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TextMesh Pro Migrating from Legacy / Asset Store to Package Manager Releases

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by Stephan_B, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Good to know
  2. ocnenued


    Apr 4, 2018
    Looks like changing Cloud Build Unity version from 2017.4 to 2018.1 fixed it. Thank you.
  3. davenirline


    Jul 7, 2010
    I still get compile errors. I have done most of the suggestions here:

    "The type or namespace name `TMPro' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?"

    Tried deleting Library then reimported everything. Tried deleting the Visual Studio files to be recreated. None worked. What else can I do?

    I've also tried changing the manifest to:

    "Unity.TextMeshPro": "1.2.2"

    With this, the project won't start.

    I'm using the release version of Unity 2018.1 by the way.
  4. fennecx_development


    Sep 24, 2014

    I'm trying to add support for TextMeshPro in my plugin (to support emojis), but I'm a bit confused with the order of the "TMP_CharacterInfo" instances in the "TMP_TextInfo.characterInfo" property when using emojis.
    I know emojis are surrogate pairs (so 2 characters instead of one).
    It looks like the index of the character in the string doesn't correspond to the index of the instance in the "TMP_CharacterInfo" array.
    The same is true for the "TMP_CharacterInfo.index" property that should indicate the index within the source string according to the documentation.

    Is this by design or is this a bug?
    Otherwise, how would I get the right TMP_CharacterInfo instance based on the index of the source string?
    Ideally I would expect to have the first character info of the surrogate pair have the information about the position & size of the sprite and the last character of the surrogate pair to only have to position information.

    Using TextMeshPro 1.2.2 at the moment.
  5. TheJavierD


    Jan 6, 2017
    Unity 2018.2b: TextMeshPro is not working for a UWP build on .NET backend. It does work if i use IL2CPP, Things were working fine in 2018.1

    unity builds the project, but then visual studio cannot make a build because it can't find a bunch of files, for example:
    com.unity.textmeshpro\Scripts\Runtime\TMP_UpdateRegistery.cs' could not be found.

    And a ton more
  6. egamestudio


    Mar 11, 2016
    Using 2018.1.0f2 I no longer can see the TextMeshPro Text/Input options when I right click to create an object.

    Could a Unity config be corrupted?

    Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 11.56.59 AM.png
  7. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Is that just after importing the latest TMP UPM package?

    Make sure you followed the upgrade instruction in the first post of this thread.
  8. egamestudio


    Mar 11, 2016
    I went to the Package Manager and noticed it wasn't installed, so I imported it and it's available now. I thought I had used it before with this project, but I must have confused it with another project. Thanks for the quick reply.
    Stephan_B likes this.
  9. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    This is partially correct. Although Emojis are typically mapped in the UTF32 range of Unicode which requires the use of surrogate pairs to represent them in a string in C#, there are still emojis mapped into the lower ranges of Unicode which doesn't require the use of surrogate pairs.

    That is correct as the index in the characterInfo[] represents the index of text elements. For example given the following: "<b>A</b>", the letter A would be at index 0 in the characterInfo[] since it is the first text element. However, checking the characterInfo[0].index for this element would return 3 which is the index of this letter A in the source string.

    In terms of characterInfo[].index, like I said, it should be pointing to the index of the text element in the source string. However, when surrogate pairs are used, this index value is incorrect.

    For instance, string s = "A\U0001F60AB"; ends up being converted to "A\ud83d\ude0aB" by C#.

    The first text element is A at characterInfo[0].index = 0; which is correct.

    The emoji is characterInfo[1].index = 1; which points to the high surrogate pair which is correct.

    However the letter B, characterInfo[2].index = 2; is incorrect as it points to the low surrogate pair. The characterInfo[2].index should equal 3.

    I need to take a look at this to fix it. Could you please submit a bug report on this which makes it easier for me to track / not forget about.

    P.S. Since this thread is specific to the TMP UPM package for Unity 2018.1, let's make sure feedback, bugs, etc. that are not specific to this are posted in their own thread in the main forum section here (Unity UI & TextMesh Pro) as this will make these threads and information easier to find for other users.
  10. fennecx_development


    Sep 24, 2014
    Thank you for the explanation.
    I've submitted the bug using the Unity bug reporter and created a new thread in this forum section.
    Stephan_B likes this.
  11. RobertMacGillivray


    Feb 13, 2014
    I recently ran into an issue with the UPM version of TextMesh Pro in Unity 2018.1.0f2. When trying to create a build, even in a completely fresh project, I get 15 errors that look something like this:

    /AppData/Local/Unity/cache/packages/,34): error CS0012: The type `UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. Consider adding a reference to assembly `UnityEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

    I've tried completely fresh installs of Unity, with all caches deleted, but no luck.
  12. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    This might be related to some random issue that occurred when the package was downloaded the first time. I would suggest either deleting all references to the com.unity.textmeshpro package in the cache sub folders (both in packages and upm) or easier deleting the whole cache folder.

