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Loading Resources at Runtime (Resource Folders)

Discussion in 'Documentation' started by JesterGameCraft, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. JesterGameCraft


    Feb 26, 2013

    I've been looking at the Loading Resources at Runtime Unity documentation and suspect that it might be out of date. Here is the link:

    Under the Resource Folders in the Note section it speaks of Edit -> PlayerSettings First Streamed Level. I think it means Edit -> Project Settings. I've looked at forums and someone mentioned that First Streamed Level is in the Other Settings in Project Settings but I don't see it there. Also looking at the scripting API it appears to be deprecated. So my question is if that is in fact the case and First Streamed Level is no longer around. If that is the case though, then what about all the resources.sharedAsset file info in the documentation. Is that no longer relevant?

    I want to use Resource Folders in my game but wanted to understand how it works and the documentation is confusing me, not sure what to believe. I'm using 2019.4.29f by the way.

    Any insight is appreciated.

  2. JesterGameCraft


    Feb 26, 2013
    I figured I provide an update for anyone that is interested. The documentation states to look at the following tutorial:

    As it happens this tutorial is deprecated. However in the tutorial when Resource directory is discussed, the tutorial recommends not to use the Resource director (except for few exceptions during development only). So even though tutorial is deprecated I think this info still stands (my interpretation). Another area are resource bundles. My game is small and I don't think I will be using resource bundles but I think resource bundle information in the tutorial is still valid. I wish that Unity would clarify this.

    In any case the answer is Addressables as the tutorial note states to use. I started using Addressables package and gave up on the Resource Folder mechanism. Hope this helps anybody that has similar questions. Also if you disagree with my interpretation let me know.