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Unity's version control component has been upgraded to Plastic SCM.

Migrating from Collaborate to Azure DevOps Repos with Git

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by pccross, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. pccross


    Jun 20, 2015
    I see a number of folks are using Azure Devops repos to version control their Unity projects.
    For those folks who may have migrated their Unity project repos to Azure Devops, can you share how you overcame some of the Azure upload restrictions?
    I have 2 projects currently in Collaborate, one is 25 GB and the other 40 GB.
    I was able to export them as Git Repos onto local drive, but now I can't import them into Azure Devops. I'm assuming this is due to the restriction outlined on their info pages indicating local repos initial upload can't exceed 5 GB, and they only allow existing repo transfers from Github or Gitlab for repos greater than 5GB.
    How do I get around this for large projects? Do I have to pay for a month of Github hosting, and go through pain of transferring there, before moving to Azure DevOps Repos?