    This will force all packages to be downloaded again which would fix any previous potential download or caching issue.
  13. RobertMacGillivray


    Feb 13, 2014
    I tried this and it didn't work unfortunately. After that, I scrubbed all traces of Unity and it's various caches from my computer and did a re-install via Unity Hub - this didn't work either. Fortunately, late last night, I downloaded the most recent Unity beta via Unity Hub to do some tests, and that fixed all of my issues in 2018.1.0f2. I'm not sure why this would have solved the issue. The only things I noticed were that TMP was auto-added to a new project, and that the UPM version was 1.2.1.
  14. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Version 1.2.1 is the previous of the TMP UPM package. Version 1.2.2 is the latest.

    Version 1.2.1 is included with Unity 2018.2 which will soon get replaced by version 1.2.3 (which is not released yet).

    What determines what version of any package is included in a project is the manifest.json file contained in the Project Folder/Packages/... Most likely your manifest.json for this project includes a dependency to the TMP package. This would be look like this:
    Code (csharp):
    2. {
    3.   "dependencies":
    4.   {
    5.     "com.unity.textmeshpro": "1.2.1"
    6.    }
    7. }
  15. oscarlosu


    Mar 4, 2015
    Hi Stephan_B,

    After upgrading to the package manager version of TMP in Unity 2018.1 following the steps on your guide, the text of a lot of the instances of the Text Mesh Pro component has become invisible. I have noticed that changing pretty much any setting in the component to any value and back to the original one makes the text reappear, but I have way too many instances of this to do manually and i'm not thrilled about going through every scene with an editor script doing this process.

    You can see how the inspector looks in one of the problematic instances in the attached image.

    Is there a nice way to solve this?

    Attached Files:

  16. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Any chance you can submit a bug report with the project (prior to upgrading) so I can take a look to figure out what might be happening?
  17. sgower


    Mar 9, 2015
    I posted a rather lengthly description of my problematic upgrade process on the digitalnativestudios forum, so hopefully Stephan can answer that there. My problem with the upgrade process is that during the process I delete my old TMP folder which had a lot of cutom fonts set up. After the upgrade, all these fonts were missing, and all text items were set to a default font. I copied over my fonts from my backup project, but the new TMP doesn't recognize them, and all the TMP fields in my project are now black. Does Stephan, (or anyone else here) know what I did wrong? It seems like font's set up with the Font Asset Creator tool in the old (source) version of TMP, aren't compatible with the new package manager version. There must be a way to properly handle this issue, so I'd appreciate any help any of you can provide. thanks!
  18. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Already replied to your post(s) on the TMP user forum.

    Upgrading to newer versions of TextMesh Pro (all versions) has always required removing the previous version of TextMesh Pro by deleting the "TextMesh Pro" folder prior to importing the new release. As such, it is always best not to save anything inside the "TextMesh Pro" folder hierarchy.

    In terms of where should TMP related resources like Font Assets, Sprite Assets, etc. be saved? Since many of these resources can be accessed via rich text tags like the <font>, <sprite>, <gradient>, etc tags, these have to be saved in a Resources folder and more specifically at the location specified in the TMP Settings file.

    In terms of why previously created files, scripts and resources have lost their references after the upgrade, this is due to the new package manager version of TextMesh Pro using a completely new set of GUIDs and FileID has explained in the first post in this thread. Previously created projects will need to be converted over to the new format using the "Project Files GUID Remapping Tool" included in this new version of TMP and found in the "Window - TextMeshPro - ..." menu. This is also explained in the first post in this thread.
  19. tachyon-particle


    Jan 5, 2016

    Unity 2018.1.1f1

    Just FYI and giving some feedback. I just finished using the conversion utility and the process took about 10+ hours during the "Scan Project Files". My Assets folder is quite large as it is 60+ Gigs. The conversion process was successful. This feedback might be helpful to anyone who is planning on using the conversion utility, of whom may also have very large asset folders, as the process may take many hours, half a day, or more to complete.

