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Unity's version control component has been upgraded to Plastic SCM.

Lots of genereated files (ignored), but are still checked for changes.

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by DouglasPotesta, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. DouglasPotesta


    Nov 6, 2014
    I have a project that generates a lot of files (stored in a folders). I have the folders set to be ignored by collab in the .collabignore file.

    When I open the project it gives a load bar saying "Checking for changes." The load bar takes substantially longer when there are files (around 200 files per forlder) inside the folders than when there are none in there.

    I would think that since the folder is ignored when it checks for changes it should not even look at the contents inside the folder. My experience above seems to reveal the opposite though.

    Collab itself still correctly ignores the content when it comes to making commits.

    My big issue is that it adds about 3-8 minutes of wait time.

    My suggestion is to have the "checking for changes" process skip over folders that are set to be ignored by the collabIgnore.

    TLDR; Ignored folders are still checked on start up, adds a lot of time if there are a lot of files. Collab should not check ignored folders for changes on start up.
  2. christophera_unity


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 16, 2018
    @DouglasPotesta thanks for the suggestion. Ideally, Collab would work this way, but Collab does not see a project in a structured manner. Each file in the project is controlled by Asset Database and that sends them to Collab. So, we will always receive and process ignored files inside ignored folders. One of the first things we check is whether the file is ignored so that we can short-circuit the logic to track the file. That's pretty much the best we can do with the current architecture. I'll keep your suggestion in mind and see if I can find further ways to optimise the setup we have!
    DouglasPotesta likes this.
  3. DouglasPotesta


    Nov 6, 2014
    Thanks for the insightful reply.
    Completely understandable.
    I kind of figured it was something not so simple to fix, otherwise you guys would’ve done it.
    christophera_unity likes this.
  4. DouglasPotesta


    Nov 6, 2014
    I am going to add these to an asset (ie AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset) and see if that will allow Collab to skip over all of them.