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MathNet in Unity - "Task exists in both System.Threading and mscorlib"

Discussion in 'Formats & External Tools' started by Narvalou, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. Narvalou


    Mar 31, 2015
    So i've been trying to use MathNet to do some math stuff within Unity, I've had only troubles. First off to find a version that can be installed: If i did it with the nugget package manager from vs, i got an error saying i was missing a using statement or assembly reference, the using was there and all i could find was that apparently the newer versions are not supported because it is .NET 4 (maybe i'm wrong but that's what i understood).

    Then i tried dowloading a version of mathnet that still had the 3.5 dll and added them to Assets/Plugins and now i have this "Task exists in both system.threading and mscorlib" error in unity. The error doesnt show up in vs tho. I've seen other posts said that i had to use full names like "System.Threading.Tasks.Task" but it doesnt solve the problem for me, i dont know if i'm doing it correctly. When i look where is the error, it is in a file called TMP_PackageUtilities.cs in a function called "ScanProjectFiles" where it calls "Task.Run()".

    If you had the same problem i would be glad to know how you fixed it, if you need more information i can provide too. Thanks a lot.
    ArunH likes this.
  2. ArunH


    Oct 16, 2020
    We are also facing same issue