    All in all, I am very happy to finally have migrated to the new TextMesh Pro on Unity 2018.1.*

    Thank you.
  20. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    @tachyon-particle Any chance I could get my hands on your project (pre-conversion)? Although it worked, I would like to try to figure out why it is taking such a long time to convert. Submitting the project via the Unity bug reporter works fine or via private link in a PM or something.
  21. tachyon-particle


    Jan 5, 2016
    Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I won't be able to submit my project, due to many assets contained being proprietary and licensed. The "Save Modified Project Files" completed very quick, but the "Scan Project Files" was the one that took 10+ hours to complete. My raw assets folder, recursively contains 100,000+ files (includes meta and asset files) and 4,000+ folders.
  22. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    That's a huge project so I totally understand.

    Like I said (if anyone reading) this has a project of significant size, I would love to get my hands on it to look for ways to optimize the scanning process.
    tachyon-particle likes this.
  23. doougles


    Mar 30, 2015
    Hi Stephen,

    The upgrade instructions did not work for me and I'm wondering what I did wrong and what to do now.

    "Open Unity 2018.1 and expect to see lots of error messages since the older version and new versions of TMP are present thus resulting in class conflicts." ----> This was not true, eventually I realized I had to go get the TMP package myself through the Package Manager.

    After Import Essential Resources I did Project Files GUID Remapping Tool. That took 10+ hours. Despite having tons of TMP objects in my prefabs, the only results were three SDF .asset files. Should the prefabs come up?

    Now all my TMPro objects are blank.

    Anyway, any tips on what I should do? At a bit of a loss.
  24. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    The first step before going thru the upgrade process is to backup your project.

    Next, you should close all open scenes. It is actually a good idea to restart Unity at this point to unload any resources and the TMP plugin DLL in case the Font Asset Creator has been opened.

    Then remove the previous version of TextMesh Pro by deleting the "TextMesh Pro" folder. Be sure to backup any files / assets you might have saved inside the TextMesh Pro folder hierarchy. Also check the TMP Settings for any changes you might have made there.

    Once the previous version of TMP has been removed, install the new version of TMP via the package manager. Latest version is 1.2.2.

    Next, Import the TMP Essential Resources as well as the TMP Examples & Extras (just in case you were using some of the resources included in that).

    Then use the Project Files GUID Remapping tool. I don't know why this is taking this long and I am still looking for some Repro projects to look at. So if you could submit your project (prior to conversion) via the Unity bug reporter, that would be awesome.

    The Project Files GUID Remapping tool should convert all object, resources and prefabs over. Ie. everything should work just like before.
  25. doougles


    Mar 30, 2015
    Hi Stephan, thanks for the speedy response.

    I deleted the folder, but Package Manager thinks I have it installed still. So I removed TMPro from the Package Manager, installed it again, import the TMP Essential Resources, then tried selecting Project Files GUID Remapping tool... and that gave me a null reference error, I can't even open the menu.

    I went and deleted the textmeshpro cache folder from AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\, did the whole TMPro deletion--->install again, and I'm still getting null reference on selecting Project Files GUID Remapping tool.

    Any ideas?

    EDIT: Tried deleting the cahce again and now I'm no longer getting the null reference error... weird. I'm running the Project Files GUID Remapping tool now.... will let you know what happens when it finally finishes.

    Meanwhile: I'd have to ask my team permission to share the project... but it's over 60 gigs and my upload is pretty slow, so I'm not sure how feasible it will be for me...

    Last edited: May 22, 2018
  26. doougles


    Mar 30, 2015
    Hmm, OK, the GUID Remapping tool finished faster this time (only a few hours), but didn't find anything.

    So, all my TMPro objects still say the associated script can not be loaded.

    Any ideas?
  27. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    It should have found all the files referencing the old FileIDs and GUIDs. Just to be sure you are using Asset Serialization mode = Force Text with visible meta data? The tool would warn you otherwise but just in case.

    Please do ask permission from the team as getting access to the project would make it much easier for me to figure out what's going on here. I really want to figure out why the scanning process is taking so long and in your case not even finding what it needs to modify.
    oscarlosu likes this.
  28. Clemens-Scharfen


    Sep 15, 2014
    Hey guys,

    I just wanted to provide a little feedback: The upgrade process of TMP (following Stephan_Bs instructions) worked very well for me. (My Asset folder is just ~100MB, but it is a UI-only project and TMP is used a lot, the GUID Remapping took just a few seconds.)
    I went from Unity 2017.4.3 to Unity 2018.1.0 (so not the very last version).

