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Max shadow requests count reached - please deprecate this warning

Discussion in 'Graphics Experimental Previews' started by Enzi, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. Enzi


    Jan 28, 2013
    Can you please deprecate this warning message or write it in a way that it doesn't spam the editor?

    Max shadow requests count reached, dropping all exceeding requests. You can increase this limit by changing the max requests in the HDRP asset

    It's slowing down the scene so much, it gets impossible to navigate.

    On that topic, I don't think the warning message is that useful if it doesn't give info of how many lights are visible to tweak the max count properly.
    gareth_untether likes this.
  2. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    You can use the HDRP debugger to get a visual on lights being rendered then chase it down in the scene, try the tiled or other debug displays.

    I'd like the warning to stay (you can collapse it so it doesn't ruin your framerate) or just turn the warning off in the console. It should then have only minimal impact for your work. But better would be if they could print the name of the gameobject with the light at least, then it can be easily found.

    I kinda consider this information fairly important so we would want it optional or something.
    msmoyle likes this.
  3. altepTest


    Jul 5, 2012
    I'm using unity for an year and at least 4 months trying to understand the HDRP workflow, there are like a dozen of places where various settings can be changed and for the love of god i can't seem to find whatever some warning ask me to change.

    bought an asset from store upgraded the materials to HDRP now this warning is spamming the console and is asking me to "change the max requests in the HDRP asset" What HDRP asset, where is this option? :confused:
  4. florianalexandru05


    Mar 31, 2014
    Good question I can't find it either.
  5. BattleAngelAlita


    Nov 20, 2016
    Fall in the same problem. Basically, this warning says that you have more shadowmaps from point/spot lights that HDRP can fit in to shadowmap atlas. Problem is that it's impossible to say to HDRP stop rendering shadow maps after reach some amount. I.e. i cant cap shadowmaps count to 8 for performance reason. Only way is to manually switch on/off for every light, like in good old 5.x days.
  6. florianalexandru05


    Mar 31, 2014
    I found the issue, you have to set up your shadow thing in the main HDRP settings profile. If I set it high "1000" I get good fps two, note I'm using real time lights and not baked. It all works now but I still get weird shadow glitches. HD shadows are a bit weird, I'm still not sure if it's a bug or if there's something that I'm doing wrong. I like the overall quality of HD, it's far superior but I'm having issues I ever had with the standard RP. I'll give it more trial and error before I jump to conclusions.
    SuvalYao likes this.
  7. Liderangel


    Jul 8, 2018

    Even Collapsed the Editor turns into a Powerpoint presentation.
    ms502040, esteban16108 and SharkoFR like this.
  8. alti


    Jan 8, 2014
    either up the quality you're running the scene at, or change the number allotted to that particular quality setting. click the HDRP render asset > (in the inspector) Light > lights > set your max numbers for that quality setting. Also make sure your shadows you allot to that quality setting aren't below the number of shadows your lights are casting. (located just above the light submenu)

    Or remove the respective light types from your scene until you meet the # on your lowest quality setting. There's nothing more to do than that.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2022
    the-oli and fswebdesign like this.