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Missiles Launcher Third Person Controller

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by humanbestudios, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. humanbestudios


    Apr 16, 2021
    Hi Guys! I'm here to do the announcement of my template in asset store. I'm almost finishing it.
    Later use some templates I saw that buy a template isn't enough to see your game earn life when you want some specific thing, that don't come with it. So I decided do this template. The main objective is do all the job for you. So why you work in a way to make your third person character enter in an airplane system if you can just buy my and do it. The idea is give to character more and more interactions later every update. What will give you more possibilities. So pefarps you need to buy a lot of temples you can just use my. And this thanks to the fact that everything is based in the system turn on and turn off. So if you just want a race game don't worry. You can use the car system without the third person controller. Want a strategy game just using AI? Don't worry! An fighter jet game? Don't worry because everything here is individual. But with capacity of interaction. So you don't need to use our player character. But if you wish. You can just use it. To interact with all systems. Here are some things:
    - Evolution/Transformation System
    - Spell System
    - Teletransport
    - Necessities like food
    - Swim System
    - Fly System
    - Melee and shooter combat system
    - Camera animation for ultimate spells and normal spells
    - Can drive all war vehicles that come in the template what includes: normal car, tank, missile launcher truck, air defense truck, fighter jet and submarine.
    - The war system come with a missile launcher truck that launch AI missiles that will detect the target and fly until it to destroy. And come with an air defense system that will auto detect the missile coming in range and launch an interceptor missile. The best is that systems are in vehicles so you can just drive them to anyone you wish. Giving to you the capacity to really live a real war scene.

    Here is a simple video that show I driving the missile launcher truck without the third person controller:

    The start price with all this will be only 20 usd. I will really will appreciate your opinions. Thank you very much.