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Linux IL2CPP Builds Failing (Unity 2019.3)

Discussion in 'Unity Build Automation' started by LiveOverflow, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. LiveOverflow


    Jan 27, 2019

    since Unity 2019.3, Unity supports IL2CPP builds for Linux. However I have tried a few different 2019.3.x versions as cloud build target and all of them fail:

    391: [Unity] ERROR: Error building Player: Currently selected scripting backend (IL2CPP) is not installed.
    392: [Unity] Error building Player: Currently selected scripting backend (IL2CPP) is not installed.​

    Is there a specific Cloud Build Unity version or setting that will work?

    Possibly related, but secondary, I have also tried to build using IL2CPP on a Linux machine and installed Unity Editor with IL2CPP support. But there it fails with `Exception: /home/user/Unity/Unity2019.3.0f5/Editor/Data/il2cpp/build/deploy/net471/il2cpp.exe did not run properly!` which is obviously a problem, because it tries to execute a Windows executable. Where is the Linux `il2cpp` binary?
  2. victorw


    Sep 14, 2016
    IL2CPP will not function for Linux in Cloud Build - currently you can only run IL2CPP builds on the same operating system you are building for and we do not run any Linux machines. We're currently working on Windows support and much of the infrastructure required for that will also apply to Linux however we're not actively working on adding Linux support right now.