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Loading scene progress bar

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by zedz, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. zedz


    Aug 31, 2013
    For years Ive been doing basically

    this is all well and good, the bar updates usually (sometimes it just jumps straight away to 0.9)

    The problem is after it reaches 0.9 it then freezes for like 4 seconds, where nothing is done, its impossible to update the progress bar

    after these ~4 seconds the apps surrenders control to me again, so my function OnLevelFinishedLoading(..) gets called

    Could it be that my scene is a lot more complicated than the above scenes in the 2 examples, i.e. if I load a simpler scene in my game then theres not a 4 second delay its near instant.

    i.e. progress bars look good if the scene is small which begs the question, if your scene is small and loads quickly then why have a progress bar :)
  2. GroZZleR


    Feb 1, 2015
    Avoid complicated code in Awake, OnEnable and Start, as all of those functions run synchronously when you load a scene.
    zedz likes this.
  3. zedz


    Aug 31, 2013
    OK thanks I don't think its that but I just had a quick check now just to be sure

    Sorry I had a bit of a brain fade I should include the profiler info of the frame

    you can see here it freezes for ~5 seconds
    if my scenes a bit smaller eg ~5% of the size ~20% the polygon/material etc count (i.e more dense) there is no pause i.e. the frame takes ~10msec vs nearly 500x slower here, sure its larger but no where near 500x larger