 4 removed more features than it added on Macs, especially in terms of general convenience. *Short rant incoming! :D*

    For instance, why is there no full-screen option? My main Mac testing machine is a 13.3" MacBook Pro, so every bit of real estate on my screen counts. Pre-Unity4.3-MonoDevelop had a full-screen mode that worked perfectly, what's the point in taking it out?

    Why is there no way to hide the giant silver toolbar at the top...the one with the "Play" button and search field? I obviously can't speak for everyone, but for my purposes everything above the tab bar is entirely useless for me and a waste of screen space. I create and organize scripts in the Unity editor...I get that a lot of people use MonoDevelop's more advanced features, but I'm absolutely positive I'm not the only developer that doesn't need them and would opt for a more minimalist interface. Like what Unity's older MonoDevelop offered.

    Also, editing scripts with tons of functions is hell now that MonoDevelop "forgets" how to fold code every time you save the file. Not only do the collapse/expand handles disappear, but the "Collapse All" and "Expand All" hotkeys won't work either, presumably because MonoDevelop has to recalculate where the code can fold again. Folding won't come back until you either type and erase a bunch of junk (specifically three or more characters, for some reason) or switch tabs a few times. Just long enough for me to bash my head into my desk until I see stars.

    Long story short, I'll probably reinstall the older version of MonoDevelop or switch to a different IDE. I could probably get everything I need from something like TextWrangler without any of the headaches MonoDevelop 4 has been giving me.
  5. UtilityFrog


    Dec 25, 2013
    I'm just getting started with Unity, and coming from Intellij, Monodevelop seems horribly primitive and flakey.

    Anyway, I found this thread while searching for a way to remove the useless tool bar you mentioned (seriously, what is the huge grey block which says "MonoDevelop-Unity" even supposed to be for?? It doesn't do anything as far as I can tell) So, while I'm not optimistic about an answer, does anyone have any idea about how to remove the stupid useless toolbar? Thanks.
  6. Muhammad-Faisal-Aleem


    Jun 22, 2015
    Fixed it!

    Just go to Unity Preferences->External Tools->External Script Editor and choose browse, than navigate to your MonoDevelop app and select it. Reload the solution. The problem is gone.