    Never the less, after the GUID Remapping process, some errors were popping up in the logs. Everything is working (or at least, I could not yet find anything that is broken), but I wanted to share this with you (Stephan_B) anyway. Don't know if that helps, but please have a look into the attached screen shots.

    Log1.png Log2.png Log3.png Log4.png

  29. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Do you still get those errors after restarting Unity? I have run into some cases where after the upgrade Unity throws a bunch of those types of errors.

    P.S. To All -- I made some improvements to the GUID Remapping tool that should make it faster but all the projects I am testing with are taking less than 5 minutes to convert. So I still need to get my hands on some of those projects that take over an hour.
  30. tachyon-particle


    Jan 5, 2016
    Hi Stephan,

    Although my conversion process completed successfully, as I mentioned earlier this week, I have some thoughts and ideas.

    I noticed the GUID Remapping Tool only reveals the "Project Scan Results". Maybe you can add status of the current object (file) or directory, etc. being scanned so that way we can see which file and/or directory is causing the slowness. Also, maybe add a beginning and ending timestamp for the previous and/or current file scanned, or something.


    Another note, as this maybe a specific Unity 2018 thing, but I noticed my prefabs (each prefab containing 8+ objects with LODGroup, and each LODGroup containing 6 Skinned Mesh Renderer mapped to a specific LOD) is very slow when selecting them under the "Project" tab. I did some testing, and prefabs that contained many Skinned Mesh Renderer that uses a Mesh with very high vertices caused the slowness when selecting them. So this slowness in selection could be what the Remapping Tool is experiencing. Slow as in, the Unity editor pauses for about 20 seconds when selecting this kind of prefab under the Project tab. Multiply this by 200+ prefabs of similar behavior and the delay can add up. I don't remember this behavior happening in Unity 2017 or even Unity 5.*
  31. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Already added something similar based on previous feedback :)

    I also excluded some file types which don't need to be scanned but would still want access to one of those large projects that take hours to look at additional potential optimizations.
    tachyon-particle likes this.
  32. Clemens-Scharfen


    Sep 15, 2014
    No, after clearing the log, the errors disappeared and never came back.
    Stephan_B likes this.
  33. ina


    Nov 15, 2010
    2018.1.2 ... everything seems to kind of work in project upgrade except the fonts are all messed up (blocky!) ...

    so imported new TMPro. and now TMPro_FontAsset refuses to get assigned to TMPro Text???
  34. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Imported new TextMesh Pro from where?

    The version of TextMesh Pro for 2018.1 is only available via the Package Manager.



    However, before importing this new TMP UPM package, please be sure to follow the instructions from the first post in this thread.
  35. ina


    Nov 15, 2010
    So I updated from the Asset Store...
    Should I delete or try seeing if Package Manager might fix it?

    P.S. Did not know the Package Manager was a menu in 2018!

  36. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    If you are using Unity 2018.1, my suggestion is to migrate to the package manager version of TextMesh Pro. Be sure to backup your project first and to follow the instructions from the first post in this thread.

    You will also need to convert your project over to the new GUID and FileID format with the Project Files GUID Remapping Tool included in this new version of TMP. This is also explained in the first post.
  37. Redrag


    Apr 27, 2014
    Hi - I have gone thought the upgrade and everything is working. The only problem is that now all the text looks horrible - it is sort of grey and washed out colours - also it seems to be bitmapped... The TMP components seem to be working but its like they are behaving like the old Unity Text...
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  38. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Can you provide images showing these text objects?

    I presume you did use the Project Files GUID Remapping tool which is why you are saying the upgrade was successful?

    Any change you could provide me with a Repro of the project prior to upgrading?
  39. Nopol10


    Oct 25, 2012
    Hi, I'm in the process of upgrading a project to 2018 and the TextMeshPro upgrade process was quite smooth, thanks!
    I'm trying to get the size of the build down so that the apk can be 10 MB or less for Google's Instant Apps. One of the things I'm looking at is the 3D Physics library that does not get stripped from the build as it is a dependency of TextMeshPro. Is there any way to avoid having that added with the Unity 2018 version of TMP?
  40. Redrag


    Apr 27, 2014

    Yes I remapped fine, everything looks in place and the TMP components are all fine. Its just the results. I have also just switched to linear color space - that cannot have affected it surely?

    Its a pretty big project to provide unfortunately. Here is a screenshot (zoomed in a bit).


    Attached Files:

  41. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    What shader is used on that text object?

    Since the rendering is related to the shader and font assets, you should be able to create a new scene and use the same font asset just to see if the rendering is the same. If it is, export this new scene with the font asset and any material preset that it might be using. This would allow me to import this scene and resources on my end to try to figure out what is going on.

    Also make sure the Canvas Additional Shader Channels are set correctly. TMP needs TexCoord1, Normal and Tangent but just play with those to see if it makes a difference. I have run into a situation where old serialized data was affecting this.
  42. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    The Physics System is not a direct dependency of TextMesh Pro but rather a dependency of the UI / Canvas system which uses Raycasting.

    You might be able to shave some size by making sure you only include the shaders that you are using. Also verify that you are not including any unnecessary font assets or sprite assets.
  43. Redrag


    Apr 27, 2014
    Hi - I am using the distance field shader. I checked the Canvas Additional Shader Channels and they were wrong. After settting them on one Canvas all the TMP components then suddenly looked right everywhere. However when I run the project it goes back to the bitmapped fonts.

    I then tried a new scene in the same project. The same thing happens: good in design and bad when I run it.

    I have just tried to upload the scene but it says does not have an allowed extension (.unity)..
  44. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Just email me directly the resulting .unitypackage files to
  45. eyeceepee


    Mar 9, 2017
    8 this is driving me nuts.

    I'm trying to upgrade my project from 5.6.4 to 2018.1 (due to game breaking bug in Unity!). I've followed the steps at the beginning of this thread.

    Deleted Unity cache to ensure no TMP stuff lying around.
    Deleted TMP folder prior to converting to 2018.1.
    Added empty scene for initial load in 2018.1.
    Converted to 2018 OK.
    Installed TMP 1.2.3 from PackageManager.
    Installed Essential Assets.
    Ran GUID upgrade.....which identified all TMP in prefabs scenes etc.
    Modified identified assets.

    Every single TMP shows as missing script.

    Restart Unity....ditto.
    Reboot machine....ditto.

    Prior to the above I've tried removing TMP after conversion to 2018 rather than before then upgrade to 1.2.3.
    Tried installing 1.2.2 locally (successfully) then converting to 2018.1 then upgrade to 1.2.3.
    Tried installing 1.2.2 (successfully) after converting to 2018.1 then upgrade to 1.2.3
    etc etc etc

    In all instances cache was cleared, old versions deleted, Unity restarted.

    All have the same result (every TMP script missing).

    Any advice much appreciated.
  46. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    That should have worked. After the scan is done and you select "Save Modified Project Files" and accept the final confirmation that you wish to modify these files, that should be it.

    Is there any special about the location of your project and these files? Maybe some network drive thing getting in the way of those files being modified.

    Are you getting any errors in the console?

    Any chance you can provide me with a repro of the project prior to upgrading? I'll be more than happy to go through the conversion on my end to see if I spot any issues.
  47. eyeceepee


    Mar 9, 2017
    Hi Stephan...thanks for replying so quickly. Project is on C drive. No errors on Console. Project is 1.5GB zipped (not sure if that is what you're asking for...bit new at this stuff still!)
  48. Stephan_B


    Feb 26, 2017
    Any chance you can provide me access to the project prior to attempting the upgrade? You can provide me with a private link to download a zip of the project via PM or email or submit a bug report with the Unity reporter and include the project or temporary access to a repro so I can download it.

    Like I said that should all be working so I am certainly more than happy to take a look at what is going on here.
  49. novaVision


    Nov 9, 2014
    No even word mentioned about HOW TO FIX that TMPro namespacing error if I already installed 2018.1 not following the step 1.
    That's really stupid - I download new version, start to use is with TMPro, and only after need to google and spend hours to find a single topic in a forum about how to deal with it. Seriously?!!

    I don't wish to re-install Unity version. How to solve that issue?!
  50. dadude123


    Feb 26, 2014
    Is there any chance of getting &lt; and &gt; implemented?
    I want to avoid using <noparse>because it interferes with other libraries I'm using and they don't respect <noparse>.
    So currently I have to replace those <> symbols things in a really complicated way :(